Roshan's posts
Posted in [Avi Contest] On Stranger Tides
Posted 7 years ago
@Khajitten: mmm but I don’t want to drown you. I am tempted to just keep you! Lol.
And no the pings aren’t really working for me either

Posted in The Weasley Games ~WINNERS ANNOUNCED!~
Posted 7 years ago
Goodnight vengeance!!

Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have
Posted 7 years ago
30 shells

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
Whooo!! How is everyone?!

Posted in [IC][1x1] Roshan and Khajitten
Posted 7 years ago
@Khajitten: yea! It is weird I am not getting a lot of pings myself!! Hope it gets fixed soon!!
indenting Oh? So the fact that I tend be rather formal bothers you is it? Sorry to disappoint you considering I normally write formally especially in my notes before I write up my reports. It really seems as if it bothers you to the point that I find it rather funny.
indentingwhy don’t you use scent hiding products? I am sure it would make your job better considering I am sure you deal with creatures or people who tend to track by scent like I do.
Of course she was referring to the dark wizard werewolves that were a nuisance back when Lord Voldemort was trying to take over the world.
indentingI honestly don’t have a plan. I tend to just wing it and it ends up working out for the best for me. For now I am going to just watch and observe, because if the boy is not in there than I have been tracking the wrong pack and it could cause trouble for the locals.
indenting If the boy is there than that is exactly what I plan to do. Sneak in, give him a sleeping drought and then sneak out with him. Of course I will be casting some silencing spells on myself and him as well to help stay unnoticed.
indenting Aw! Your worried about me and oddly trust me.....that is rather~
Rosalynn snapped the book closed and quickly put it away as she spotted the boy she was after being caught once more and taken back inside the cave. She had a feeling that Jace was going to be upset with her since she suddenly had stopped writing but she had no choice as her attention was needed else where.
She pulled her wand out, whispering spells on self before she moved closer, looking for the rest of the pack. She needed to know where they were at before she went inside. She sent a prayer up that she would be able to pull this off and get the boy back home safe and sound.

Posted in mermicorn (half mermaid & half unicorn)
Posted 7 years ago
*does a little dance*

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
Right!! Slowly but surely we are getting to that goodie bag!!

Posted in You Can Stand Under My Umbrella | [Hangout]
Posted 7 years ago
@KayBit: it is but I feel bad for the dog since she can’t escape her grasp. Now she is doing kid yoga from YouTube lol

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Khajitten: exactly! That is why he needs to worry to realize how much he likes her lol

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Rhys Luna Emweise: your welcome -nuzzles- just need you to accept the trade

Posted in The Weasley Games ~WINNERS ANNOUNCED!~
Posted 7 years ago
I wouldn’t even know where to begin in making one of those

Posted in [Avi Contest] On Stranger Tides
Posted 7 years ago
Yes but I I am siren so I sing you to your doom and kill people. Lol. But your right mermaids are pretty cool!

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Nephila: that is the point!! They just do as they want so I need to see them and sort them out and make sure I pick the right main character

Posted in The Weasley Games ~WINNERS ANNOUNCED!~
Posted 7 years ago
Awww it is cute!