Teatales's posts
Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
God allmighty Tui, excuse my language but thats a weird *ss law

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
@kiri: that is also about the only thing my dad and I ever do together these days. as a child and teenager he was rarely ever home, mstly he was out working under the table or at a bar/friends getting so drunk he barely could drive. ( he be alcoholic ^^; ) about now he mostly drives places as his legs are too weak for him to be able to stand up or walk very far.

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@kozi: and @myotis: Yes LARP can have a toxic environment and some creepy/oddballs that stand out. Its about finding your herd amongst the people is what I've found. The people that used to scare and make me nervous have funny enough turned out to be the friendliest and most helpful people ( especially when my asperger got a sensory overload followed with a meltdown ^^; )
@tuijp: Thanks I guess. Thought I tbh oly like my face from one angle, I find it to be uneven and my nose way to big/wide ^^;
Also changing banks: do research and get in contact with those banks you want to change to, hear about their plans, what they can offer you and such, no need to explain yourself to your old bank if you decide to hange bank. ( yes I studied a lot about banks when I made my blind larp character as she used to work in a bank ^^;; ) thats the more fun thing about larp: you get to learn new stuff and get new skills ( like me learning to read braille the right way * with fingertips * in an old LARP that had its very last campaign aruptly in January I learned some ASL because my character 'namesister' were unable to speak. the player herself are fluent in ASL so she used it when not using her phone )
Yeah just went down to buy groceries with my dad that deided to drive out to the northern most part of the city.. unortunately I did for once not have my TeaTales namesign with me or I would have used the tme there on taking photos even though they wouldnt have ben sharp thanks to him driving constantly. but it was a nice and mussle-smelling seabreeze =u=b
@tuijp: Thanks I guess. Thought I tbh oly like my face from one angle, I find it to be uneven and my nose way to big/wide ^^;
Also changing banks: do research and get in contact with those banks you want to change to, hear about their plans, what they can offer you and such, no need to explain yourself to your old bank if you decide to hange bank. ( yes I studied a lot about banks when I made my blind larp character as she used to work in a bank ^^;; ) thats the more fun thing about larp: you get to learn new stuff and get new skills ( like me learning to read braille the right way * with fingertips * in an old LARP that had its very last campaign aruptly in January I learned some ASL because my character 'namesister' were unable to speak. the player herself are fluent in ASL so she used it when not using her phone )
Yeah just went down to buy groceries with my dad that deided to drive out to the northern most part of the city.. unortunately I did for once not have my TeaTales namesign with me or I would have used the tme there on taking photos even though they wouldnt have ben sharp thanks to him driving constantly. but it was a nice and mussle-smelling seabreeze =u=b

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
Am I really? xDD Sure it aint just my LARP character looks that looks cute?
Im busy in October if I get a role in the haunted house. as it will be open from end september til start november ^^;
You used to do LARPs? 8'D I started LARPing soon 2 years ago. ( funny enough I started at it around halloween in 201, mostly just stuck to Vampire the MAsquerade/Sabbat/Vampire the Requiem ) I absolutely look forward to come back home so I can try and make a proper makeup look and outfit look for my Vtm v5 ghoul character; Liv ( which means life ... it was honetly a placeholdername as I wrote the chracter, but ended up becoming the characters actual name XDD) gonna be interesting to see if she will be destroyed completely or if she will be the sheriffs useful tool for getting the hand on a vampirehunter.. no she doent belong to the sherif but to a craaazy malkavian scientist.
tui: I like you linework, its so gorgeus <3 Looking orward to seeing the finished result.
Im busy in October if I get a role in the haunted house. as it will be open from end september til start november ^^;
You used to do LARPs? 8'D I started LARPing soon 2 years ago. ( funny enough I started at it around halloween in 201, mostly just stuck to Vampire the MAsquerade/Sabbat/Vampire the Requiem ) I absolutely look forward to come back home so I can try and make a proper makeup look and outfit look for my Vtm v5 ghoul character; Liv ( which means life ... it was honetly a placeholdername as I wrote the chracter, but ended up becoming the characters actual name XDD) gonna be interesting to see if she will be destroyed completely or if she will be the sheriffs useful tool for getting the hand on a vampirehunter.. no she doent belong to the sherif but to a craaazy malkavian scientist.
tui: I like you linework, its so gorgeus <3 Looking orward to seeing the finished result.

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
I always have a aksetchbook and pencils with me wherever I go, unless I just need to do some groceryshopping.
My art is floating about on deviantart and instagram. latest is on my instagram. * cant rememberif i put it on my art account that I made but never really went active on because I already follow so many artists on my main xD * lemme check ah yes its on my instagram teatalestimes ( warning: the first photo on there is me messing around with eyeshadows to make bruises at a LARP )
My art is floating about on deviantart and instagram. latest is on my instagram. * cant rememberif i put it on my art account that I made but never really went active on because I already follow so many artists on my main xD * lemme check ah yes its on my instagram teatalestimes ( warning: the first photo on there is me messing around with eyeshadows to make bruises at a LARP )

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Dot know how active I can be the next hour-2 hours as Im gonna go shopping with my dad at any time ^^,

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
I dont know how good I am at drawing food and such, but I do know that I am pretty decent when it comes to backgrounds with nature in it like trees and water and such

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
Yes it's a Wacom intuous -something-icant.remember xD
[193]Writing down my iideas is not neccesaryI already did some tiny rough drafts on my paper. if it should go completely nuts I have paint and brushes + a couple canvas' with me to paint on
[193]Writing down my iideas is not neccesaryI already did some tiny rough drafts on my paper. if it should go completely nuts I have paint and brushes + a couple canvas' with me to paint on

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
I really absolutely hope that it survives T__T for now I will just let it cool down and see what it says tomorrow or later tonight when it has cooled off.
[192 ] but t be stupid cause I am really in a draw-voltras-digitally mood
[192 ] but t be stupid cause I am really in a draw-voltras-digitally mood

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
I really want to draw voltra stuff right now... But I fear my tablet might be to hot to function seeing as I forgot it i the back of my dads car, so now the box and the bag is super hot X___X''
* has dragged it inside where it at least aint 30c but more 28c and in shadows *
I see i just thought they erased the old questions ad put in new ^^;
* has dragged it inside where it at least aint 30c but more 28c and in shadows *
I see i just thought they erased the old questions ad put in new ^^;

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
our night it was 25C currently up near 30 c again
Found my tablet, and am honestly worried about it; turned out I had forgotten it in the back of my dads car and now the entire bag it is in is super hot the box it is in too. O__O'
Found my tablet, and am honestly worried about it; turned out I had forgotten it in the back of my dads car and now the entire bag it is in is super hot the box it is in too. O__O'

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
I highyl doubt it but I better look for it, in case my niece should have run off with it. or my brother and his wife have been tossing heavy stuff on it * miht never use it but still love it *

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
@goblin: oh? I had understood that you could only answer on the accordi day... guess its time to figure out about those ducks ( hehe I love how the icons give a clue as to what the lore/game will be about )

Posted in Strings Game
Posted 6 years ago
The game that is at basically every market I've been on, no joke.