Ravaen's posts
Posted in Lina's Event Art -FULL
Posted 7 years ago
@Lina: hehe I love the items that's for sure! :)

Posted in Lunakiri's Halloween Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: Good Morning! :) Nice outfit you got there! hehe
Yup I'm sure I'll always run into some that are into like me. :)
My stories tend to be very small.....they are rarely ever really big. lol But still fun all the same. :)
@Lunakiri: Hello my dear! :)
Yup I'm sure I'll always run into some that are into like me. :)
My stories tend to be very small.....they are rarely ever really big. lol But still fun all the same. :)
@Lunakiri: Hello my dear! :)

Posted in Lunakiri's Halloween Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
Forgot to say that I'm heading to bed but I shall be back :)
Was great chatting with you guys!!
Forgot to say that I'm heading to bed but I shall be back :)
Was great chatting with you guys!!

Posted in Lunakiri's Halloween Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: haha my family is against it. I would hate to know what they would say if they found out I read Boy Love. LOL
Nah not really good with RPing...I just like giving them stories and some art of them. :) Most of my OCs are Closed Species you get on DA. haha
I do love reading other people's RPs though. I've been hooked on a few but then the site died. OTL
@lunakiri: OH WOW! I'm trying to just get the items I know I would use and in the colors I like....still a lot though. LOL
Nah not really good with RPing...I just like giving them stories and some art of them. :) Most of my OCs are Closed Species you get on DA. haha
I do love reading other people's RPs though. I've been hooked on a few but then the site died. OTL
@lunakiri: OH WOW! I'm trying to just get the items I know I would use and in the colors I like....still a lot though. LOL

Posted in Lunakiri's Halloween Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: hehe I'm still learning the ropes and spending all my
@Dowan: haha He seems to think so. I just glare at him since I really can't do anything to get back at him...he is over a foot taller than me. LOL
He isn't open to any of my Anime stuff. OTL I'm the only nerd in the family. LOL Which is okay...I have friends that like it so I can chat with them about it or make OCs and give them "life" LOL

@Dowan: haha He seems to think so. I just glare at him since I really can't do anything to get back at him...he is over a foot taller than me. LOL
He isn't open to any of my Anime stuff. OTL I'm the only nerd in the family. LOL Which is okay...I have friends that like it so I can chat with them about it or make OCs and give them "life" LOL

Posted in Lunakiri's Halloween Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: I wish he shared the same tastes that I do but I am alone in my anime/manga stuff. He calls me his Cute Little Nerd.....among other things. LOL
Plus it has a bit of Boy Love in it so he won't even touch that with a 100 foot poll. LOL
@lunakiri: Looking good!!
Plus it has a bit of Boy Love in it so he won't even touch that with a 100 foot poll. LOL
@lunakiri: Looking good!!

Posted in Star's Halloweenie Thread
Posted 7 years ago
@star2000shadow: haha are our avatars ever really done? hehe

Posted in Lunakiri's Halloween Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: haha I haven't shown my husband. LOL Told him a BIT about it but not much. hehe But it really is suspenseful and I wasn't sure if it was something I should keep reading but then....boom I read the last updated chapter and felt cheated on not having ALL of it. LOL

Posted in The Reaping Ritual Begins!
Posted 7 years ago
So excited to get all the items!!

Posted in Lunakiri's Halloween Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: I think people who aren't artists wouldn't understand...I think. But most artists would. hehe

Posted in Lunakiri's Halloween Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: OH I DO KNOW! hehe I happen to come across one day and I've NEVER read anything like it before but I can't stop re-reading it. LOL Chapter 35 shocked me haha Not sure what to think about it. hehe But he is SO good looking! haha
@lunakiri: Yup that makes sense to me all too well. LOL
@lunakiri: Yup that makes sense to me all too well. LOL

Posted in blin's Halloween Art Shop [IMPORTANT UPDATE]
Posted 7 years ago
@Shadami: Hello my dear ;) I'll be popping in and out as well as it is almost bed time. hehe
@Blinkini: OH! I hope work goes smoothly for you!
@Blinkini: OH! I hope work goes smoothly for you!

Posted in Lunakiri's Halloween Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: I KNOW RIGHT?! hehe Hello :)
@lunakiri: yuppers! I'm tempted to draw my avatar but I wanna get the perfect outfit first. hehe
@lunakiri: yuppers! I'm tempted to draw my avatar but I wanna get the perfect outfit first. hehe

Posted in Lunakiri's Halloween Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: oh I meant the bases. I need to get points to get the bases bc there are some users that remove their bases from time to time.
Yeah I've seen dahub but I usually just do adopts and get points. My tablet pen broke so I've been without it till a few days ago. hehe
Learning how to use this one as it is different from my old one.
Yeah I've seen dahub but I usually just do adopts and get points. My tablet pen broke so I've been without it till a few days ago. hehe
Learning how to use this one as it is different from my old one.