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Posted in Tea Party For Creepers Posted 7 years ago
@fuuchan: I've never really good at RP. But my OCs I can come up with cool things. LOL
@Yuracye: HAHAHA Well YEAH! I have to get you here too! I'm loving the dresses! :)
@Lina: YES Please!! We need lots more rain over here!
@unicorn: We don't have TV. haha It's kinda nice but we also don't know what's been going on bc we can't watch the news.
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers Posted 8 years ago
@Lina: I will :)
The rain has helped a lot! But we need it to rain a lot more to help with the fires. :/
@fuuchan: HAHA It feels great when they happen!!
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers Posted 8 years ago
@Unicorn: I usually have music going or a show on the computer LOL When the house is just to myself...a bit of back ground noise is nice :)
@Vig: haha that's good to hear! I woke up an hour ago and I'm so tired but other then that...I'm good :D
@blinkini: I like it here! Can't wait till there are more items that is for sure! hehe
@fuuchan: I tend to have good ideas from time to time. LOL
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers Posted 8 years ago
@Fuuchan: oh?! I'll have to go look after I reply! hehe

@Lina: yeah I stay inside for the most part. It Rained today which we really needed. Wish we got more rain!

@blinkini: How are you liking it here? :)

@Yuracye: *Glomps*
I wear a lot of black...well dark colors. I have a few whites and other colors but mostly black. LOL

@Vig: I THOUGHT SO!!! How are you doing!?!?!

@Unicorn: Yup I'll get some on Saturday :)
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers Posted 8 years ago
@Lina: That too. I was also thinking it could be due to all the fires we have going on around us. OTL The air is considered unhealthy for humans where we live. OTL

@blinkini: Could have been real life for a bit then they realized that site was dead but this one is so new....might as well get a new start. hehe

@FuuChan: That doll with your avi is so cute! haha It's just hanging around. LOL
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers Posted 8 years ago
@Lina: I'm going to blame this odd weather we are having!!
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers Posted 8 years ago
@lina: Same here! I get up at 6am and go to bed between like 9 and 10 but I can't fall asleep till after 11 or 12 OTL I just don't get it!
I'm gonna try some bed time tea tonight...see if that will help me

@Unicorn: Sadly I did run out of it. But I plan on getting some again. lol

@FuuChan: HAHA yeah it does help with not remembering a lot of bad memories! :D

@blinkini: I wonder why they are so dead these days! O_o

@Yuracye: Black is like the best color tbh! That's why I have a black Mustang and a black quad. LOL But MAN do they show the dirt. My new truck is white...always looks clean. LOL

@Vig O_O I know you....don't I?!?!?! That name looks familiar to me!! O_O
Posted in Ring or Fling? Posted 8 years ago
(I made this on another avatar site and it was fun so gonna do it here. hehe)

Basically would you put a ring on the avatar above you or are they only good as a Fling? hehe

*looks up....* Fling since I see no one there :vanora_xd:
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers Posted 8 years ago
@FuuChan: hehe My memory isn't all that great either to be honest. LOL

@Unicorn: I could totally go for some right now too. hehe

@blinkini: A lot of the older sites (minus Gaia) haven't been doing well so maybe they will all come to this one. hehe
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers Posted 8 years ago
@FuuChan: I think it was under a different name but "Tea" was in it. LOL

@Unicorn: haha sounds good! I love Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream :)
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers Posted 8 years ago
@FuuChan: I think I had it on too. LOL I seem to use it on all avatar sites now :)

@Yuracye: haha as it should be!
I think Black/Pink/White is a good combo but that is just me LOL

@blinkini: I wish they did too! The more people there are...the more friends you make! :)

@Spring: hehe Totally okay with me! :D

@Lina: You should get some food then! Though I'm sure you have by now haha
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers Posted 8 years ago
@Lina: Hello my dear! How are you doing today? hehe
@blinkini: I guess they would have to be into this stuff to understand lol
@yuracye: HAHA as long as you are comfy! Yeah I do love black/teal! Such a pretty combo!
@slytherclaw: Hello my dear! How was work?? :)
@FuuChan: hehe oh yes! I had to bring it here too! hehe
@Unicorn: Maybe I'll have to give Bubble Tea a try then.
@SirLionelNigelConrad: haha I would say that is a teacher! hehe
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers Posted 8 years ago
@blinkini: me too! I have enough of that in real life as it is. My health can't handle it! OTL Having places like this and DA....and anime and tea....haha is very relaxing to have. :) The hubby doesn't understand though. :/
Posted in Count to 100 before the staff gets us! Posted 8 years ago