Superbearwars's posts
Posted in Yuck or Yum?
Posted 7 years ago
Yum, I had a similar dessert recently.
Chai tea?
Chai tea?

Posted in Count backwards from 1 million
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Positivity and Coping (come chat!)
Posted 7 years ago
@FuuChan: I hope it works for you this cycle! I know the pill helps a lot of people for cramps--I think it did for me (my cramps are very manageable now). But don't get discouraged if it doesn't work this cycle, since medication takes lots of time to build up.
I hope your mom's meds are working for her! Mine are for me. XD I tried to quit them (with doctor's approval) last year since we thought my seizure activity in my brain was gone, but I ended up having a seizure and breaking my arm. So I'm on my meds again and safe.
I hope your mom's meds are working for her! Mine are for me. XD I tried to quit them (with doctor's approval) last year since we thought my seizure activity in my brain was gone, but I ended up having a seizure and breaking my arm. So I'm on my meds again and safe.

Posted in Which Pokemon follows the AAY?
Posted 7 years ago
Meowth (kanto)

Posted in Word Association
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Continue on letter game!
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in A to Z Feelings & Emotions
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Count backwards from 1 million
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Names A to Z
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Change 1 Letter!
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Count to 1 million
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Pokemon A - Z
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Positivity and Coping (come chat!)
Posted 7 years ago
@FuuChan: I didn't think 20 mins made a huge difference in bc? But I guess it's different for everyone, and might depend on the purpose of the pill for you. :o For me, I'm a little lax with it.
Personally I take seizure medication so missing that can be pretty bad, but as long as I make it up the next day my neurologist says that's better than nothing. And so far I haven't had any seizures from forgetting those meds.
Personally I take seizure medication so missing that can be pretty bad, but as long as I make it up the next day my neurologist says that's better than nothing. And so far I haven't had any seizures from forgetting those meds.

Posted in Suggestion: Thread "Back to Top"
Posted 7 years ago
I would consider this a low-priority suggestion, as in, it's not urgent to follow up on compared to other priorities. But:
Navigating the forums on mobile would be much easier with a "back to top" link at the bottom of each page. Scrolling back to the header after posting on each thread is a little tedious, especially since sometimes you accidentally quote someone on the way up (and get pushed back down).
Navigating the forums on mobile would be much easier with a "back to top" link at the bottom of each page. Scrolling back to the header after posting on each thread is a little tedious, especially since sometimes you accidentally quote someone on the way up (and get pushed back down).