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sunny's Avatar

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Hello i am a genuine ray of sunshine nice to meet you. I am literally super friendly and I'm keen to fit in here and find a niche ;) I live in England, I'm 25, female, and run on GMT. I am easily impressed. I love animals, history, jewelry, horror, literature. I am abundantly sunny.

I am rather forgetful and I type everything on my phone so there will be typos abound.

I am Fizz on Subeta and I was astronaut back on Ernya.

(Note: please don't feel stressed about/obligated to reply to anything I write on here - I totally understand that Stuff happens and carrying on a conversation can be Difficult. I get it, 100%. No worries. Alternatively, you could reply after 6 months and I'd still carry on like nothing happened :P)

by Amakai
by Vegan


  • Bonnie Bonnie (2 years ago)

    thank you sunny~ <3 you always have the cutest avatars!!

  • star2000shadow star2000shadow (2 years ago)

    oh wow thank you

  • TeaTales TeaTales (2 years ago)

    asdfgh! You're such a ray of sunshine! Thank you <3333

  • Justice Justice (2 years ago)

    i love your elephant balloon~

  • Miss Sandman Miss Sandman (3 years ago)

    Thank you as well :D

  • Miss Sandman Miss Sandman (3 years ago)

    Sunny your avi is adorbs!!!!


pretty rocks, pixel art, nature
