Teatales's posts
Posted in Spring Cleaning: The Dust Wars Event FAQ (+ Raffle Hangout!)
Posted 3 years ago
@Wildfire: sound a bit like my voice friday night when I went back home from a LGBTQI+ pop-up-bar-event my voice were sore but not entirely roasted.

Posted in Spring Cleaning: The Dust Wars Event FAQ (+ Raffle Hangout!)
Posted 3 years ago
@sunny: Well we we're kinda waiting for it, even if she will be missed, I suspected it would be this year she passed at her daughters ( aka my grandmothers ) funeral 3 months ago. If I recall correct she will be buried next to my grandmother and her husband in a giant family grave. ) she ended up at the ripe age of 104 ½ years

Posted in Spring Cleaning: The Dust Wars Event FAQ (+ Raffle Hangout!)
Posted 3 years ago
@sunny: You could call it a trip.. Am going to my greatgrandmothers funeral have to take train at 6.43 am

Posted in Spring Cleaning: The Dust Wars Event FAQ (+ Raffle Hangout!)
Posted 3 years ago
@Alorrena: Nah I think I get it. the garbage folk also prefer the trashbins to be closed here or they wont take thm... which doesnt help much when on just this building we are 30 apartments all sharing the same bins. it gets rather extremely overfilled during holidays ( recent holiday was a good proof of that, they had to come by our road twice, and some idiot had decided the best place to put all the cardboard that couldnt fit into the cardboard bin, fit onto the lawn. >>;
@Sunny: It's been chill.. slept most of it away tho x'D have to change my sleep schedue for tuesday.. * have to be up at 6 am to fetch a train*
also still annoyed that I couldnt find Gears for the photo challenge... espite havng 500+ books in my apartment, none of them shows gears on the cover.. the closest I get to gears are my bicycles gears, which I somehow doubt is the kind of gear they're asking for. ^^;
@Sunny: It's been chill.. slept most of it away tho x'D have to change my sleep schedue for tuesday.. * have to be up at 6 am to fetch a train*
also still annoyed that I couldnt find Gears for the photo challenge... espite havng 500+ books in my apartment, none of them shows gears on the cover.. the closest I get to gears are my bicycles gears, which I somehow doubt is the kind of gear they're asking for. ^^;

Posted in Spring Cleaning: The Dust Wars Event FAQ (+ Raffle Hangout!)
Posted 3 years ago
@sunny: That is kind of how it used to be here like 20-30 years ago, then politicians began putting more focus on the environment. its to the point now where schools have days where tey teach kids about how to produce less waste, go out to pick up trash from the nature and streets. there even are smaller organisations were they donate money for preserving nature ad oceans r plats a tree when you come with a bag of trash to them. is nice

Posted in Precious Memories (Game)
Posted 3 years ago
Town Hall

Town Hall


hope im not too late

Posted in Spring Cleaning: The Dust Wars Event FAQ (+ Raffle Hangout!)
Posted 3 years ago
@Alorrena: more than a couple of my pictures I ended up havn to to the stores looking, and be suspicious idiot who takes pictures with a tag. got more than a few looks when looking at toasters tryng to decide which one they means in the challenge xDD as here a toaster is everything from one to roast bread on to a toastmaker ^^;
eded up taking pictures of both.
as for recycling, I'd say we got a good recyclng going here, its just that our bins aint color coded, instead they are height and shape coded. ( edible wate goes to a normal sized grey bin, cardboard to a slightly taller grey bin, plastic to a bin big enough for about 2½ food bins t be in, and everythin else goes to the big, oddly slim grey bin which is about 2 hands larger than the plastic bin but still shorter in length )
still need to get me some more event currency X_X;
eded up taking pictures of both.
as for recycling, I'd say we got a good recyclng going here, its just that our bins aint color coded, instead they are height and shape coded. ( edible wate goes to a normal sized grey bin, cardboard to a slightly taller grey bin, plastic to a bin big enough for about 2½ food bins t be in, and everythin else goes to the big, oddly slim grey bin which is about 2 hands larger than the plastic bin but still shorter in length )
still need to get me some more event currency X_X;

Posted in Spring Cleaning: The Dust Wars Event FAQ (+ Raffle Hangout!)
Posted 3 years ago
@Alorrena: In the end I still missed my toolbox, ( it was hiding on a shelf in the back of my cleaning supply closet, would hveneeded to remove about 70% of the contents in the closet just to get it out, and taking picture of it just without pulling it out would just be a big black box to look at nothing screaming tools.
A pop can I also missed as I never drink soda, or use pop cans, only use them when I find them when walking around the moat ( which I try to do daily but today has been a busy at home day so have yet to do that )
Last but not least is the blue bin.. which was/is a HUGE issue as bins in Denmark all are dark grey ( or on rare occasions green if you get the old bins ) Only way of getting a blue bin is from buying one online for 1000 dkr, which I am not willing to spend as 1. I live in an apartment 2. Im on early retirement and 3. have a funeral in the other end of the country in 2 days. So had to drop that one.. even though I considered doing some vandalism on the bins outside my apartment by painting one of them a splatter of blue, but too much chance of getting caught and doubly a painted bin would've been getting an OK
A pop can I also missed as I never drink soda, or use pop cans, only use them when I find them when walking around the moat ( which I try to do daily but today has been a busy at home day so have yet to do that )
Last but not least is the blue bin.. which was/is a HUGE issue as bins in Denmark all are dark grey ( or on rare occasions green if you get the old bins ) Only way of getting a blue bin is from buying one online for 1000 dkr, which I am not willing to spend as 1. I live in an apartment 2. Im on early retirement and 3. have a funeral in the other end of the country in 2 days. So had to drop that one.. even though I considered doing some vandalism on the bins outside my apartment by painting one of them a splatter of blue, but too much chance of getting caught and doubly a painted bin would've been getting an OK

Posted in Spring Cleaning: The Dust Wars Event FAQ (+ Raffle Hangout!)
Posted 3 years ago
pride horns <3 also yieks mental exhaustion after tossing in all the pictures I've taken for the photohalleng but im done now though i till have 6 kms walk to do

Posted in ┤▒├ Collecting Dust bunnies
Posted 3 years ago
Phew nd the massive amount of pictures has now been shared *deletes them from phone so my phones battery dont kill itself instantly when its out of charger again as it did yesterday*

Posted in Waste Not, Want Not (Scavenger Hunt)
Posted 3 years ago
See if i get time to load all pictures in here
@Vregory: I have something for you!
Username: TeaTales
Item(s) Shown: broom ,duster, gloves,bucket mop, rag, duster, bubbles, bucket, gloves ( the type i use when im peelingpotatoes as im allergic couldnt find my cleaning gloves if thats what you're asking for ) , mop, rag, sponge, duster, broom, news paper magazine, ( only got one in my home sorry ) plastic container, spray bottle, soap, remote control, tv monitor, wires(?) CD's,remote ontrol, tv onitor, wires, CD's, light bulb, charging cables, wires, popcorn, candy, chips , cookie,magnets, milk carton, juice carton, batteries, gloves, power strips, Burger , toaster, donuts, jars, sandwich, pastry,cardboard, pizza, pretzels? ( bag says it is, persnally im in doubt doenst lok what googl gives me )
https://clapclash.imgur.com/all/ just tossing all in here in case i dont manage to find all the photo linsk in time
bubbles, bucket, gloves ( the type i use when im fixing potatoes as im allergic couldnt find my cleaning gloves if thats what you're asking for ) , mop, rag, sponge, duster, broom
news paper magazine, ( only got one in my home sorry ) plastic container
remote control, tv monitor, wires(?) CD's
remote ontrol, tv monitor, wires, CD's, light bulb
charging cable
more charging cables and wires
popcorn, candy, chips ( popcorn will later be donated to someone else I never eat it same goes for cookies )
milk, juice ( and a stray smoothie )
more gloves
batteries ( 10 years worth ) ^^;; and the only power strips I could find in my apartment
Burger ( first time EVER I had a burger, believe it or not... homemade, vegetarian )
toaster ( on a box in a store dont have a toaster myself dont have rom for it in my kitchen )
an other toaster on a box in a store... the joy of not knowing what type you meant
donuts in a monitor ( dont eat donuts )
jars (?)
more jars..
a (fish) sandwich
months worth of cardboard ( bonus for pizza on one of the boxes..? I didnt get to make the pizza and take pic o it in time. unles th event first ends in 12 hours.. ( timezones are a struggle )
the bag says it is pretzels,, but it doesnt look like what google gives me of pictures of pretzels..
Didnt take photo of my beloved toolbox with its contents showing ( and withut seeing the contents it just a big black box ) as it is hidden well away in my cleaning/tool closet ( would liteally have to move everything out of it to get to it )
Blue bins is a HUGE ussie to get here in my country as they're only able to be gotten from 1 single store, which is an online store... where it costs 1000 dkr which I am not willing to pay especially not when I have a funeral in 2 days to get to in the other end of the country
And pop cans... I never drink of lol, in my notes I somehow had written it so my brain read it as poporn. so none of those either.
ironically enough non of my 500+ books or mangas have gear in them was tempted to use y bicycle gear and call it a day.
@Vregory: I have something for you!
Username: TeaTales
Item(s) Shown: broom ,duster, gloves,bucket mop, rag, duster, bubbles, bucket, gloves ( the type i use when im peelingpotatoes as im allergic couldnt find my cleaning gloves if thats what you're asking for ) , mop, rag, sponge, duster, broom, news paper magazine, ( only got one in my home sorry ) plastic container, spray bottle, soap, remote control, tv monitor, wires(?) CD's,remote ontrol, tv onitor, wires, CD's, light bulb, charging cables, wires, popcorn, candy, chips , cookie,magnets, milk carton, juice carton, batteries, gloves, power strips, Burger , toaster, donuts, jars, sandwich, pastry,cardboard, pizza, pretzels? ( bag says it is, persnally im in doubt doenst lok what googl gives me )
https://clapclash.imgur.com/all/ just tossing all in here in case i dont manage to find all the photo linsk in time

Didnt take photo of my beloved toolbox with its contents showing ( and withut seeing the contents it just a big black box ) as it is hidden well away in my cleaning/tool closet ( would liteally have to move everything out of it to get to it )
Blue bins is a HUGE ussie to get here in my country as they're only able to be gotten from 1 single store, which is an online store... where it costs 1000 dkr which I am not willing to pay especially not when I have a funeral in 2 days to get to in the other end of the country
And pop cans... I never drink of lol, in my notes I somehow had written it so my brain read it as poporn. so none of those either.
ironically enough non of my 500+ books or mangas have gear in them was tempted to use y bicycle gear and call it a day.

Posted in ┤▒├ Collecting Dust bunnies
Posted 3 years ago
@Wildfire: Exactly what I mean.. if only one could get the choice between winning volts or event currency in black jack. that at least seem a bit less of 'the same' at least to my brain. Anyway got todays currency now to see if I can get the photos sent into the photo contest thing before the event ends. * realize too late i got no pop can either and is a little too late to go on the hunt for one if i recall event ending time correct* ( the issue of never drinking soda XD )

Posted in ┤▒├ Collecting Dust bunnies
Posted 3 years ago
@Wildfire: Yep it is the same here, usually I am watching movies or series or listening to podcasts or soundbooks but I also like to have my hands moving with something other than the mouse, using the mouse all the time just seems like it gets a bit ' robtic' in the length if you get me..?

Posted in ┤▒├ Collecting Dust bunnies
Posted 3 years ago
@Wildfire: yeah have done 0 puzzes so far find it quickly gets tedious