Seo's posts
Posted in Comics comics comics!
Posted 7 years ago
Haha, yeah its super nifty. I usually update the bookmark on whatever page I leave off, since I'm terrible at forgetting my place.
I love that Tapas helps with that too >> grays out the pages you already read.
my bookmarks bar is honestly never entirely clean. It's only clean from comics atm, but has been replaced with a bunch of Teepublic shirts I want to buy lmao
Haha, yeah its super nifty. I usually update the bookmark on whatever page I leave off, since I'm terrible at forgetting my place.
I love that Tapas helps with that too >> grays out the pages you already read.
my bookmarks bar is honestly never entirely clean. It's only clean from comics atm, but has been replaced with a bunch of Teepublic shirts I want to buy lmao

Posted in Guild Wars 2
Posted 7 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning:
Mesmers seem fun, but I never dabbled in one for more than 15 levels. Seems like a class I'd probably enjoy more later in the game.
I actually have a good screenshot of my engineer. I found a glitch where I was seeing doubles of my character, so I ceased the moment to make drawing reference XD

I love the vibrant hair colors in the game. I think I took this screen cause I wanted to draw the bridge, but my gf was running across it so I caught her too.

I dont really have screens of my other chars. Only this one while I was playing my elementalist and saw something silly

Mesmers seem fun, but I never dabbled in one for more than 15 levels. Seems like a class I'd probably enjoy more later in the game.
I actually have a good screenshot of my engineer. I found a glitch where I was seeing doubles of my character, so I ceased the moment to make drawing reference XD

I love the vibrant hair colors in the game. I think I took this screen cause I wanted to draw the bridge, but my gf was running across it so I caught her too.

I dont really have screens of my other chars. Only this one while I was playing my elementalist and saw something silly

Posted in Post your Rants
Posted 7 years ago
My understaffed department FINALLY got another person starting today. They are someone who has previously worked in the department, but had transferred to the other side of the store for half a year because she hated it so much. Somehow the managers convinced her to come back.
SO the rant part of this, is how infuriating one of my coworkers is being.
My department manager and Asst manager are both off this weekend and didn't bother to tell -anyone- what this new lady (I'll just call her K here) will be doing, so my 2 coworkers (G and V) and I were caught off guard. Usually when department manager is out, others come to me for advice, since I guess I'm always the one willing to take charge or initiative in the absence of our authorities. I don't cave to anger and throw my hands up XD I have also dabbled in most of the bakery's tasks so I'm knowledgeable enough to guide someone who might be newer to something.
ANyways, I was trying to talk to K about the situation, while we're standing in between G and V. I suggested that K could start by helping G bag the bread that was baked today. G always has a huge work load and barely has enough time to finish every day, so this would be great for her sake. The bagging takes about 2 hours or less with tag-teaming, so when it is finished then she could hop over to V and help stock the floor with other items.
G was standing there agreeing with this approach, but V started having a hissy fit because of our lack of authority figures. V has a history of being super grouchy all the time. She acts up any time anything changes or every time our managers have time off. The world ends, life is ruined, ect.
But this week she has been extra angry. It's understandable for her to be that way to some degree, our jobs are overwhelming in general. But she shamelessly crosses the line into personal harassment on a regular basis and gets away with it cause everyone has this attitude that "Oh that's just V". I actually snapped at her briefly on monday for being an outright dick.
So even though K has agreed to join our department to help us, TO HELP V TOO since she's always complaining about workloads, K is being treated like she is some unwelcome pest?? So V is verbally shoving K onto G and I, saying that she will have nothing to do with any of it. She refuses to help K with any refreshers and was just making K feel bad and awkward, by being so ungrateful for no reason. When G and I went on lunch breaks (they overlapped by half an hour, since we all have hour long lunches), V decided to leave too so K would be entirely alone. K is able to manage herself for the most part, but when it comes to the cakes and cake orders, she has no idea what to do. It's lucky she didn't get in a tricky situation with no manager or coworker to turn to -___-
In the end, G pulled me aside to discuss the matter. Kind of agreed to just ignore V and help K as much as we can and to stick with the idea of having her hop from bread to floor stocking until thursday, when the manager can enlighten us all. Maybe we'll be lucky and that's exactly what manager wants K to do anyways? And by thursday, I'm sure K will have a good grip on the tasks so it'll be even easier. It's pretty simple stuff when you get the rules down. Most of the job is mastering speed.
Of course, I didn't get to go home before hearing about more of V's bullshit. I texted G from across the store to tell her I would be on a little break, and some other tasks I was doing were cancelled due to computer maintenance. G texts me back to ask if I can do an additional task. When I return to the bakery to do this, G is expressing how V basically chewed her head off over it. Like, I don't know all of the details, but why in the hell would someone get mad at me AND G just because they want me to do a little 10 minute task?? V keeps assuming I'm some irresponsible twat, so maybe she guessed I would refuse? But in the seven months I've been working in the bakery, I have never acted irresponsibly (well maybe once when I left early, but I was devastated by some personal stuff) or refused any task that I had time for.
I just dont get this woman :vanora_neutral:
It's exhausting working with such anger every day.
SO the rant part of this, is how infuriating one of my coworkers is being.
My department manager and Asst manager are both off this weekend and didn't bother to tell -anyone- what this new lady (I'll just call her K here) will be doing, so my 2 coworkers (G and V) and I were caught off guard. Usually when department manager is out, others come to me for advice, since I guess I'm always the one willing to take charge or initiative in the absence of our authorities. I don't cave to anger and throw my hands up XD I have also dabbled in most of the bakery's tasks so I'm knowledgeable enough to guide someone who might be newer to something.
ANyways, I was trying to talk to K about the situation, while we're standing in between G and V. I suggested that K could start by helping G bag the bread that was baked today. G always has a huge work load and barely has enough time to finish every day, so this would be great for her sake. The bagging takes about 2 hours or less with tag-teaming, so when it is finished then she could hop over to V and help stock the floor with other items.
G was standing there agreeing with this approach, but V started having a hissy fit because of our lack of authority figures. V has a history of being super grouchy all the time. She acts up any time anything changes or every time our managers have time off. The world ends, life is ruined, ect.
But this week she has been extra angry. It's understandable for her to be that way to some degree, our jobs are overwhelming in general. But she shamelessly crosses the line into personal harassment on a regular basis and gets away with it cause everyone has this attitude that "Oh that's just V". I actually snapped at her briefly on monday for being an outright dick.
So even though K has agreed to join our department to help us, TO HELP V TOO since she's always complaining about workloads, K is being treated like she is some unwelcome pest?? So V is verbally shoving K onto G and I, saying that she will have nothing to do with any of it. She refuses to help K with any refreshers and was just making K feel bad and awkward, by being so ungrateful for no reason. When G and I went on lunch breaks (they overlapped by half an hour, since we all have hour long lunches), V decided to leave too so K would be entirely alone. K is able to manage herself for the most part, but when it comes to the cakes and cake orders, she has no idea what to do. It's lucky she didn't get in a tricky situation with no manager or coworker to turn to -___-
In the end, G pulled me aside to discuss the matter. Kind of agreed to just ignore V and help K as much as we can and to stick with the idea of having her hop from bread to floor stocking until thursday, when the manager can enlighten us all. Maybe we'll be lucky and that's exactly what manager wants K to do anyways? And by thursday, I'm sure K will have a good grip on the tasks so it'll be even easier. It's pretty simple stuff when you get the rules down. Most of the job is mastering speed.
Of course, I didn't get to go home before hearing about more of V's bullshit. I texted G from across the store to tell her I would be on a little break, and some other tasks I was doing were cancelled due to computer maintenance. G texts me back to ask if I can do an additional task. When I return to the bakery to do this, G is expressing how V basically chewed her head off over it. Like, I don't know all of the details, but why in the hell would someone get mad at me AND G just because they want me to do a little 10 minute task?? V keeps assuming I'm some irresponsible twat, so maybe she guessed I would refuse? But in the seven months I've been working in the bakery, I have never acted irresponsibly (well maybe once when I left early, but I was devastated by some personal stuff) or refused any task that I had time for.
I just dont get this woman :vanora_neutral:
It's exhausting working with such anger every day.

Posted in Comics comics comics!
Posted 7 years ago
If they aren't on tapas or webtoon, I usually have them saved in my bookmarks. I used to have a crap ton of bookmarks because of this. But most of them I either finished or they moved to tapas anyways so my bar is currently clean XD
If they aren't on tapas or webtoon, I usually have them saved in my bookmarks. I used to have a crap ton of bookmarks because of this. But most of them I either finished or they moved to tapas anyways so my bar is currently clean XD

Posted in Remembering random things
Posted 7 years ago
That story is so relative, I love it! It feels so good to click with people with the things you like, especially when you least expect it. <3
That story is so relative, I love it! It feels so good to click with people with the things you like, especially when you least expect it. <3

Posted in Guild Wars 2
Posted 7 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning:
Oh goodness, I think I have all the default character slots filled. I know I have my engineer and a lv 50 (maybe?) elementalist. I don't remember the others though, since I didn't really work on them too much XD I just get addicted to creating new chars
Oh goodness, I think I have all the default character slots filled. I know I have my engineer and a lv 50 (maybe?) elementalist. I don't remember the others though, since I didn't really work on them too much XD I just get addicted to creating new chars

Posted in Remembering random things
Posted 7 years ago
Story time
When I was a teen, forever ago, I remember walking across my school's middle field during lunch break. I had my headphones in, listening to "every time we touch" on my mp3 player. There were these 3 or 4 guys sitting on a bench. I barely knew one of them, but the ones I didn't know called out to me. I didn't want to go over to them, being the timid freshmen that I was. From my family, middleschool and prior experiences I was expecting to be harassed. But they insisted so I didn't want to be rude. I walked over and braced myself.
Then they asked what I was listening to. I always felt embarrassed with anything personal like music, so I answered something vague like 'just a random playlist' or I might've said 'nothing'. I dont remember my words, but I tried to dodge the potential for bullying. The guys continued to beckon and they wanted to hear the music, so I handed them my earbuds. I remember thinking "shit I need a better song than this. It's just some silly pop song, they're going to laugh at how cheesy it is" ect ect
But the first guy who put the earbuds on was suddenly elated by the song. Like "OMG I LOVE THIS" and handed the other ear bud to his friend to share. Everyone had a listen and were incredibly excited over my "silly" playlist.
After this point, I grew a bit more confidence in the music I liked. By the end of the year, I was stomping across that field with another girl, singing ridiculous songs happily out loud. People often chimed in if they knew it.
I've been trying to focus on happy things lately, since my depression and the bitter atmosphere at my job has been making me feel angry all the time. I need to remember how I was so passionate in my childhood and early 20's. This is the first time I remembered the moment with these guys, and it made me feel really happy this morning. XD
Got any wholesome/happy moments in your memory? Anything particularly nostalgic?
When I was a teen, forever ago, I remember walking across my school's middle field during lunch break. I had my headphones in, listening to "every time we touch" on my mp3 player. There were these 3 or 4 guys sitting on a bench. I barely knew one of them, but the ones I didn't know called out to me. I didn't want to go over to them, being the timid freshmen that I was. From my family, middleschool and prior experiences I was expecting to be harassed. But they insisted so I didn't want to be rude. I walked over and braced myself.
Then they asked what I was listening to. I always felt embarrassed with anything personal like music, so I answered something vague like 'just a random playlist' or I might've said 'nothing'. I dont remember my words, but I tried to dodge the potential for bullying. The guys continued to beckon and they wanted to hear the music, so I handed them my earbuds. I remember thinking "shit I need a better song than this. It's just some silly pop song, they're going to laugh at how cheesy it is" ect ect
But the first guy who put the earbuds on was suddenly elated by the song. Like "OMG I LOVE THIS" and handed the other ear bud to his friend to share. Everyone had a listen and were incredibly excited over my "silly" playlist.
After this point, I grew a bit more confidence in the music I liked. By the end of the year, I was stomping across that field with another girl, singing ridiculous songs happily out loud. People often chimed in if they knew it.
I've been trying to focus on happy things lately, since my depression and the bitter atmosphere at my job has been making me feel angry all the time. I need to remember how I was so passionate in my childhood and early 20's. This is the first time I remembered the moment with these guys, and it made me feel really happy this morning. XD
Got any wholesome/happy moments in your memory? Anything particularly nostalgic?

Posted in Guild Wars 2
Posted 7 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning:
I thought so too, honestly. But I watched some review videos about the expansion before I bought it to make sure it'd all be worth it. I think it was!
I thought so too, honestly. But I watched some review videos about the expansion before I bought it to make sure it'd all be worth it. I think it was!

Posted in My Voltra Gallery
Posted 7 years ago


both via draw the avi above you thread o uo


both via draw the avi above you thread o uo

Posted in Guild Wars 2
Posted 7 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning:
Neither, I think you just have to find the place where the mounts are stabled (in the path of fire areas, of course) and complete the hearts. You might have to complete the first couple of PoF story quests first though, I could be wrong?
So you pretty much can get them almost immediately with expansion
Neither, I think you just have to find the place where the mounts are stabled (in the path of fire areas, of course) and complete the hearts. You might have to complete the first couple of PoF story quests first though, I could be wrong?
So you pretty much can get them almost immediately with expansion

Posted in Comics comics comics!
Posted 7 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning:
Haha, I'm glad you checked it out! Most of my intention with this thread is to have a list of titles to check into whenever I have downtime XD there are so many that it will take a while, but I love it!~
and I hope so too! I miss making comics
Haha, I'm glad you checked it out! Most of my intention with this thread is to have a list of titles to check into whenever I have downtime XD there are so many that it will take a while, but I love it!~
and I hope so too! I miss making comics

Posted in Monster Hunter World
Posted 7 years ago
It's not my first first monster hunter, but the first one i played for more than like 5 quests XD I'm really enjoying it on a big screen. and being on my fav console is a plus! (ps4)
grind is what mh is all about though, so going in to expect that much, im not disappointed <3
grind is what mh is all about though, so going in to expect that much, im not disappointed <3

Posted in Guild Wars 2
Posted 7 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning:
is okay <3
and yes! the mounts all have different abilities. the bunny thing does a high jump (so now you can reach some places that weren't really intended, and discover some hilarious textures) and the raptor thing can run fast. and you can increase their abilities/add new extensions to them. so the company did a good job at making mounts not dull
is okay <3
and yes! the mounts all have different abilities. the bunny thing does a high jump (so now you can reach some places that weren't really intended, and discover some hilarious textures) and the raptor thing can run fast. and you can increase their abilities/add new extensions to them. so the company did a good job at making mounts not dull

Posted in The blackout: graphics freebies
Posted 7 years ago
I have 112 volt
im sure ill save up a few hundred more and then spend it immediately before the night's over though 8D
I have 112 volt
im sure ill save up a few hundred more and then spend it immediately before the night's over though 8D