Teatales's posts
Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@mdom: has she tried to give the shorts the vinegar threatment? let them soak in vinegar; it helps binding the color as well as to get out stains ( as well as it brightens the color a bit ) Is basically how you can get old white lace to look almost as new ( depending on how much sun it has had ofc )
[ post 88 ]
[ post 88 ]

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
*pours cocio over the death eater * :/
[post 87 ]
[post 87 ]

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
Being tot he inner twn today I thought of the challenge when I had an enxounter with a very curious little sparrow, that landed next to my hand as I was taking photos of some flowers with my phone. ( should send them in a mail to myself so i can put them to the challenge. too lazy thouh xD )
but it sound slike quite an epicness with the murder of crows arriing riht afte the christians leave xD
[ psot 86 ]
but it sound slike quite an epicness with the murder of crows arriing riht afte the christians leave xD
[ psot 86 ]

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
Are you using a mouse? ( just a curious question ) ^^;
Looks cute.
Gawd so many people talking right around the apartment right now.. or talking/yelling.. can hear at least 3 conversations going
[ post 85 ]
Looks cute.
Gawd so many people talking right around the apartment right now.. or talking/yelling.. can hear at least 3 conversations going
[ post 85 ]

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
try and contact the delivery service and hear what they got to say.
Had a similiar experience with DHL last month.
[ 84 ]
Had a similiar experience with DHL last month.
[ 84 ]

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
Sounds like you had the jelly-controlling-girlfriend issue that I had some years back AMA. I'm sorry to hear that.
Got the same connectin with my best friend. We are so close that his siblings and family more or less have adopted me as some sort of stray cat.
When I moved in to live with him and hi grlfriend at the time becuse I couldnt keep affording the rent in my old apartment, the girlfrind very quickly got jelly, tried my best to not be in the way to clean the apartment, and do their dishes, buy food and catlitter for their cats too while paying her rent.. but in the end she kicked me out of it ( after having gone trough my personal letters >>; ) ended up being homeless for half a year after thatuntill I ended in th c*****y apartment I got now.
[post 83 ]
Got the same connectin with my best friend. We are so close that his siblings and family more or less have adopted me as some sort of stray cat.
When I moved in to live with him and hi grlfriend at the time becuse I couldnt keep affording the rent in my old apartment, the girlfrind very quickly got jelly, tried my best to not be in the way to clean the apartment, and do their dishes, buy food and catlitter for their cats too while paying her rent.. but in the end she kicked me out of it ( after having gone trough my personal letters >>; ) ended up being homeless for half a year after thatuntill I ended in th c*****y apartment I got now.
[post 83 ]

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@Bum: Val - I mean, Teatales brings the warm colors x'D Is looking good. Just been out doing some grocery shopping with my dad. We should have been at the marketplace that is right next to a beach, but he didnt wake me up when he went ( aka I cant get shells and sand unless going to te sandbox ) for the photochallenge ;__;
It fels kinda ironic that I cant find a beach with sand being in a town that is right by the sea, but the entirety of the water areas here are harbor, and what isnt harbour has like these giant rocks to prevent the sea from flooding the town ( which has been an issue back in the days.. along with sand that regularly has to be removed from a specifi line in the ocean to prevent the water from suddenly standing still and to make sure that ships can get in )
[post 82 ]
It fels kinda ironic that I cant find a beach with sand being in a town that is right by the sea, but the entirety of the water areas here are harbor, and what isnt harbour has like these giant rocks to prevent the sea from flooding the town ( which has been an issue back in the days.. along with sand that regularly has to be removed from a specifi line in the ocean to prevent the water from suddenly standing still and to make sure that ships can get in )
[post 82 ]

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago

oh shoot, you guys are goood!


oh shoot, you guys are goood!


Aaw, this drawing reminds me so much of an OC of mine ( she just need some curly ram-horns beneath her ears xD ) Didnt even realize that I had made my avatar look like her x'D Thanks! <3 made my day, just as much as the warm sunshine and plently of sleep I got ^^;
* finds cocio for the deatheater,, to try and hit it *
[post 81 ]

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
You're right, right now Im just focusing on getting as much points in flight rising before I gotta force myself to bed. ( which i honestly should have done 1 hour ago, my dad dont take it easy when he sees me being up apast midnight hwhich he just did XD )
[80 posts ]
[80 posts ]

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@kent Thanks got it. now i just gotta spam more and earn enough to buy for the past two thingies.. in the element thing where you got a basket X_X * still too stressed to remember *

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Sorry cant keep posting in here untill in about 10-11 hours dpending on when I get woken up by my brother and niece or by my father for that matter. we normal beings have to slep ( and catch up to instagram and other stuff xd ) it be like 00.34 am here
and i obviously am too stresssed and tired to be able to control m left hand corectly anymore
Virgils 3rd meal was a small box of noodles
Sorry cant keep posting in here untill in about 10-11 hours dpending on when I get woken up by my brother and niece or by my father for that matter. we normal beings have to slep ( and catch up to instagram and other stuff xd ) it be like 00.34 am here
and i obviously am too stresssed and tired to be able to control m left hand corectly anymore

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
thouht it was some sort of dress [78]

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
[77] just accidentally bought two of items i already had in my stress ffs.. and i still cant find the towelthey claim velvet got in her shop ><

Posted in Veng's prize festival
Posted 6 years ago
yes powerful and powerful now i ill got back to figurng out where the HAWL Velvet is hiding the beack blanket, trunk, towel and ripped tights cuse i cant seem to ind them i her shops this stress gives me fer of getting a seizure and i alreayd got some of the signs for it >< sooo much fun yaaaay and it be like midnigth here