Seihou's posts
Posted in Undertale RP [Seihou and Alicethemadhatter]
Posted 4 years ago
There had been silence for the longest time.
Nothingness. Loneliness. Not knowing what was going on in their surroundings.
This has been life for the longest time, and there was no end in sight. But that was until Chara was greeted by the sound of faint bird song, and the howling wind. They felt the sun hit their eyes, and something soft beneath them.
"What's... going on..? Where am I? Why am I awake? How am I awake?" They croaked, sitting up right as they felt a burst of energy from their core come forth. They looked around their surroundings, and noticed the bed of buttercups... and a human?!
"Whoa, what?!" Chara shouted, scrambling a bit away from the human laying next to them. "How did you get here?! Who are you??" Chara demanded, looking around frantically as they suddenly realized. "Where's..?" They stopped, noticing that they were transparent, their eyes growing wide as they waved their hands in front of them. They were definitely see-through. "What happened to me..?" We failed, but why am I here? How am I here? Didn't I die? How is this even possible?
Chara began to feel more frantic as they tried to get up normally, but ended up floating instead. They screamed in horror. "HOW?! WHY? Is this some sick joke?!" They cried out, about to start hyperventilating. They were definitely going to need to have some time to calm themselves down at this rate.

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yeeeeah, that might need some taking used to for sure. I struggle with PTSD so I have social anxiety and trust issues, ontop of the fact that it's kinda hard to make friends nowadays. If there was a chance I can do that, I wouldn't mind trying, but at the moment it's difficult enough to get me out of the house without any obligations D':

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I'm sure it will, I'm not losing hope yet. I mean, I literally did just get a crush of mine tell me he'd date me, so that's very uplifting for sure :'D

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Aw, that's pretty great! I'm happy for you guys :D

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Kairu: Thank you! I know it's okay to be single, and I'm definitely sure I'd be happy as long as I have my friends, but sometimes I just wonder about my... feelings towards romance? I guess you could call it? I dunno, something like that TuT
@Totalanimefan: Aw, that's actually kinda cute! :'D

Posted in Undertale RP [Seihou and Alicethemadhatter]
Posted 4 years ago
This is a roleplay between me and Alicethemadhatter! You can read but if you're not me or Alicethemadhatter, please do not post!

Name :: Chara (Has another name, but can't remember at the moment)
Appearance ::
Small note: This Chara has freckles, bright red eyes, and tan skin. They love to wear long sleeved sweaters for comfort and wore shorts that showed scratched up legs from running around and other things.

Age :: about 16
Bio ::
Chara doesn't remember much about their past. They forgot after they had died, but they remembered everything that happened to them in Underground. Their memory is a bit spotty, but they're sure that they can remember more if they walked through the Underground to familiar places. They don't really want to talk about their past, and only Asriel knew more about their past than even Asgore or Toriel.
By the way, where is Asriel?
Inventory ::
- Chocolate bar
- Heart locket
- Bandage
- Buttercup
Name :: Nero (Kunal)
Appearance ::
He likes to wear dark clothing, and he's commonly seen in a black hoodie with black pants.

Age :: about 17
Bio ::
Nero had lived as an orphan almost his entire life. He had no family left, so he lived in an orphanage. One day, he was dared to go to the base of Mount Ebbott by a group of kids, and Nero just wanting to get it over with, complied. Next thing he knew, he tripped and fell right into a cavern, where he ended up passing out from the head injury. Toriel was going to water the yellow buttercup field when she found Nero still unconscious. She brought him back into the Ruins and offered her home to him once he settled in and felt better. Ever since then, Nero stayed with Toriel for a little over 2 years. He never felt the need to leave. There was no reason to. At least, not until now.
Inventory ::
- Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie
- Snail
- Apron
- A spare stripped sweater (just in case)

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, that's true. Lately though it feels like it's kinda difficult to find someone who would like me and not expect me to be anything but asexual >>;;; I dunno, love is weird, and I'm always wondering if I'm aromantic or not. It's a real struggle

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Apparently :'D
Yeah, I've never been one to do that I think. That was until my friend told me. It's honestly a bit concerning because something must be really troubling me if I mumble in my sleep. I've also been told that I snore a bit, but it's a quiet snore and apparently it's cute? I dunno, an ex-friend told me that so I have no idea.
Yeah! I don't really have much self-confidence, and I've never had anyone tell me before that they would date me (who aren't friends and say that as a platonic thing), so this definitely made me feel special. :D I didn't really think anyone would be interested in me like that

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, it was really good! Apparently my stepdad started craving pancakes after I ordered them, but the restaurant ran out of pancake batter to make him one. So he asked me to make him pancakes at home. O:
Yeah, I always hate waking up at night. And apparently one of my friends had told me a few times before that I mumble in my sleep sometimes and it would sound like I'm scared, even though I don't remember anything. It's honestly eerie, but it makes sense due to my past and trauma I guess ; - ;
Yeah! It makes me happy knowing that, he's just a great friend and he's so sweet! Even if we don't date or if he didn't even tell me that, I would've loved to stay as friends either way. Just like I make him feel comfortable to be himself, he makes me feel the same way :D

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: We went for breakfast, so I ate a pancake platter that had pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon. It was really good! I honestly wish I got more bacon T u T
Right?? It's too cold! ; - ; I think the lowest that we got to was maybe 9 degrees? It was hella cold!
I'm not sure honestly. If it gets too bad, I have melatonin gummies I can take. But me sleep schedule had always been weird, so right now I'm just letting it be and see what happens. Sometimes I get into a sort of routine, so at least me sleep is consistent. What I really care about is that I stay asleep. When I start waking up randomly at odd hours is when I have actual problems. >>;;
And as for what I'm doing now with power, I'm checking the news, talking to friends, and watching Youtube. So yeah, basically that. I'm also trying to write in my journal, but that's been a struggle because depression D':
Right?? Lately I've been remembering memes that are relevant to conversations I have with friends, which is kinda funny. I never knew it would come to that though :'D
Also! On random news, my friend-crush had told me that he's so comfortable with me and that he likes me enough to where if he wasn't single and if I lived near him, he would totally date me. That happened yesterday and I'm still happy about it despite knowing that it's not gonna happen (at least anytime soon). I've had a crush on him for a while now, and we've been online friends for a few years, so this was amazing. I don't think I've ever had a crush tell me they would like to date me so this is really special to me T u T

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I definitely would have made the fort sooner, but EVERYTHING WAS TOO COLD. I literally didn't want to be exposed to the cold air because it was so cold! I just wanted to be under a blanket the entire time. T ^ T The only reason I was able to make the fort that time was because I had gotten back from eating warm food at a restaurant (there was places in the next town that had electricity, so we went to a restaurant to eat).
Yeah, that's basically me. If I'm bored enough I will eventually end up napping. And it was like that for me, except I would randomly wake up at odd hours because I find myself to be a bit warm, and that's sometimes how I normally wake up too. I've always had sleeping problems, and especially when I'm depressed. So I'd wake up, and then I'd just read or do whatever. Honestly, I don't even know what I did now @ - @
Yeah, definitely. Also, speaking about Ted Cruz, it just reminded me about how there was that one Vine video where this one guy was at a rally that had Ted Cruz in it, and the guy had a poster that implied that Ted was the Zodiac Killer, and when he turned it around to show to Ted Cruz and yelled out "WE WANT ANSWERS", Ted Cruz just gave him a look that was like "Wow, really?"
Just a random thing that makes me laugh. At this point I'd believe that he's the Zodiac Killer as a meme

Posted in Seihou's request thread!
Posted 4 years ago
I'm always looking for partners if anyone is interested!

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I don't really go to a lot of Chinese restaurants, so my best bet is to go to an Asian grocery store and get some there, which shouldn't be too hard. O: I just need to go there at some point, which might take a while. O:
And I'm doing okay now! Basically we're lucky enough to have a grill and my stepdad had friends who had charcoal and stuff. We have lots of candles because my mom likes those, so we were good on light for the most part. It was just the coldness of everything that made things unbearable, and also not being able to know when the power was gonna back on, or any way to charge our devices to find out. At one point even the cellphone tower didn't have power (or at least was giving off a really weak signal). But we were okay I think. A funny thing that happened was I literally had just finished making my blanket fort, because I saw on twitter people suggesting to do that to be warm since you're surrounded by warm stuff, and a minute after I finished, THE LIGHT CAME BACK. I kept my fort up for a while after though because it was nice, but eventually we had dinner and I had to bring the chair I was using over D': But yeah, basically I was very bored, and I slept/stayed awake a lot. I would read some books I had, but then it would be dark and too cold to even think so I would just sleep again. > ~ <
I hope things get better though. Climate change is such a real thing, and this definitely showed how terrible our Texas government is. I always didn't like Greg Abbott, and Ted Cruz made me feel a bit concerned, but now I definitely don't want them in office anymore. Luckily now I can vote them out, but jeez.

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yeah yeah, makes sense!
And ooooh, I'm not sure if I tried Oolong tea, I should probably try it some time! Actually, I need to try more teas O:
And sorry for the late reply, things have gotten busy and then there wasn't any power here due to the winter storms happening in Texas. We got our power and water back though, but from what I heard there's people who still haven't gotten anything back. This whole thing really sucks ; - ;