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@Totalanimefan: Huh I guess I'm an hour ahead of you.
@Totalanimefan: it is.. but its so bland..haha though i might get some and then pick up some instant graveys.
huh already at nine thirty and its only one ..err..going on two in the afternoon for me..'blinks'
@Totalanimefan: i buy at least two boxes of oatmeal a month it makes a good back up meal when it reaches the end of said month.
@Totalanimefan: haha i liked boxed stuffing, might buy a couple of them on monday so that i acan have some through out the month.
@Totalanimefan: Yes, Yes it is good 'eating it right now'
@Totalanimefan: hello.. star made boxed turkey stuffing 'nods'
'comes back from making something to eat for lunch'
I perfer turkey bacon as it doesn't get as greassy as normal bacon.
i detest just waking up 'shakes head' ah well.
@vengeance: naw just distracted haha.

True...'rubs eyes'
well that's awesome..
ah well, just means i don't have to post fast haha.