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yeah 'blush' thanks, I'm not done with her but nwo gotta earn up more goldies. err..Voltz oi.

'shrugs' if the roommate tell sme i need to update, i work to update. not that i can afford new computers. i was lucky to get this one.
I can't remember what I'm on i just know its one of th newer ones.
heck for a while until last year, i was on a windows xp so having a 'newer' and 'updated' version is a treat haha.
'Shrugs' at the moment I'm just enjoying a computer that works.

i need to get a new external harddrive but I'm going to have to save up for it 'sigh' ah well. a BIIIIIIG picture folder 'blinks'

use to love the show as a kid 'nods'

Posted in Star's Memory Jar Posted 7 years ago
Woke up early today, four thirty in the mornign early, am deciding to do a small post on images, mostly sailor moon in this one as I love the show. havent' watched it in a while but still.

well taht's good 'nods' I'm pickign up more sailor moon images 'shakes head' i swear im a have to make a image folder just for all of them haha.
took one of my headache pills so its doing better.. how goes yoru morning err evening one or the other?
@vengeance: yeah i woke up with a migraine, my bodies way of telling me i laid down wrong or something and it was one going back to sleep would not get ride of.
'pokes head back into thread at four thrity in the morning' hi

i do believe I shall call it a night. see you guys tomarrow.