Roshan's posts
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest
Posted 7 years ago
Hello!! Seems I have been missing out. How is everyone?

Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout
Posted 7 years ago
What is up everyone! -hugs you all-

Posted in [IC] Tuijp & Roshan
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: yea it was pretty good! Oh well I hope you had a good weekend none the less. Sadly life has been keeping me busy.
That taken the dark skinned female by surprise. No one had really said they could careless on which house a person was in as house rivalry was something that was encouraged there in Hogwarts. ”You would be the first to think that way despite everything that is going on in the world.” she actually gave this male a weak smile before pulling her mask back on to keep the charade up that all want and expect from her. She watched as his trunk got loaded into the overhead compartment, placing a calming hand on her feline as the owl was placed near them.
Of course she noticed all the little details such as him already being halfway through his defense against the dark arts book.
She let the silence drag out between them before she decided to speak up and make a little conversation only to have her be cut off before even a word escapes her. ”Yes, ma’am. Can I have some pumpkin pasties, a chocolate frog, fizzing whizzbees and pumpkin juice.” Jasmine asked as politely as she could as she pulled a few gallons out herself to complete the transaction.
”Thank you....want a whizzbee?” she asked as she offered her own back to him, carefully picking a bean out before giving it a little nibble. ”ugh cat food. Here Yuki.” she offered the rest of the bean to her companion who ate it willingly. ”So ummm do you like Defense against the dark arts? she spoke softly to him, munching on one of the pasties. Letting her curiosity of this male get the better of her considering she knew slytherin a were mean and vile and cruel to the other houses so no one was spared except those who were a bit more family but they weren’t when at home.

Posted in So I think i did a bad thing.....
Posted 7 years ago
Well my niece doesn’t care about the adult movies as she always go into the kid movies. I mean it is put away properly where she can’t see it or even think about it.
I mean I know I didn’t do anything wrong but I know their relationship is I’m volatile I guess. Cause it seems like any wrong thing that happens blows up into something bigger. I know they don’t have a healthy relationship.....

Posted in So I think i did a bad thing.....
Posted 7 years ago
Okay. So here is the deal. My sister and I got home from working out together and her magic mike dvd was in the trash. She has a five year old daughter which clearly it is inappropriate for her. It was placed in a draw that she never goes into with a bunch of other adult movies. So I threw an empty almond butter container away and saw it in there. Well if anyone knew my niece you would know that she likes getting into things, throwing things away she doesn’t need to do so with. Such as dishes and books and occasionally movies. So naturally I asked what it was doing in the trash thinking my niece did it and then it just kind of snowballed from there......

Posted in [S] DI's+more!
Posted 7 years ago
@RainbowPanda: well I am happy you are *huggles* cause it helps me in my quest for everything!

Posted in [S] DI's+more!
Posted 7 years ago
@RainbowPanda: I still appreciate it none the less as not many people are willing to do such a thing. :)

Posted in Roshan’s Quest!! [Open]
Posted 7 years ago
I have updated a bit I guess. Well fixed it a little. lol

Posted in [IC] Tuijp & Roshan
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: sorry I have been gone for these past few days. Everything has been busy here. I hope you enjoyed your weekend and father’s day!
Jasmine absently strokes the silky fur beneath her hand, her eyes weren’t even focused on anything before her as her mind was else where. You see she was deep in thought about how her summer went. Which for most would have probably more normal or with their parents trying to keep them from going to school to protect them from the crackpot professor running the place.
No, her parents practically put her into training camp/summer school for the whole vacation time. That seemed to be her only thing they cared about, preparing her to fight along side them with the Dark Lord. A frown crossed her face as she mentally went over the new spells she learned and the grueling dueling lessons that were beat into her since failing was not an option.
She gained a reprieve from her thoughts when the Ravenclaw spoke up, gaining her attention in doing so.
”Are you sure you want to be seen with a slytherin? The others left because of that very fact.” She spoke bluntly to him, making sure to keep emotions out of her voice and off her face other than a snobbish tone to fit with the whole she is better than him. ”Feel free to do as you please. Everyone does.” she adopted a bored tone, turning her eyes back out of the window after she motioned to him to take a seat.
Jasmine absently strokes the silky fur beneath her hand, her eyes weren’t even focused on anything before her as her mind was else where. You see she was deep in thought about how her summer went. Which for most would have probably more normal or with their parents trying to keep them from going to school to protect them from the crackpot professor running the place.
No, her parents practically put her into training camp/summer school for the whole vacation time. That seemed to be her only thing they cared about, preparing her to fight along side them with the Dark Lord. A frown crossed her face as she mentally went over the new spells she learned and the grueling dueling lessons that were beat into her since failing was not an option.
She gained a reprieve from her thoughts when the Ravenclaw spoke up, gaining her attention in doing so.
”Are you sure you want to be seen with a slytherin? The others left because of that very fact.” She spoke bluntly to him, making sure to keep emotions out of her voice and off her face other than a snobbish tone to fit with the whole she is better than him. ”Feel free to do as you please. Everyone does.” she adopted a bored tone, turning her eyes back out of the window after she motioned to him to take a seat.

Posted in [Hiatus] That Sketchy Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
@Khajitten: it is fine kitty! Just take your time we can be patient on our end! :D besides I could just nudge you to our rp. Anyways I hope your enjoying your weekend!!

Posted in [IC] Tuijp & Roshan
Posted 7 years ago
The Train was going down the tracks at a steady pace, students were getting into their seats or tracking down the tea trolley for their snacks. Jasmine ran a hand through her purple hair as she found a semi empty compartment to rest until they got to Hogwarts for the year. Though this year was different as tensions were high between everyone because of Harry Potter and Voldemort and the war that many knew was just bubbling under the surface of the happy, but slightly melancholy time.
She knew it better than anyone that Voldemort was back that Harry and Dumbledore was right and that behind the scenes there was a battle going on even secret battles within Hogwarts itself.
Her fingers ran lightly through the nebelung’s silver blue grey fur as her duel color eyes looked out the window, wondering how this was all going to turn out. Vaguely listening to the companions in her compartment who decided to get up and leave since they didn’t want to be near a slytherin who was decidedly evil just because of the house they were in.
She knew it better than anyone that Voldemort was back that Harry and Dumbledore was right and that behind the scenes there was a battle going on even secret battles within Hogwarts itself.
Her fingers ran lightly through the nebelung’s silver blue grey fur as her duel color eyes looked out the window, wondering how this was all going to turn out. Vaguely listening to the companions in her compartment who decided to get up and leave since they didn’t want to be near a slytherin who was decidedly evil just because of the house they were in.

Posted in Roshan’s Quest!! [Open]
Posted 7 years ago
@Professor Snape: well according to pottermore I am in slytherin house. Professor.

Posted in [Hiatus] That Sketchy Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
@Khajitten: okie dokie! Have loads of fun! See you tomorrow! Lol.

Posted in [Hiatus] That Sketchy Art Shop
Posted 7 years ago
@khajitten: aww thanks -hug-