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Back again for my first roll of the day~

My last roll of the day~

Here for more rolling~

@Lin: I vote for The Restless Door!

I won! I didn't think I'd win any of these

Thanks Total!


I really feel like playing Dragon Quest or Pokémon now, but I don't know which one I want to get first

@kiwi: Breakfast is always good! And yeah, I'll need to make some more avis with them later on~

@kiwi: I'm doing okay. How about you?

The new Trapped In A Mirror item look cool. The items for this event are all great so far~

@Virgil: I vote for The Restless Door!

Here's my first roll of the day!

I'm off to bed, so last roll until tomorrow!

Also, I'll probably sign up for Secret Santa in a few days. I'm too lazy right now to look through my quest thread and think about which items fit the price range :viosweat:

@Totalanimefan: I'm not sure, but the streamer I watched had a few thousand viewers at the time, and I'd assume most of them were Korean, so I guess those people enjoyed it at least?