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Posted in Which 7 Deadly Sin is the AAY? Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 6 years ago
Posted in What do you keep in your bag? Posted 6 years ago
@hachi: In my purse I have my wallet, old receipts, a granola bar, Altoids, a mini disposable toothbrush, mobile phone, a pen, and keys. My school bag has a laptop, headphones, notebook, sticky notes, pens ans pencils, a sweater, extra pair of socks, and typically a sandwich or a bag of almonds. I always feel safe and prepared for a spontaneous nap when I have my backpack lol.
@luffer nutter: I found the price guide! :D :D :D

@nyx: Can I offer 500 volts for your Thirteen? ^^
@luffer nutter: Ah! I see. Unlucky Thirteen. Cute c: Thank you for telling me! Is it an event item? I should go bookmark the item guide. I'ma do that real quick actually lol
@nyx: How much for the black kitty? Sorry, I'm new so I'm not sure what the item name is.. ^^;
Posted in I'm a plant killer Posted 6 years ago
@hachi: Yeeeahh! >:D I hope it goes well. Even if it dies, at least it was experience and you can add another plant to your kill list LOL
@littlewhitedragonlet: Would you be willing to take 700 for the skullie top and 900 for the horns?
@littlewhitedragonlet: Hi! Do you still have the Skull top and Victor's horns?
Posted in Misheard/Misunderstood phrases Posted 6 years ago
@mousy: Guys,
@xirin: I
@rallaa: uh
I thought it was gardener snake too.... Wtf? GARTER???
Posted in What puts you to sleep? Posted 6 years ago
Some things that put me to sleep are:
*Eating a light, easy to digest dinner.
*If eating a heavy dinner, having it 3 to 4 hours before bed is better than 1-2 hours.
*Enjoying a cup of chamomile tea right before bed.
*Not looking at screens at least 30 minutes before bed. (The light stimulates your mind too much.)
*Mild, slow stretching to loosen any tense muscles that might make me uncomfortable.
Posted in I'm a plant killer Posted 6 years ago
@hachi: if you want to try an easy plant I recommend pothos. They tolerate ovetwatering and low light. They are nearly unkillable :)
Posted in I'm a plant killer Posted 6 years ago
@hachi: Ohh a heat wave.. yeah it could have gotten too dry for too long. I have accidentally forgotten to water my succs in the summer before and eh.. they didn't like it. Don't give up though! ^^
Posted in Hello, I'm new to Voltra! Posted 6 years ago
@mousy: Thank you so much for all of that insight! Yes, I have to admit the negative Nancies tend to be teachers who have been teaching for quite a while. They really make the stakes seem high but I'm glad to hear that the reality isn't as bad as they portray it. Hearing that you have experienced the same from older teachers where you are from helps me put things into perspective. I suppose some are just stuck in their ways. I will listen to what they have to say but from now on I will take them a little less seriously. (*Phew!*) Thank you for that reassurance!

@sunny: Basil is so wonderful to grow! I always get happy when I hear that someone is growing basil. My mom got me into the habit of starting a couple pots of it every spring and they stay bushy all throughout the summer. It's amazing lol! They never last past August for me though. They just get all lanky and put out tons of seeds so I just harvest the seeds for next year. :) You should definitely grow it again. I know I will be! <3 By the way, I'm curious.. how is your aloe doing? I have an aloe that I brought inside to keep in my sunniest window. I didn't think it would do well indoors but so far it's still alive! (fingers crossed)

@saeyra: I guess some people just go out of their way to be mean or superior. So far literally everyone here has had tons of positive things to say though so that is very uplifting ^_^

@q t e a p o n: Thank you! I'm happy to be here! :D Ah, a fellow plant lover ^^ Hm, let's see. Inside I have a variegated pothos, a regular pothos, cornstalk palm (?), short-leaved aloe, a couple of arrowhead leaf plants, a small ivy (i think it is?), a spider plant, a small peace lily, and a Sansevieria. Outside I have a short barrel cactus, some kind of round cactus with lots of babies, a tall fuzzy cactus, two grafted cacti (the kind with the red ball on top), 2 or 3 pothos that I moved outside, a red impatiens, and god knows what else. My mom has a lot of plants too but I'm not going to bother listing hers. Until recently I also had petunias, a massive wall of morning glories, a huge fern, zinnias, cosmos, lots of mint, rosemary, chives, and garlic chives but I moved back in with my mother so a lot of things are gone now. My apartment patio was packed lol. I even pruned, watered, and fertilized the neglected jasmine bushes that grew on the side of my apartment building. I am v. enthusiastic lol.

Oh, and thanks for the resource links! I'll be sure to check them out ^^