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Wait...I should just go to every thread and post something that would definitely help me with volts
I actually really do love your avi Neko
Posted in The Autumn Box [Free Art and Stories!] OPEN! Posted 7 years ago
@Mica: Hi! I am doing okay~Just working on math rn
Aw bye Luffer!
Luffer; hehe me too! I want all the colors~but like I said I am broke
@Luffer Nutter: It's such a cute item!
Hey Neko!
Woo the thread is moving faster!
That sucks star!
Hey welcome back Sass!!
Same here Luffer, lol must resist!
I don't know honestly, but I am not participating in most of them.
@Unicorn: Well with school and babysitting my brothers and having to clean the house which is a mess rn because of my brothers -_-
I don't have time to make threads
Oh that's true! I just wish I had more things to say because my posts are usually always short which means I don't get exactly 50 volts per post
Lol I wanna post as much as I can cuz I am broke >.<
We can be broke together xD
Lol I kind of wish it was like that rn
I really want to but I don't have time >.<