Sigma's posts
Posted in I hate Holidays, especially Christmas
Posted 6 years ago
I dislike the music more than anything else. I'm Jewish so Christmas was never a thing in my house, and I don't like the commercialization of the holiday, either. Certain Christmas songs make me want to gag.
Posted in i told a guy on a dating site that i "play video games, binge watch things, and cry"
Posted 6 years ago
@Sirlionelnigelconrad: I've watched that; I'm really not looking for anime suggestions, sorry. I'm not exactly new to animu considering I'm 29 and used to watch stuff with my sister. We used to rent anime from a video rental store so I'm familiar with several 80s/90s series, including that, Magic Knight Rayearth, Ranma, Dragon Half, and an insignificant amount of NGE which I have no intention of picking up again. She has watched more than me, including Jungle Emperor Leo/Kimba the White Lion, Key the Metal Idol, Blue Seed, El Hazard, and Sea Prince and the Fire Child. I think she tried but disliked Escaflowne; I know she hated NGE.
She named one of our old cats after a character from Key, actually. Sergei.
The stuff I've watched independently from her is different and I don't feel like listing them.
She named one of our old cats after a character from Key, actually. Sergei.
The stuff I've watched independently from her is different and I don't feel like listing them.
Posted in i told a guy on a dating site that i "play video games, binge watch things, and cry"
Posted 6 years ago
@sirlionelnigelconrad: I never really loved Dragon Ball Z tbh.
Posted in i told a guy on a dating site that i "play video games, binge watch things, and cry"
Posted 6 years ago
For me, that'd be the least weird thing anyone has ever told me on a dating site. You'll be fine.
No seriously, people are so creepy sometimes; I'd rather hear that than someone saying I should come to their house so they can fix my teeth! I have a fused tooth, so I thought they were threatening to beat the hell outta me. I'm guessing it was something nsfw but that's uh, that's probably the worst pickup line anyone could use on someone.
No seriously, people are so creepy sometimes; I'd rather hear that than someone saying I should come to their house so they can fix my teeth! I have a fused tooth, so I thought they were threatening to beat the hell outta me. I'm guessing it was something nsfw but that's uh, that's probably the worst pickup line anyone could use on someone.
Posted in For the love of everything, I . Am . FREEZING
Posted 6 years ago
@Kurohon: There's a type of Japanese noodle dish that's typically served cold and with a dipping sauce. I haven't tried it myself but given that's a thing, cold pasta might not be bad.
ETA: It's called Somen.
ETA: It's called Somen.
Posted in Ask The NPC Anything!
Posted 6 years ago
@Vregory: Who does your fabulous hair?
Posted in Advent Time Watching
Posted 6 years ago
*baps the calendar* How dare? Pls give item!
Posted in This Gift Key Does Not Exist?
Posted 6 years ago
When I try to claim the gift on the calendar, I get the error mentioned in the topic title. I use Windows 10, browser is Firefox.
Posted in lmao seriously?
Posted 6 years ago
@devil: Wow they haven't had any significant activity in forums that aren't GD? That's unfortunate. Was hoping that maybe it'd improve as the site grew.
Posted in Post your Rants
Posted 6 years ago
Apparently I'm not enthusiastic enough to sell salad bowls? I mean, they're tasty, but my enthusiasm tends to manifest as behavior that comes off as rude. I don't think interrupting people and being loud are really what you want me to do.
Posted in lmao seriously?
Posted 6 years ago
@devil: I got the impression most of the recolor userbase came specifically from Gaia's GD. I didn't see anyone I recognized but I sure saw a whole lot of asshattery being passed off as "lol that's how how the person is". Screw those popularity contest deals - I've got some actual FUN stuff to do.
Posted in Hey. Hey! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!
Posted 6 years ago
Thinking that maybe I should draw and not actually doing it. :V
Posted in yummy tofu
Posted 6 years ago
@Hachi: There's a Korean restaurant in Philadelphia you might like. I only went once, at an age I wouldn't have been able to appreciate such a thing. :o
Posted in lmao seriously?
Posted 6 years ago
The userbase for Recolor was never good - it's why I left what, two or three years ago? There were certain users there who got under my skin pretty badly yet everyone seemed to find their personality charming. Ignore wasn't enough because the userbase just got worse and worse as time went on.
GD was one of the only active forums for the longest time and it housed some of the most sophomoric people I dealt with outside of Gaia's GD.
GD was one of the only active forums for the longest time and it housed some of the most sophomoric people I dealt with outside of Gaia's GD.