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Posted in Hello, I'm new to Voltra! Posted 6 years ago
@mousy: 5 Year Milestone! Nice :virgil-celebrate: That really is a huge accomplishment. I am so happy to hear you crossed that 5-year mark. I hear the first five are the real hellish years where teachers are trying to find what does and does not work for them and their students. Simply saying that doesn't make it sound scary, but it really is. Knowing the consequences of encountering the things that DON'T work really puts things into perspective fast. It's not like other professions where you have time to figure things out with little to no consequences. The main thing I am worried about tbh is the standardized testing. Like I can prove through assessments how my students met the state standards but making sure students can transfer their knowledge and understanding to a testing situation is another story. I get chills just thinking about it, dude lol. I'm trying not to let the teacher-talk that I hear from my classmates freak me out though. A lot of them have been teaching for a few years already and then came back for a MS. All I can do is remain confident in my writing pedagogy and pray to God almighty that classroom management comes to me in time. I've learned a lot but putting it into practice is another thing entirely lol.

@moodybats: Thank you! I love your name, it's so cute and seasonal! xD
Posted in Hello, I'm new to Voltra! Posted 6 years ago
@kozi: Thank you! Yes, being underappreciated is going to be tough. I've already been spoken down to by so many people. I don't know why others feel it is okay to insult teachers so openly. It's sad but I can tolerate it! :)

And yeah, the event! I'll be working hard IRL but I do plan to be here off and on, especially for the event! :D

@Mousy: Whoa! *Teacher High Five!* I didn't expect to see another teacher here! How long have you been teaching?
Posted in I'm a plant killer Posted 6 years ago
@Hachi: Succulents need lots of light and well-draining soil. Sometimes even when you give them what they want, other unknown things can still cause them to die. Two summers ago I had one that started to die a couple of weeks after I bought it. It was on my patio getting morning sun and afternoon shade which are pretty great lighting conditions. Don't feel bad, it happens. Sometimes it's the plant and sometimes it's just a fatal mistake on our part lol. In my case, I probably damaged the tap root when I repotted it.
Posted in Hello, I'm new to Voltra! Posted 6 years ago
@Fozzy: Thank you! Happy to be here!

@vengeance: Wow, holy cow @_@

@rallaa: Thanks for the encouragement! I used to work as a tutor in my university writing center. Definitely not the same but it is similar. I 100 percent loved my job there. It really helped me find my path. So as long as I have the endurance, things should go well for me as a teacher. I hope. lol anyway, thanks again !

@saeyra: Aw, thank you Saeyra! I appreciate your well-wishes. That makes me feel really good!

Everyone's kind words kinda makes me feel like I can tackle some more homework now LOL.
Posted in Hello, I'm new to Voltra! Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: Yesssss monnies I will be sure to do that!
Posted in Hello, I'm new to Voltra! Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: Thank you! And wow, thank you so much for the trade! Those items look really nice ^^ <3 Aha! Yay, I came just in time for an event!! I can't wait to see what it will be :D

Aw yeah, my lil pixel body ain't naked no more. I will make a neato avi with what you and oikos gifted to me. ^_^

@hazer: Thank you! Haha, me too. I will log onto Voltra every day to -recharge- heheh >D
Posted in Hello, I'm new to Voltra! Posted 6 years ago
@okios: Thank you, okios! (And thank you so much for the trade!) Yeah, there is a lot of serious and dangerous stuff happening lately. We all do what we can to help things improve. Gotta keep on going! <3

@rallaa: Hi, Rallaa! Thank you for asking! When I was younger I felt my teachers didn't make an effort to reach out to me and others like me. I didn't actually enjoy school until I got to university. When I realized what I was missing in high school, it really hit me. It is unfair how many people miss having an opportunity to be part of something. Like, learning aside--being part of something is more important. Now that I am older and am almost done with my teacher training I understand why so many teachers just *can't* be "better teachers." There are a lot of obstacles for them so many feel unmotivated and broken. I hope I can do better though. If I ever become a "bad teacher," I hope I have the courage to quit and move to another profession. (It's hard, but not impossible!) But yeah. All of what I said is not all of my reasons but still a big part of why I chose to go into teaching. ^^
Posted in Hello, I'm new to Voltra! Posted 6 years ago
@totalanimefan: I think I chose right, as well. It feels pretty comfy here. ^^ Also, it's good to know this site runs well on mobile as I am away from a computer for most of the day. Thanks for letting me know! :D
Posted in Hello, I'm new to Voltra! Posted 6 years ago
It has been a few years since I last was part of an avatar community. I have been missing these kinds of communities lately, so I decided to find a place I could try to settle into. ^^

I have been a user on so many sites in the past that I can hardly keep track. I can't remember the names of most of them. (Mostly because it was so long ago!) Anyway, a little about me: I am in grad school for secondary education in order to become a high school English teacher. I enjoy drawing and keeping house plants. I'm also interested in learning to paint with watercolor. I recently bought a set of pans to practice with but haven't yet found the time. (I fr need a Time Turner.)

Um, what else.

Things I'm looking forward to: winter break HOLY SHITE. If anyone is out there, PLEASE HELP ME SURVIVE UNTIL THEN.