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I'm heading to bed now guys, gotta be up early to visit my grandmother tomorrow.

@Wildfire: I could do a whole tour of the East coast.

I never knew that about Cowboys. I guess my understanding of American history is very whitewashed.

My favourite museum is an interactive science museum in Cardiff. It's aimed at kids, but it's fun for an adult too. Lots of things to play with etc.

I would go to Washington DC. Totalanimefan says there are some really good museums there, the Smithsonian etc. I doubt I'll ever get there, I've never even been to London lmao. I am bad at organising trips etc.

That sounds like the ideal way to travel tbh. Just drinking it all in.
I would like to go to the US one day, but it is so far and I get ill on planes :/

Heh, pedantic :/

That sounds cool. I have never been to France. I would love to spend a weekend there one time. Spain is cool too.

Yeah I'm a big history fan. I loved that about Italy, though I am also partial to British history. I love all history tbh.

@Wildfire: No worries:D It's abeautiful place, I keep meaning to go back there one day. I never went ot Rome, though I wanted to.

Oh! Parlo un po 'di italiano! I lived in Italy for six months!

Oooo what language are you studying? Spanish?

Thanks for chatting and enccouraging me :D