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@Shadami: Noticing some patterns, I've just taken a covid- hometest just to make sure (currently on the wait-20-minutes-for-reply part ). And yes I appreciate everyone who ahs ben so kind to help and donate to me during this event
@shadami: thank! <3 <3 I feel like every event thats oing on im gettign worse and worse at getting event currency ( and I currently suspect m coming down with something )
@totalanimefan: I got 653 at the moment still nedd 3 8 or was it 4? ) of the event items
@alorrena: Yes august till now has just gone so fast, even nature here seems to be struggling to figure it out. som tres are still green x'D and just the other day I saw dandelions and 2 other flowers way out of season
@Kairu: to me it is more that.. I cant afford getting a drivers license.. it will tae me literally 2 year of 1-meal-a-day-and-never-experience-anything-nor-see-anyone to be abl to afford the cost here. ( and i have enough to do with saving up for a new apartment and dentist-stuff as my phobia there is to the extreme ) ><
An other day forgotten.. depression seem to be getting the better of me when t comes to remembering being ative and posting for event currency here ><
*hands you the rainy clouds that are here* sun problem solved...

and now.. ill go for a walk hoping it can give me some more energy to get to the moat. ^^;
@CooperationIsKey: im so sad hey already are removing halloween stuff in my local stores, replacing them with xmas stuff.. even the costumes are being taken off shelves
Saaame. it is so ridicolous expensive. im thte only one of my siblings not having a drivers license ( that my sister should get hers taken however.. is just my opinion she is really not a safe or attentive driver )
@star2000shadow: Oh it has been straightened out, now im just having the mental exhaution that followed

wohoo we made it to page 40!
@Rei Ann: from the videos I have seen the only difference is in how you control the movements and such on the character depending on the controller and/or keyboard
Oh my day has been a rollercoaster emotionally thanks to some misunderstandings on a discord rp server.
@Rei ann: ooh Didn't know that, good to know. more platforms~
@CooperationIsKey: its is not only mobile game it is also computer and playstation 4 game ( play it on ps4 personally )
@CooperationIsKey: it is.. prett good for a free to play game. you get the primogems needed for the pulls trough uests and chestopening ( sorry my p's neighbour is a very dead one ^^;; ) interesting lore and lots of good designs ( I just wish you could mute Paimon lol )