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Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 7 years ago
How is everyone today?
@Shadami: yes! An it would explain why Morgan isn’t attracted to her cause he is her twin. Lol.

Awww I will have to look the name up to see how it is pronounce but I imagine Morgan or Dahlia calling him Eiggy all the time just because of how his name is spelled. Lol.
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 7 years ago
Hello again everyone!!
Posted in Roshan’s Quest!! [Open] Posted 7 years ago
@vintage: oh thank you!

@Chaos: thank you! I hope it goes well!

@RainbowPanda: sure thing! It isn’t a problem at all and thank you so very much!
Posted in Roshan’s Quest!! [Open] Posted 7 years ago
Thank you each and everyone of you! I greatly appreciate all the help!! Your such wonderful and sweet people!!
Posted in Roshan’s Quest!! [Open] Posted 7 years ago
Reaper smile
Skunk Punk
Metal Swimwear
Sky Master
Reaper jacket
Candy Corn witch stockings
Reaper boots
Candy corn witch shoes
Missing spell book
Pond Sailing
Candy corn witch broom
Reaper Scythe
Candy corn witch belt
Electric Swimwear
Candy corn witch hat
Skullie Background
Skullie Belt
Skullie Boots
Skullie Head
Skullie Helmet
Skullie Top
Static in Wonderland
Survivor Crafted Armor
Survivor Crafed Gloves
Survivor Crafted Pants
Twin's Spells
Vregory Boots
Vregory Hair
Vregory Top
Strawberry Delight
Dual toned dolly hair
Dual toned styled hair
Corvid couture
Autumnal spruce
Magnificent inspector
Night light
The electrician
100k milestone USB hoodie
25k milestone charge up
Frizz (milestone)-
50k milestone headset
Metal smoke
Halloween sets
Alice in wonderland set
Vyctors horns
Dual Toned Knights Bangs
Dual Toned Edgy Ponytail
DJ FURocious
Angel and devil imp
Guardian Spark
Vigilante Double Pistols
Vigilante Gear
Vigilante Jacket
Knightwalker tank
Valorous Knight
Victorious Captain
Bird of Prey
Key to the City
Soulmate Strings
Lucky Saint Paddy’s Day 2k18
Tea pot
Reaping Ritual '17 Goodie Bucket
Curious case
Basket it also has a chick
Vyctor's Belt
Knightwalker Bat
Knightwalker Tied Jacket
Heart bubble
Sound swimwear
Static set
Posted in Roshan’s Quest!! [Open] Posted 7 years ago
Dual Toned Swoosh Hair
Sweet Cakes
Floral empress
Spring Showers
Frog prince
Queen bee
Samurai Shock Set
Undercover as AoE
Vyctor Plushie
Vanora Plushie
Poop! Pants
Boob or Dood? Shirt
250k Milestone City Scape
Ice swimwear
Fizz set
Alice Rare
Autumn Block Party Gift Bucket
Velvet's Necklace
Velvet's Earrings
Vanora's Belt
Vanora's Necklace
Viv's Flower
Viv's Apron
Vontell's Watch
Vontell's Book
Valentina's Tool Belt
Valentina's Work Gloves
First Aid (Blackout Goodie Bag)
Posted in Roshan’s Quest!! [Open] Posted 7 years ago
Special thanks to these wonderful people!

Rhys Luna Emweise

And several other people whom shall remain anonymous.
Posted in Roshan’s Quest!! [Open] Posted 7 years ago
Thread locked due to inactivity. If you are the creator, and wish to unlock your thread please issue a ticket. Instructions to unlock thread found here.

So I am questing for items of old!! And for volts And umm I will make this better and prettier tomorrow after sleep! So that is it for now!
@Shadami: Poor Eiggy!! he will be loved! so i was thinking that my characters would be part veela to explain Dahlia's looks lol anyways talk tomorrow!
Posted in [IC][1x1] Roshan and Khajitten Posted 7 years ago
Date: July 5th

Well this is going to be fun. So I picked up this nicely old leather bound book up from a dusty bookshop I found down in Knockturn alley. Though I should be weary about it since that isn't a good place to go according to the witches and wizards around here, but this journal was just perfect for me to write in and start keeping a log of my travels. So I suppose I should do this proper in case I die and someone finds me. This way someone will know who I am and be able to send my things and body back to my sister.

So My name is Rosalynn, I am a 27 year old Female and my job is protecting magical creatures from the muggles and general any danger posed to them. Currently I am in England trying to track down a young werewolf that was recently turned and was taken from his home from a small island off the coast. To be honest I am not sure where I should start as the muggles have not been very much help and I can not go to the ministry of magic here as I am sure they would not be willing to locate a muggle turned werewolf. I have traveled far to be here and failing is not an option. I have to find the poor boy to help him go back to his family and help to hide this new side of himself from them. IF he can not do that then i will have to wipe their memory of him and find a new home for him to live at. Maybe my sister will keep him....she always wanted a child of her own. Well Time for me to head out into the woods in search of the pack.

The dark haired female closed the book, smiling softly to her self as she cast a simple spell upon it to keep it locked closed before slipping it into the small bag hanging from her waist. Her golden eyes stared at the dark forest before her that swirled with a mysterious fog that made it hard to make out the trees. She knew she was going into a dangerous situation but this was just something she had to do, something that she cluldn’t Leave alone in the least little bit. Rosalyn finally got the courage up and took the first step in her rescue mission. Unbeknownst to her the journal had a twin and where ever it was; it was giving signs to it’s owner to draw attention to the fact that it has a message in it.
Posted in [IC][1x1] Roshan and Shadami Posted 7 years ago

Morgan glanced at the pale female that entered, noticing the tattoo that she was sporting on one side of neck and shoulder, it piqued his curiosity but he didn't say anything as he turned his attention back out the window. It hadn't been long before another female opened the door, asking to join them. He ran a hand through his black hair turning his bright green eyes to her. He looked the female over, giving a small snort before he motioned to the vacant seats. "Have a seat. It isn't like we are going to kick you out." he said to her in a low voice that was a bit rough as if he hadn't spoke in a long while.

He looked back at the red head as she mentioned he being a transfer student, causing him to frown even more. "Yes....It wasn't really my choice to be a transfer student.. These things tend to happen though." he said after a bit, sighing as he turned his attention outside again, noting that they were going over some water, soon realizing that he was being rude. He turned his attention back to the girl after she was all settled into the cabin. "My name is Morgan and i come from America." though it wasn't like his accent didn't give away the fact that he was a foreigner. he shifted slightly before smiling and offering his hand to the two girls. ”Who might you two be?”


Dahlia smiled at the girl who asked to join them, nodding her head in agreement before she was drawn to the strange male who was the first to speak up out of the two of them. "Sure. You can join us. It doesn't seem like anyone else would like to join this little cabin anyways." Where her female counterpart was dressed like and edgy rocker skater girl, Dahlia on the other hand was dressed in a simple pale blue dress and simple flats as well. she tucked her pale blonde hair behind her shoulder. She looked towards Morgan as he was the first to introduce himself and explain he was from a completely different continent all together, she shook the offered hand. "My name is Dahlia. It is nice to met you." her voice was soft and small and would be hard to hear if it was far louder in the cabin, though her attention was soon turned else where when her small little sugar glider popped it's head out the hidden pocket on her dress to look around the area. A pink tint crossed her face before she attempted to hide the small creature from view, giving her companions a sheepish smile.
@Shadami: lol that works out perfectly and i am working on another post now lol
i am very rusty