Ravaen's posts
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 8 years ago
just going to keep this for future creeper things..... *creeper dance*

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 8 years ago
just going to keep this for future creeper things..... *creeper dance*

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 8 years ago
just going to keep this for future creeper things..... *creeper dance*

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 8 years ago
Art I've done for random people. lol

Art by me on 11/2/17
Base by Prettypumpkinhead on DA

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 8 years ago
Here is my 2017 Halloween Event Avatar

Here is the art of her

by @ishoji

Here is the art of her

by @ishoji

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 8 years ago
Just a bit about me....
Creeper Admin: Ravaen (aka Demon Queen)
hehe HELLO!
I go by Ravaen on the internet. It's nick name I got YEARS ago and it just stuck. ^_^
I have a lot of other nicknames but this is the one I go by the most. *sips tea* And as you can see....I LOVE tea! hehe
So my bday is January 26th (art is the BEST present ever!...just saying)
Just a heads up....I tend to poof:
1) Family is needing me
2) Family is visiting
3) Company
4) This disease I have is flaring up and I'm dead to the world due to the pain I'm in.
I promise to reply to everyone as soon as I can. :)
Other places I'm at:
Facebook = Active
Skype = Active
DA = Active
Red, Blue, Black, Pure White, Tea, Roses, Anime/Yaoi, Music, Tattoos, Art/Drawing, Killing Stalking series....Sangwoo is HOT
(yup I'm ignoring the Dislike part)
My Nicknames
(I'd love more!!):
Ravey, Rave Baby, Rave Cave, Mama Bear, Rave Cake, Rave Rave. Mama Ravey davey, Ravey Darling, Muffin, Goddess Rave The Brave, RaveyPoo, RaVaen-muffin, Boo-Boo, Black-chan, Ravey-Chan, Ravez, Raver, Ray Vae, Poe, RaeRae, Ravey Bear, Ravioli, Milady Queen BlackRavaen, Rava Lava, Ravie, Ray2x, Black, Blackiepockie, Briller, Kurokarasu-senpai, Ray, BRav, Ray-Ray, ravii, bbyboo, Ravu, Rara, mama ray ray, cherrie, Revina, Ravy-baby, Briller Chiller, Shortcake
Creeper Admin: Ravaen (aka Demon Queen)
hehe HELLO!
I go by Ravaen on the internet. It's nick name I got YEARS ago and it just stuck. ^_^
I have a lot of other nicknames but this is the one I go by the most. *sips tea* And as you can see....I LOVE tea! hehe
So my bday is January 26th (art is the BEST present ever!...just saying)
Just a heads up....I tend to poof:
1) Family is needing me
2) Family is visiting
3) Company
4) This disease I have is flaring up and I'm dead to the world due to the pain I'm in.
I promise to reply to everyone as soon as I can. :)
Other places I'm at:
Facebook = Active
Skype = Active
DA = Active
Red, Blue, Black, Pure White, Tea, Roses, Anime/Yaoi, Music, Tattoos, Art/Drawing, Killing Stalking series....Sangwoo is HOT
(yup I'm ignoring the Dislike part)
My Nicknames
(I'd love more!!):
Ravey, Rave Baby, Rave Cave, Mama Bear, Rave Cake, Rave Rave. Mama Ravey davey, Ravey Darling, Muffin, Goddess Rave The Brave, RaveyPoo, RaVaen-muffin, Boo-Boo, Black-chan, Ravey-Chan, Ravez, Raver, Ray Vae, Poe, RaeRae, Ravey Bear, Ravioli, Milady Queen BlackRavaen, Rava Lava, Ravie, Ray2x, Black, Blackiepockie, Briller, Kurokarasu-senpai, Ray, BRav, Ray-Ray, ravii, bbyboo, Ravu, Rara, mama ray ray, cherrie, Revina, Ravy-baby, Briller Chiller, Shortcake

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 8 years ago

Now for some simple rules:
- Follow Site Rules
- Respect everyone
- No drama/keep it PG-13
- I see no point in having an Unwelcome list...you'll know if you are welcome or not
- More can be added

Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 8 years ago

Hello and Welcome to the Tea Party For Creepers.
So here is a place for all you Creepers and Tea lovers to post, get to know other Creepers and Tea Lovers and to have fun.
Now you don't HAVE to be either one, as everyone is welcome here.
*sips tea*

Posted in Hello!
Posted 8 years ago
@Miss Kitty: hehe hello my dear! I'm gonna say it's been a very long while as your username is not looking familiar. OTL
@Neko: Thank you very much!!
@Neko: Thank you very much!!

Posted in Hello!
Posted 8 years ago
hehe yeah a friend told me to join. :)
haha ^_^
hehe yeah a friend told me to join. :)
haha ^_^

Posted in Hello!
Posted 8 years ago
@FuuChan: I remember your username :)
Thank you though!!
Thank you though!!

Posted in Hello!
Posted 8 years ago
@KimmiChan1989: Yup I was BlackRavaen over there :)

Posted in Hello!
Posted 8 years ago
Hello everyone!
Just joined so I am still lurking mostly so I can learn how this place works. :)
But wanted to say hello!!
Just joined so I am still lurking mostly so I can learn how this place works. :)
But wanted to say hello!!