Sulley's posts
Posted in Asuuuh dudes
Posted 8 years ago
@Daddy: It's unfortunately died since then, or it feels that way. I was the only one online for almost a day. That's scary. ;;
Yeah, I do a lot lol. I've used many different sites but the only ones I planned to stick with were Roliana and this one. X3
Yeah, I do a lot lol. I've used many different sites but the only ones I planned to stick with were Roliana and this one. X3

Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole
Posted 8 years ago
@The Youngest Granny: Now I want apple crumble ;;
@Vermii: I love gift giving, but nobody around me believes in birthdays so it's usually just drinks and a movie for me. XP
If I didn't have a premade pie shell I couldn't even begin to make anything. XD;;
I LOVE Halloween so the treats are a must. I kinda want to see if there are any recipes where candy corn can be properly utilized but I dunno. X3
@Vermii: I love gift giving, but nobody around me believes in birthdays so it's usually just drinks and a movie for me. XP
If I didn't have a premade pie shell I couldn't even begin to make anything. XD;;
I LOVE Halloween so the treats are a must. I kinda want to see if there are any recipes where candy corn can be properly utilized but I dunno. X3

Posted in Asuuuh dudes
Posted 8 years ago
@Daddy: Roliana, I know it's a different site than the one you came from lol - seems like a lot of sites are emptying out or quieting down though because I've noticed people coming from all over o 3o

Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole
Posted 8 years ago
@Vermii: To be quite honest the only reason why I liked spring was for my birthday; now I've aged enough that I don't want my birthday to come XD;; OOoooh man, now I want to do some baking too! But I'm not the best pie craftsmen, I prefer to make pumpkin cupcakes. XD

Posted in Names A to Z
Posted 8 years ago

Posted in Green Dream Pixels [Full o wo]
Posted 8 years ago
@Shadami: Aww, cleaning and kids can be the biggest handfuls. When I'm babysitting my partners sisters there is no such thing as alone time haha

Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole
Posted 8 years ago
@Vermii: Spring used to be my favourite, but now I'm thinking fall is if only because of Halloween and Pumpkin spice. XD;; The cooler air will be so refreshing too

Posted 8 years ago
It's hot as heck over here; all the fans and the AC are on...I hope my parents don't mind. >>;;
I'm horrified because I know which classrooms my lectures will be in this semester and all of them are microwaves. ;;
I'm horrified because I know which classrooms my lectures will be in this semester and all of them are microwaves. ;;

Posted in Asuuuh dudes
Posted 8 years ago
Hello Daddy, I'm dad! ;D
I also came here because of a link from the site I used to use.
I also came here because of a link from the site I used to use.

Posted in Hello World
Posted 8 years ago
@Bold Young Smuggler: You could try to be more optimistic you turkey! ;P
I didn't drag you here for nothing! >:3c
I didn't drag you here for nothing! >:3c

Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole
Posted 8 years ago
@Vermii: I'm doing great! Extremely tired and hot though; I'm not a summer person. ;; Which is why I need a hole! :3c I dunno lol.

Posted in Green Dream Pixels [Full o wo]
Posted 8 years ago
@Shadami: Haha, well you did an amazing job, so has to be worth it!
I still use MS paint from time to time, usually for pixels but still haha. I think when I was on gaia I didn't have anything to scan my pictures with so I just took pictures of art I was trying to sell. XD
I still use MS paint from time to time, usually for pixels but still haha. I think when I was on gaia I didn't have anything to scan my pictures with so I just took pictures of art I was trying to sell. XD

Posted in Miss Kitty's Plushie Utopia
Posted 8 years ago
@Kaderin Triste: OH MY GOODNESS!!! :vanora_heart: I LOVE THE DRAGONS! Those are so cute! What technique are you using to make them? Is it cross stitching (again, I suck at making things so I could be totally off).

Posted in Trying to get back together with an ex?
Posted 8 years ago
@Shamrock Shamus: That's honestly how I am as well; I'm blunt, and can sometimes come across as a butt because of that. I kinda feel like being a little bit blunt may help though, again if it's from a third person maybe it'd help her? Like I think if I'm the one who has to say something and not my brother, it's serious and it's a problem, because my brother does try to be gentle, which is nice; but probably not helping enough.