Runner Available's posts
Posted in Ouch.
Posted 5 years ago
Ugh, that's awful... Hope you don't feel it too bad the next day. :(

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 5 years ago
Inferno, from the Promare soundtrack. It's so catchy. ;_; I woke up with it stuck in my head reeeeeeee.

Posted in People are nuts
Posted 5 years ago
Urgh. I just got back from a 4:30am Walmart run (I wake up super early), and the toilet paper shelves were EMPTY, along with most of the cleaning supplies, trash bags, paper towels, etc.
I keep reading articles that people are panic-buying because they feel like shit is out of control, due to the Trump admin not really giving decent leadership in any way, shape or form. The president is sitting down one day, saying this will all blow over, then the next day, he's like "eh maybe it will maybe it won't idk ¯\(°_o)/¯", then comparing the tests to his "perfect phone call" that got him impeached which is tasteless and I just --
The virus isn't nearly as terrifying as the reaction to it from our leaders (US anyway) and the gen pop.
Sorry for the political rant, I've never been so truly affected by what a president has (or has not) done before. The lack of response is truly, truly amazing and scary. Not only that, but I'm watching my stocks plummet every weekday, too, so that's fucking pleasant.
I keep reading articles that people are panic-buying because they feel like shit is out of control, due to the Trump admin not really giving decent leadership in any way, shape or form. The president is sitting down one day, saying this will all blow over, then the next day, he's like "eh maybe it will maybe it won't idk ¯\(°_o)/¯", then comparing the tests to his "perfect phone call" that got him impeached which is tasteless and I just --
The virus isn't nearly as terrifying as the reaction to it from our leaders (US anyway) and the gen pop.
Sorry for the political rant, I've never been so truly affected by what a president has (or has not) done before. The lack of response is truly, truly amazing and scary. Not only that, but I'm watching my stocks plummet every weekday, too, so that's fucking pleasant.

Posted in What's your favorite podcasts?
Posted 5 years ago
Last Podcast on the Left is my favorite tbh, they cover true crime and are funny as hell. Also gonna see them live next month! I suppose some people may find issue with their brand of humor though.
Sword and Scale is more true crime, but... the host, Mike Boudet, is kind of a dumbass. I dunno, the content is fine but the host needs to chill the fuck out about how much he hates #woke culture. I came here for true crime, not to listen to someone bitch about Twitter lol.
Southern Fried True Crime is kinda nice, a little bland, but the woman who hosts it has a soothing voice, so I appreciate it.
The Dollop covers American history with two comedians. They're ok, their jokes are hit and miss, but they cover some obscure stuff (like stuff from my hometown, which is so small that people in the state didn't know where my hometown was) so that was awesome.
Sword and Scale is more true crime, but... the host, Mike Boudet, is kind of a dumbass. I dunno, the content is fine but the host needs to chill the fuck out about how much he hates #woke culture. I came here for true crime, not to listen to someone bitch about Twitter lol.
Southern Fried True Crime is kinda nice, a little bland, but the woman who hosts it has a soothing voice, so I appreciate it.
The Dollop covers American history with two comedians. They're ok, their jokes are hit and miss, but they cover some obscure stuff (like stuff from my hometown, which is so small that people in the state didn't know where my hometown was) so that was awesome.

Posted in Daylight Savings.
Posted 5 years ago
I'm so happy. * u * Fall makes it hard to get out and do stuff after work, I get so tired when it gets dark at like 5, and I don't really like going outside in the dark. Not to mention I think I have a pretty moderate to severe case of seasonal affective disorder, so I feel really down during fall/winter. :[
But now it won't be dark til 7:15 or so, I'm thrilled and feeling way better. AllTrails has a lot of places I still wanna check out, and I can finally start doing that after work instead of waiting for the weekend. :D
But now it won't be dark til 7:15 or so, I'm thrilled and feeling way better. AllTrails has a lot of places I still wanna check out, and I can finally start doing that after work instead of waiting for the weekend. :D

Posted in Online clothing stores
Posted 5 years ago
Rainbow is absurdly cheap online, but there's some questions about how ethical fast fashion is...
Good luck buying shoes, I don't think I've ever bought them online because they vary so much. At least with clothes, you can get measurements in inches, but shoes are just... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Good luck buying shoes, I don't think I've ever bought them online because they vary so much. At least with clothes, you can get measurements in inches, but shoes are just... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Posted in Your worst fears.
Posted 5 years ago
Knowing that every second, my body is breaking down more and more and someday I will die. Pretty standard fear, of course, but it's one that sometimes keeps me up at night.
Though, after reading On A Pale Horse by Piers Anthony, a suicide victim had some great insight, that he wasn't conscious before he was born and he will not be conscious after he dies. It's a weirdly comforting thought.
Though, after reading On A Pale Horse by Piers Anthony, a suicide victim had some great insight, that he wasn't conscious before he was born and he will not be conscious after he dies. It's a weirdly comforting thought.

Posted in I have become obsessed with stardew valley
Posted 5 years ago
Omg I've been playing a lot of Stardew recently too... I'm really bad about playing games since I work two jobs, but I've managed to get 50 hours in since about December.
Think I might try to woo Sebastian in the coming winter month...
Think I might try to woo Sebastian in the coming winter month...

Posted in help! which wheels?
Posted 5 years ago
@kegs: Yep!! I live in NC now but grew up in CT, had a Subie the whole time I lived up north. :) Both Subies I owned were early 00's shitboxes, so I really didn't have a reason to call out of work LOL.
I do love my Civic though, but yeah. I'm sure the WRX will serve you very well, she's absolutely gorgeoussss. I love that bright red color, I kind of wanted my Civic in neon red, but family talked me down because "red cars get pulled over the most" (I looked it up, white cars actually get pulled over the most), so I'm a little jealous but mostly starry eyed at your beast.
I do love my Civic though, but yeah. I'm sure the WRX will serve you very well, she's absolutely gorgeoussss. I love that bright red color, I kind of wanted my Civic in neon red, but family talked me down because "red cars get pulled over the most" (I looked it up, white cars actually get pulled over the most), so I'm a little jealous but mostly starry eyed at your beast.

Posted in help! which wheels?
Posted 5 years ago
What a pretty Subaru omgggg. I had to go car shopping last year and looked at Subies for three minutes before realizing how damn expensive they are, ugh. But I also don't live in the northeast anymore, so I landed on a 2019 Civic instead lol.
My vote goes for black though! Black and red are good for sports cars, imo, it looks super sexy.
My vote goes for black though! Black and red are good for sports cars, imo, it looks super sexy.

Posted in Krita users: tips?
Posted 5 years ago
I clear my layers by just using a massive eraser lol. Tbh I only use Krita on my tablet because Photoshop's UI doesn't change with the resolution of my Surface Pro, so it's tiny and hard to read. :(
Krita is great for painting though, I hope you get comfier with it, it's great free software.
Krita is great for painting though, I hope you get comfier with it, it's great free software.

Posted in Browsing Zillow
Posted 6 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:
I for sure fantasize on Zillow among other places.
Currently a home owner but the house is...not great. Lots of bad decisions made with this one. lol
1) It's a duplex, so it's quite small. Which isn't a big deal as it's only my fiance and I anyway but
wouldn't be optimal if we were to want to raise a family.
2) The other half of the duplex is owned by his parents. Which from the start I thought was a bad
idea to be wall to wall with family, but everyone talked me into it being a great idea and not to be a sore sport.
I was right. It's kinda miserable. Love them, sweet people! Close proximity no thank youuuuuu.
They are LOUD. They are ALWAYS screaming at eachother. I don't think they even love each other anymore and just sticklers for tradition at the cost of their own happiness. We are on entirely different schedules so they constantly wake us up. That and their dogs are very poorly trained, and they never walk their dogs. Just let them out side and shit in both of our yards without picking it up. The dogs will bark for half an hour every time a car drives by- including if we pull up home. ITS A NOISY NIGHTMARE lol
3) There's no stores within 20 minutes of us and commuting has been a pain I didn't anticipate would bug me this much to literally anywhere. It's an hour drive to work and an hour drive back home. orz
4) It's built so weird and I didn't realize it when first looking around. Like one night hte battery in our smoke detector was beeping off because it was dying but the smoke detector was on one of our high ceilings...that requires a giant ass ladder (like 20 feet) to get. We didnt own one and the stores near by didn't sell one so we had to wait three days for a expensive ass ladder to be delivered so we could change the battery. xD there's LOTS of weird little building choices like this throughout the house that don't make much sense and are challenging to work around. xD
Dream house, dream location won't ever happen RIP:,fsbo_lt/house,condo,apartment_duplex,mobile,land_type/2086639562_zpid/4-_beds/1.5-_baths/1000-_size/Garage_att/pricea_sort/42.390121,-71.65472,42.167093,-71.88818_rect/11_zm/0_mmm/
and just for fun- the impossible millionaire only one:,fsbo_lt/house,condo,apartment_duplex,mobile,land_type/56744098_zpid/58448_rid/4-_beds/1.5-_baths/1000-_size/Garage_att/pricea_sort/42.340084,-71.771021,42.22858,-71.887751_rect/12_zm/0_mmm/
(well first house isn't 'dream' location, but ideal location for work. I have high hopes to move to Canada someday.)

I for sure fantasize on Zillow among other places.
Currently a home owner but the house is...not great. Lots of bad decisions made with this one. lol
1) It's a duplex, so it's quite small. Which isn't a big deal as it's only my fiance and I anyway but
wouldn't be optimal if we were to want to raise a family.
2) The other half of the duplex is owned by his parents. Which from the start I thought was a bad
idea to be wall to wall with family, but everyone talked me into it being a great idea and not to be a sore sport.
I was right. It's kinda miserable. Love them, sweet people! Close proximity no thank youuuuuu.
They are LOUD. They are ALWAYS screaming at eachother. I don't think they even love each other anymore and just sticklers for tradition at the cost of their own happiness. We are on entirely different schedules so they constantly wake us up. That and their dogs are very poorly trained, and they never walk their dogs. Just let them out side and shit in both of our yards without picking it up. The dogs will bark for half an hour every time a car drives by- including if we pull up home. ITS A NOISY NIGHTMARE lol
3) There's no stores within 20 minutes of us and commuting has been a pain I didn't anticipate would bug me this much to literally anywhere. It's an hour drive to work and an hour drive back home. orz
4) It's built so weird and I didn't realize it when first looking around. Like one night hte battery in our smoke detector was beeping off because it was dying but the smoke detector was on one of our high ceilings...that requires a giant ass ladder (like 20 feet) to get. We didnt own one and the stores near by didn't sell one so we had to wait three days for a expensive ass ladder to be delivered so we could change the battery. xD there's LOTS of weird little building choices like this throughout the house that don't make much sense and are challenging to work around. xD
Dream house, dream location won't ever happen RIP:,fsbo_lt/house,condo,apartment_duplex,mobile,land_type/2086639562_zpid/4-_beds/1.5-_baths/1000-_size/Garage_att/pricea_sort/42.390121,-71.65472,42.167093,-71.88818_rect/11_zm/0_mmm/
and just for fun- the impossible millionaire only one:,fsbo_lt/house,condo,apartment_duplex,mobile,land_type/56744098_zpid/58448_rid/4-_beds/1.5-_baths/1000-_size/Garage_att/pricea_sort/42.340084,-71.771021,42.22858,-71.887751_rect/12_zm/0_mmm/
(well first house isn't 'dream' location, but ideal location for work. I have high hopes to move to Canada someday.)
I've never sympathized with a post so much lol. I currently live with my sister, her husband and their two babies (my sweet nephews who I love dearly) in a tiny one bathroom house.
They're gross and lazy and have no respect for my stuff. The husband eats all my food, neither of them clean, no respect for my bedtime which is early bc I work two jobs.
God, I feel your pain.
Are duplexes bad in general you think? I'm thinking of renting one when I move later this year. I guess it depends on who your neighbor would be, but at the same time, it's half of a house all to yourself and I've seen some for $700 a month in the area I'm looking at.
Those are some cute homes!! I hope you find peace wherever you move next.

Posted in Browsing Zillow
Posted 6 years ago
Just pretending I can afford a 20% down payment on a $400k home.
Anyone else fantasize about owning a home? What would be your ideal dwelling?
Honestly I'm aiming for a 150-200k townhome or condo. I'm one person so I don't need much space, and I hate doing outside work, but I don't want to flush money down the drain as a renter, lol.
Anyone else fantasize about owning a home? What would be your ideal dwelling?
Honestly I'm aiming for a 150-200k townhome or condo. I'm one person so I don't need much space, and I hate doing outside work, but I don't want to flush money down the drain as a renter, lol.

Posted in What was the last movie you saw?
Posted 6 years ago
Got about halfway through Mother! over the weekend. I should finish it. It's a little frustrating to watch because no one reacts like a normal human in the movie, but I'm assuming that's a plot point. If it's not a plot point, I'll frown.