Superbearwars's posts
Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
*waves to people*
I just made a mule for storing volts for quest things. :O What's up?
I just made a mule for storing volts for quest things. :O What's up?

Posted in How rich ARE you?
Posted 7 years ago
4,037 Volts atm

Posted in Positivity and Coping (come chat!)
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: Hmm, okay. :o Well, I do like your avi so far, so keep it up!
@FuuChan: I know what you mean... I have major appetite troubles.
@FuuChan: I know what you mean... I have major appetite troubles.

Posted in Weird Jeopardy
Posted 7 years ago
This thread was locked due to inactivity, if you wish to unlock your thread please issue a ticket. Instructions to unlock thread found here.
The rules to this game are simple. (It's just like the game show "Jeopardy," but with "weird" questions.)
1) Post an "answer" for the next person in the thread to respond to.
2) Respond to the previous post's "answer" with the most funny/bizarre "question" you can think of.
answer: Elephants
question: What are the best land mammals at giving back massages?
Let me start us off with an answer!
The rules to this game are simple. (It's just like the game show "Jeopardy," but with "weird" questions.)
1) Post an "answer" for the next person in the thread to respond to.
2) Respond to the previous post's "answer" with the most funny/bizarre "question" you can think of.
answer: Elephants
question: What are the best land mammals at giving back massages?
Let me start us off with an answer!

Posted in screaming quest
Posted 7 years ago
@Ina: Yeah! :o I'm excited to get crates too, tho I probably won't be able to donate for a few months lol ; u ;

Posted in Positivity and Coping (come chat!)
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: Gentle dogs are so lovely <3
Personally, I would swap out the Shortcake for Sea (or at least see how it looks/how you feel about it). But I love it so far!
@FuuChan: I hope you're able to buy nice foods! :3
Personally, I would swap out the Shortcake for Sea (or at least see how it looks/how you feel about it). But I love it so far!
@FuuChan: I hope you're able to buy nice foods! :3

Posted in Positivity and Coping (come chat!)
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: omg... baby. Wow I love your new avi!!!

Posted in The Question Game
Posted 7 years ago
Is that supposed to convince me to go vegan?

Posted in Positivity and Coping (come chat!)
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: Oh god yeah, how could I forget about her being a Great Dane. D: my dog is only like 40 pounds which is very different.
@FuuChan: That's good at least!!!
@FuuChan: That's good at least!!!

Posted in Positivity and Coping (come chat!)
Posted 7 years ago
@FuuChan: Aw man. *offers gentle hugs* I need to hydrate too though...

Posted in Bear's Weird Little Shop (PWYW/OPEN)
Posted 7 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: :) Hooray!! I appreciate it. uwu These are so fun to do too.

Posted in Positivity and Coping (come chat!)
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: Yeah, generally they calm down once you stop responding to them. That's how my dog is at least--much calmer without acknowledgment.
@FuuChan: Hydration is good for you regardless, so maybe drink if you're up to it?
@FuuChan: Hydration is good for you regardless, so maybe drink if you're up to it?

Posted in Bear's Weird Little Shop (PWYW/OPEN)
Posted 7 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: :D I'm so glad lol! It was super fun to make.

Posted in Positivity and Coping (come chat!)
Posted 7 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: Oh no D: my dog does that too... we need to train her out of it but it's hard. When she was a puppy a friend of the family encouraged it really hard x-x
@Austiderps: Ooh, and I just finished that tea so I'm eating breakfast now!
@Austiderps: Ooh, and I just finished that tea so I'm eating breakfast now!