Star2000shadow's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wild's Wacky Wilderness of Weird
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
@star2000shadow: lol - thanks...whenever I get there!!!! XD

@star2000shadow: lol - thanks...whenever I get there!!!! XD

'blinks' I'm having a good day. how are you? <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild's Wacky Wilderness of Weird
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
@star2000shadow: yeah, I get that. I'll probably do the same thing once I decide to change my avatar and start reflecting the holiday season more...

@star2000shadow: yeah, I get that. I'll probably do the same thing once I decide to change my avatar and start reflecting the holiday season more...

Well I can't wait to see it. <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild's Wacky Wilderness of Weird
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
@star2000shadow: you are looking holiday-ish right now, without being over-the-top ... I like it :3
I should probably change my avi too, but I'm not ready to do the holiday av thing just yet and I kind of like my current set up :3 XD

@star2000shadow: you are looking holiday-ish right now, without being over-the-top ... I like it :3
I should probably change my avi too, but I'm not ready to do the holiday av thing just yet and I kind of like my current set up :3 XD

Oh I'll probably change it several times leading up to christmas until I find the specific type I like 'nods' <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild's Wacky Wilderness of Weird
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
@star2000shadow: Yes, it is fun playing dress up the avi, and we definitely have some fun things to play with! :3
@Koah: Oh good! <3 It's hard to go wrong with gentle stretching pretty much regardless of whatever else is going on with you/your body, IMO! I need to get back in to doing some of those things too...

@star2000shadow: Yes, it is fun playing dress up the avi, and we definitely have some fun things to play with! :3
@Koah: Oh good! <3 It's hard to go wrong with gentle stretching pretty much regardless of whatever else is going on with you/your body, IMO! I need to get back in to doing some of those things too...

This is True 'nods' <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild's Wacky Wilderness of Weird
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
@star2000shadow: lol - isn't creating avatars just grand? XD

@star2000shadow: lol - isn't creating avatars just grand? XD

true it is fu n creating avi's. especially with all the fun stuff we has to play with. <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild's Wacky Wilderness of Weird
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: took a pause and decided to work on a winter / christmas avi. which is going semi easier..err kinda. <:3( )~~

Posted in A bit late to this event
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
The Bride:
@blue: well it has been snowing here off, and on pretty cold out. But our streets get a cleanning a lot. So hard to say really. It is dusty in this house.
@star2000shadow: I only went to one sale and it was for little kid clothes for family who have little kids, who have to many toys, and not much for pjs.
@MoodyB: Hello, and good morning.
@blue: well it has been snowing here off, and on pretty cold out. But our streets get a cleanning a lot. So hard to say really. It is dusty in this house.
@star2000shadow: I only went to one sale and it was for little kid clothes for family who have little kids, who have to many toys, and not much for pjs.
@MoodyB: Hello, and good morning.
aww that was sweet of you. <:3( )~~

Posted in A bit late to this event
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @The Bride: This is true, and if'n I had had the money I'd of been doing sails to 'nods' <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild's Wacky Wilderness of Weird
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
@star2000shadow: ahhhh, well I suppose that would be a Christmas kitty, wouldn't it? XD it sounds cute- I look forward to seeing it! Was there a particular reason to create a Christmas kitty? Some story behind it or just a random idea?

@star2000shadow: ahhhh, well I suppose that would be a Christmas kitty, wouldn't it? XD it sounds cute- I look forward to seeing it! Was there a particular reason to create a Christmas kitty? Some story behind it or just a random idea?

Random Idea 'nods' I'll have to wait and earn up Volties so I can work on the outfit 'nods' <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild's Wacky Wilderness of Weird
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
@star2000shadow: what is a Christmas kitty exactly?!

@star2000shadow: what is a Christmas kitty exactly?!

um I'm dressing my avi up as a cat, and setting it up for christmas 'blinks' <:3( )~~

Posted in A bit late to this event
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @The Bride: though how they can't seem to notice is beyond me. it goes thanksgiving, black friday, and then christmas.. <:3( )~~

Posted in Rainbow Reaper Repartee
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance

@star2000shadow: Whoops! Sorta lost Voltra in the shuffle for a few days there. ^^; But I'm doing well, been cleaning around here and working on my website. :)

@star2000shadow: Whoops! Sorta lost Voltra in the shuffle for a few days there. ^^; But I'm doing well, been cleaning around here and working on my website. :)

that's okay, least you came back, I've been on a movie slash tv series kick 'nods' <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild's Wacky Wilderness of Weird
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: I'm working on a christmas Kitty. just need a tail and then i focus on everything else haha <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild's Wacky Wilderness of Weird
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | Her Grace | His Elegance
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: you and me both but I'll worrie about it tomarrow. right now I'm just enjoying my days off. 'pats tu mmy' left overs is nummy. <:3( )~~