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This is Candy Corn.

@Teemo: Thank you :D
This is Candy Corn.

I don't know who else to ask lol
Here is what I have so far xDD
Every artist has their own unique style and way of creating art. An artist's style doesn't always stay the same, it can change. The more your practice the better you get.
This is Candy Corn.

It's okay >.<
This is Candy Corn.

@Teemo: Darn. I just wanna know what she means by that question.
This is Candy Corn.

Wanna trade? xD
This is Candy Corn.

@Teemo: 1k is a good goal :)
It isn't about him lol
Well it doesn't have to be
This is Candy Corn.

@Teemo: I'm jealous. I want to be an adult already. T_T
This is Candy Corn.

@Teemo: Lol yeah same!
5k is a big number too tho :P

Can someone tell me what my teacher is asking?
"Describe why some artists must adapt the way they do their artwork (like Matisse does)." After you answer your discussion with 2-3 paragraphs read at least 2 of your classmates posts and respond.
I'm stupid and don't understand lol
This is Candy Corn.

@Teemo: Yeah my parents won't let me
Aw that's nice.
This is Candy Corn.

@Teemo: Yes! Oooo now i'm excited haha
This is Candy Corn.

@Teemo: I wasn't able to donate >.<
This is Candy Corn.

@Teemo: Thanks lol
yeah Panda is so close to her goal, 10k! We should have a party when she reaches 10k OUO
This is Candy Corn.

@Teemo: yes I believe so, it's when the alpha crates went out.
This is Candy Corn.

@Teemo: Haha yeah I post a lot. I haven't made it on the top posters list yet but I am so close to being on there!
But I did make it on the top posters since Oct. 17th list. 1st place woot!