Ravaen's posts
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@ishoji: I can have a little but it will mess me up. lol I have stage 4 endometriosis. I had surgery a bit over a year ago to get it removed but it came back....with vengeance. So I have to change what I eat or it will cause a BUNCH of pain and my belly will swell up. OTL It's not fun at ALL.

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@Lina: IT'S THE TRUTH!! OTL *holds on tighter* You can't leave!!
@Ets: haha Mostly Ferin and Xynthii Refs of my babes at the moment. :) Been getting art too. hehe Lots of Sangwoo and Bum. HEHE
Got my Joker themed babe now too https://toyhou.se/1409726.2-joker
He isn't JOKER though...just likes the character a lot so he does Cosplay with his Girlfriend, Queenie ^_^
@Ets: haha Mostly Ferin and Xynthii Refs of my babes at the moment. :) Been getting art too. hehe Lots of Sangwoo and Bum. HEHE
Got my Joker themed babe now too https://toyhou.se/1409726.2-joker
He isn't JOKER though...just likes the character a lot so he does Cosplay with his Girlfriend, Queenie ^_^

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@Lina: I think Tragicomedy grabbed the key when I pulled them in with me. And just now when you tried to walk away I reached through the cage door bars and it just....opened. OTL

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@Lina: have you forgotten that YOU put me in the cage??
Proof! *digs feet into ground more*
Proof! *digs feet into ground more*

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@ishoji: hehe thank you! Sadly.....no. Candy is a no no for me but I love it so much. haha
@Ets: HAHA I was shocked when I saw in the mail box! And happy...very happy. hehe Oh I've been drawing things for myself and a few customs for others. :)
how you doing??
@Lina: GAH! NOOOOO *escapes from cage and clings to you*
@teatales: wow that is a lot of books you are reading at once! haha I tend to bounce around with my books. I started the Sookie Stackhouse series (again) then started the Thirst series (again), and another series I can't remember the name of....grrr.....oh and some manga online. HAHA
@Ets: HAHA I was shocked when I saw in the mail box! And happy...very happy. hehe Oh I've been drawing things for myself and a few customs for others. :)
how you doing??
@Lina: GAH! NOOOOO *escapes from cage and clings to you*
@teatales: wow that is a lot of books you are reading at once! haha I tend to bounce around with my books. I started the Sookie Stackhouse series (again) then started the Thirst series (again), and another series I can't remember the name of....grrr.....oh and some manga online. HAHA

Posted in Ravaen's Quest Thread
Posted 7 years ago
@green poker: yeah it's pretty stupid how much they charge!

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@ishoji: hehe yup! :)
@ets: YES! I got my new pen yesterday. Wasn't suppose to be here till today but I am SO not complaining. LOL
@Lina: well...you said you were abandoning me forever. LOL
Yup but it's a different pen so it has a different feel to it. hehe
@ets: YES! I got my new pen yesterday. Wasn't suppose to be here till today but I am SO not complaining. LOL
@Lina: well...you said you were abandoning me forever. LOL
Yup but it's a different pen so it has a different feel to it. hehe

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@Austiderps: Tablet works but pen broke. hehe New Pen came in today!!! A DAY EARLY! I've been drawing for a bit now. HEHEHE *glomp huggles*
@Lina: My new Pen came in today! I am SO HAPPY!!! hehe *pokes* I see you came back!!! YAY! *clings*
@Yuracye: *Tablet Pen GLOMP*
I usually forget to delete them. haha
If you draw him you should do it so the hair changes from pink to purple. HEHE
I know that feeling! Today has been a bad day for me due to that stupid disease -_- but it's my own fault for eating no no food. -_-
@Lina: My new Pen came in today! I am SO HAPPY!!! hehe *pokes* I see you came back!!! YAY! *clings*
@Yuracye: *Tablet Pen GLOMP*
I usually forget to delete them. haha
If you draw him you should do it so the hair changes from pink to purple. HEHE
I know that feeling! Today has been a bad day for me due to that stupid disease -_- but it's my own fault for eating no no food. -_-

Posted in Ring or Fling?
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@Austiderps: I've been bored for the last 10 days. OTL My tablet pen broke so I haven't been able to draw. LOL
@Unicorn: Seems today is going to be a warm day again. OTL
@Unicorn: Seems today is going to be a warm day again. OTL

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@Unicorn: Right now it is really chilly! OTL How about for you?
@Austiderps: HAHA that's what I get for being slow on logging in! I was going to kidnap you from your work. hehe YAY for weekends!
@teatales: ME TOO! Plus a cuppa mid-day! LOL I think we have a tea store somewhere around here. only been living here since April this year. lol But I need to look into some other teas for sure!
hmmmm I started reading the original Grimms brother stories but then found more manga. LOL You?
@Austiderps: HAHA that's what I get for being slow on logging in! I was going to kidnap you from your work. hehe YAY for weekends!
@teatales: ME TOO! Plus a cuppa mid-day! LOL I think we have a tea store somewhere around here. only been living here since April this year. lol But I need to look into some other teas for sure!
hmmmm I started reading the original Grimms brother stories but then found more manga. LOL You?

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@Austiderps: You still at work?!? hehe
@yuracye: haha *glomps* I don't always get them either!
well it looks great! Gonna do art of him? not sure if I'll ever do a male....OH! Maybe I'll change mine to male for Halloween. LOL
Even 8 hours would be amazing! haha
@Lina: *starts to cry even more...and louder*
@yuracye: haha *glomps* I don't always get them either!
well it looks great! Gonna do art of him? not sure if I'll ever do a male....OH! Maybe I'll change mine to male for Halloween. LOL
Even 8 hours would be amazing! haha
@Lina: *starts to cry even more...and louder*

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@Austiderps: GOOD MORNING! *glomps*
You're welcome! And you did pull off the Fall theme! Oh the original Grimm brother stories. LOL
@Moossey: tea is the best! hehe Hello! And this is my first time using a Bamboo....I like my Wacom for sure! :)
@Teatales: Exactly!! I just had a cuppa and I'm wanting another. LOL
@Lina: NOOOOOOO! Don't abandon me..../cries at the bottom of the cage/
@Yuracye: *glomps back* Cute avi!! hehe
No worries...I get lost all the time. LOL
WOW! I wish I could sleep for that long! OTL
You're welcome! And you did pull off the Fall theme! Oh the original Grimm brother stories. LOL
@Moossey: tea is the best! hehe Hello! And this is my first time using a Bamboo....I like my Wacom for sure! :)
@Teatales: Exactly!! I just had a cuppa and I'm wanting another. LOL
@Lina: NOOOOOOO! Don't abandon me..../cries at the bottom of the cage/
@Yuracye: *glomps back* Cute avi!! hehe
No worries...I get lost all the time. LOL
WOW! I wish I could sleep for that long! OTL

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@Austiderps: haha yeah but I poof a lot! LOL (Cute avi by the way!)
I'm about to go read a book in bed. ^_^
I'm about to go read a book in bed. ^_^