Seihou's posts
Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: The city isn't exactly near me honestly, and even then, I think I'd rather not risk going to the museum right now ^ ^;
Hibiscus tea... Actually, the last few times I tried making hibiscus tea with milk it didn't really work because the milk curdled due to the hibiscus tea being acidic. I didn't realize until I looked it up, but it's really gross when it happens D: Other than milk, hibiscus tea is good with brown sugar O: But I do like chamomile tea with milk and sugar! :D

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Ooooh that sounds cool. I don't think I've ever tried mint tea before either, so that's something I should try O:
And man, I really want to go to a museum now. Specifically the art museum and the natural science museum that's in the city where I live D': Those museums are so nice.
Ooooh that sounds like a good tea. I like hibiscus tea, so luckily we have a lot of that right now. I usually put milk and sugar in my tea that's in teabags, but if it's loose leaf tea it depends.
@Edelaen: Hi there, and thanks! Welcome to the site to you too I'm guessing :'D

Posted in Seihou's request thread!
Posted 4 years ago
Alright, will do!

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I do! I try to drink more tea, but it's taking a bit to get used to. I would like to grow herbs and plants so I can dry them and make my own tea like that though! O:
Ooooh yeah!! I would love to go to more museums!! :D They're so cool. A bit ago I actually started to look into more Art History stuff on Youtube mainly, and it's so interesting! I think I got a better appreciation for Vincent Van Gogh because of some videos too. T u T Also science museums are really cool too!

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yeeeeah, I always hated overly sweet things like that. Literally just a lot of sugar in what's supposed to be iced tea >>; I wouldn't mind if there was flavor in it like lemons or something, but nope. Just straight sugar water. > <
Yeah! I want to go to more new places in the city. I found out recently that there's a public art gallery underground somewhere in the city, but I don't remember where it is exactly. I could probably look it up though O:
And oof yeah. I get warm really easily, so if it's like higher than 80 degrees I'd really be sweaty and gross and I hate that T^T

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Ooooh makes sense O:
And wow, I think I remember this one place I used to work at sold drinks like that, except they used sweet tea. I don't really like sweet tea, but for some reason it's a big deal here. >>;; It always taste like sugar water to me, so I never really liked that.
Ooooooh that sounds so cool! I really do like parks that are not like your regular parks. :>
Yeah makes sense about the winter though. Here it gets dark at around 5:40pm or somewhere around there, but yeah, I guess it's nice to not freeze O: I just like winter because we don't have a real winter down here. But that's okay I guess.
And thanks! I tried to make it as Valentine themed as I could TuT

Posted in Seihou's request thread!
Posted 4 years ago
@Alicethemadhatter: Oooooh I see now. And okay, I'll have to work on my oc then. Is there anything else we should talk about? Maybe on how the roleplay should start and some background for the characters? O: And do you plan on calling your Frisk as "Frisk", or are you going to change the name? I'm fine either way, I might just stick with Chara staying as Chara probably, with another name too maybe so I'll have to decide

Posted in Seihou's request thread!
Posted 4 years ago
@Alicethemadhatter: Yeah I guess so? ^ ^; I'm not very familiar with it to begin with.
And okay cool! I feel like I might end up making him either similar to Asriel or something, but not sure. It's hard to tell with my boy characters.

Posted in Seihou's request thread!
Posted 4 years ago
@Alicethemadhatter: Ooooh great! I still need to look at it some more, but yeah TuT
Okay for that you'll probably have to give me some examples because I'm a bit slow right now. My brain is kinda fried from sleeping late. D:
Hm, would you be against shipping Frisk with an oc? I feel like I want to play as a male character too O: What if it was another fallen kid that happened to stay with Toriel for a while? Would that be interesting? O:

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Thank you! That was so nice of you to do, I really appreciate it! TuT
I'm not sure if I could grow a lemon tree outside, but I think I would need to do a bit of research for that. I know that lime trees might be more doable, but I'd have to check. It's not too cold most of the time here, since I live close to the coast it rarely gets super super cold like in other places (kinda sad honestly in my opinion). I haven't had lemonade and iced black tea together, but that sounds good. I'd have to try it sometime.
And yeah, cool parks and urban things are great! I just looked up The High Line, we have something kinda similar in the city where I live! :D I forgot what it's called, but it's kinda like that. It's super cool! I miss going to the city D':
Oh wow, that's pretty cold! O: I'm not even sure if it's gotten to the high 20's here at all. I know it's probably gone to the high 30's but not for too long. Wow, I'm kinda sad. I like winter because I don't do well in hot weather, but oof. That's the thing about living in the east coast of Texas T ^ T

Posted in Seihou's request thread!
Posted 4 years ago
@Alicethemadhatter: Honestly I need to brush up on Grimmstale too, it's been a while since I've read it. I forget what was supposed to change in that AU. And that's perfectly fine, I feel like that's how Asriel is anyway :'D And oooh nice, female Frisk is always great. I think I would make my Chara non-binary just because.
If you have any ideas with a ship for your Frisk let me know! I think I can play most characters okay, so I wouldn't mind being the love interest for Frisk if needed O:
ooooh mixing AU's would be a great idea! Which other AU would you want to do? O:

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yeah exactly!
Oooooh that sounds really good. I'd love to try more drinks like that in the future honestly. And right?? Lemonade is so good. I wish I could grow a lemon tree so I could just have lemonade all the time! TuT
And yeah, I guess we could go to a park, but I don't really want to go to the nearby parks for my birthday. I'd rather go to downtown for the park that they have there. It's an eco-friendly park and it's really nice to be in, and not to mention all the public art exhibit projects that they have decorating the part sometimes. It's really cool, and I also just love the city. TuT How cold is it where you live? I just checked the weather app and it's apparently 70 degrees here O:
Also thank you for the gifts!! I'll definitely put them to good use! :'D

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, and I think friends should also make it a thing to actually celebrate Valentine's day too, because Valentine's Day was about all kinds of love D:
I don't like the taste of alcohol either, but I found an alcohol brand that I like called Smirnoff Ice, because those drinks taste like soda and it's got alcohol in it. That's basically what I've been wanting specifically when I mean alcohol. That and spiked lemonade, since I really love lemonade. :D
I would love to have a dinner/lunch outside and decorate for it, but I live in a trailer complex so there's not much of a yard here. We do have a porch, but it's not that big and it also doesn't have a roof. Otherwise I would've planned to do something like that O: We don't have outdoor furniture either, which is always a bummer because I would love to sit outside right now. It's not too cold but also not warm enough to want to go back inside. Just a bit humid though, but either way!

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, I really love Valentine's day, it's one of my favorite holidays next to Halloween ^ ^ And yeah that's true, I've never actually gotten drunk (yet anyway :'D), and I haven't drank alcohol since July, and that was for my friend's birthday because she didn't want to drink alone. And yeah you're right, a 2 hour drive there and back would be hard. And I would think that a lot of places would be closed too due to COVID, so that's also a thing to think about. I'm fine with celebrating my birthday at home though, since I'm still going through a depression and I don't feel as energized as I can be. ; - ;