Star2000shadow's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |
@star2000shadow: that sounds like an interesting "painting"! XD And you sound like an awesome aunt, encouraging her creativity like that! <3

@star2000shadow: that sounds like an interesting "painting"! XD And you sound like an awesome aunt, encouraging her creativity like that! <3

well of course. she's three and already painting. keep nurtering it and i might be able to say 'that's my neice's work' haha. <:3( )~~

Posted in I spy with my little eye...
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @blinkini: yeah, now I'm trying tot hink up a new posting format haha. <:3( )~~

Posted in I spy with my little eye...
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |
@Jolly: It seems they're setting more up currently! :D
@vioxeri: That's super exciting!
It looks like they have quite a story for us to experience, from what they've put up so far.
I can't wait!
@star2000shadow: Oh my glob. Idk how long you've had that post format, but I'm just now noticing that they're little mice/rats.
I feel like a dumb. :vanora_sweat:
@vioxeri: That's super exciting!
It looks like they have quite a story for us to experience, from what they've put up so far.
I can't wait!
@star2000shadow: Oh my glob. Idk how long you've had that post format, but I'm just now noticing that they're little mice/rats.
I feel like a dumb. :vanora_sweat:
haha, your not dumb. i sometimes don't notice post formats for month's to haha 'pets' but yes, their little mice haha. <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: she is I have five 'paintings' that she did. and their cute. ones all types of lines that some how looks like a path through hills. <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: I hope so 'nods' <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: Christmas for sure, I'm picking up gifts for my neice who's three. she's a little painter like her aunty.
She's also pretty smart for a three year old haha. I plan on getting her at least one Elsa item. and then maybe something artsy. <:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |
@star2000shadow: good afternoon, Star. How are you today?

@star2000shadow: good afternoon, Star. How are you today?

it's so so, dealing with a stuffy nose, or runny nose, one of the two at all times, sore throat and a cough. but I am still off the oxygen, which is making me happy. right now I'm trying to get ahold of my cleaner, who isn't responding and works.
<:3( )~~

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Good Morning Everyone 'waves' How goes your day? <:3( )~~

Posted in I spy with my little eye...
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Jolly: i think we're in the pre-event stage haha so you did indeed manage to get on at the WAY begining of an event. <:3( )~~

Posted in ʚʕ⸝⸝ ̆ ᴥ ̆⸝⸝ʔɞ
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |

@star2000shadow: oo idk if i've had grilled shrimp !! that sounds really good
i've had boiled, i think it's okay with certain things ? i'm sorta picky when it
comes to it's texture.. i like them mostly in stews or soups ! like gumbo

@star2000shadow: oo idk if i've had grilled shrimp !! that sounds really good
i've had boiled, i think it's okay with certain things ? i'm sorta picky when it
comes to it's texture.. i like them mostly in stews or soups ! like gumbo

it's nicce on grilled, no breading which makes my doctor happy ..and can be marinated 'nods'. <:3( )~~

Posted in Selling stuff
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ man you have five items i want and I be broke 'makes face' <:3( )~~

Posted in ʚʕ⸝⸝ ̆ ᴥ ̆⸝⸝ʔɞ
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |

@star2000shadow: ah okay !! &_& i love shrimp as well esp fried heh

@star2000shadow: ah okay !! &_& i love shrimp as well esp fried heh

I liked fried shrimp to 'nods' but I also like grille shrimp. never tried it boiled so I have no clue if that's good or not.. <:3( )~~

Posted in ʚʕ⸝⸝ ̆ ᴥ ̆⸝⸝ʔɞ
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |
...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @harmony: well I've only had shrimp and different types of fish. So I'm not sure. but I think so? <:3( )~~

Posted in ʚʕ⸝⸝ ̆ ᴥ ̆⸝⸝ʔɞ
Posted 3 years ago

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |

@star2000shadow: i actually really love fish !! it is yummy, and there's
a lot of different ways to make it ^o^ i don't have much energy to cook but
when i do i sometimes do that for a good protein alternative

@star2000shadow: i actually really love fish !! it is yummy, and there's
a lot of different ways to make it ^o^ i don't have much energy to cook but
when i do i sometimes do that for a good protein alternative

Fish is a great protein alternative 'nods'. i know when i was in the hospital that's what I had for dinner for most of the time i was there. <:3( )~~