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@Unicorn: well witches.. cats..purples..blacks.. gray's..whites.. moons crescent moons.. wait why do you wanna know hun?

@Unicorn: Thanks hun.
@RainbowPanda: I'm so sorry about that 'hugs'
@Unicorn: haha she's a silhouette haha i just looked up 'transparent background' after it .. i can find lots of stuff that way to use as forum decoration.

@Panda: I'm.. a bit depressed thinking of mum.
@RainbowPanda: and The only time my family remembers me is when they need something.

it was, but it happend four years ago.. i miss her a lot though. of all my family she was theonly one who really cared yeah know?
@Panda: um..okay....

@Panda: ...wait.. huh 'blinks rapidly'

@RainbowPanda: well it should be fine, it hinkt heonly reason it poped in wards was the fact her body was so tired from fighting off infections form having them ahve to open her chest up.

@RainbowPanda: it's an infection, she had a sist or however its spelle don ehr tail bone, she ended up sitting down to hard and it poped, but instead of going outwards, it poped inwards, and the infection in it flooded her body, and as she'd jsut had a heart attack, not even a month and a half ago, her body didnt' have the resources to fight it off and she passed away later on that night.

@Panda: 'blinks' spoopy 'confused' do huh.

@RainbowPanda: it's probably why when she got a bad infections he ended up sceptic 'rubs eyes' she had me late in life and my brother even later, well okay four years later but still.

@Unicorn: 'blinks'..make me something? do huh..

@RainbowPanda: my mother was seventy five

@RainbowPanda: 'stares at' my mother was old and she didn't hate it.

@RainbowPanda: Haters? just kidding. 'rubs eyes'

I love theinternet you can find almost anything on it.