Tuijp's posts
Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago

@eliechan: you can draw traditional and make a picture with it on your phone

Posted in Please, give me strength to...
Posted 6 years ago

@Kawaii Neko Teaa: 2 of my friends are moving this weekend, to the other side of town, and I already feel sorry for them XD

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago

@Fielkun: I will just pick the first number you rolled, a 3
The Death Eater lost 25 HP now

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago

@eliechan: yes it is

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago

@Fielkun: you have roll 1 die with 10 sides, not 10 with 10 sides
And no need to quote the post

Posted in You Can't Get a Suntan On the Moon || Raffle!
Posted 6 years ago

My favourite summertime activity is hissing at the sun

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
Oh no! A Death Eater already! Save this thread!

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago


Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago

Fielkun 5
Eliechan 3
Raxton 8
Kozi 55
Another Movie Addict 131
LordLucre 74
Peachy 18
Bum 116
Kent 111
Hadsvich 39
Saeyra 25
dragoness129 35
TeaTales 100
Totalanimefan 3
Valefor 3
Glume 14
Shadami 30
Mousy 9
star2000shadow 6
Mystical74 3
myotis 42
mdom 43
Lithinel 6
Deaa 3
Kiri 20
LupaPrinceRomulus 3

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago

What is a forum event without posting huh? Well here is your chance to earn points, just for doing that! Count every post you make in this thread and, at the end, the top 10 will get extra points!
Number 1: 10 points
Number 2: 9 points
Number 3: 8 points
Number 4: 7 points
Number 5: 6 points
Number 6: 5 points
Number 7: 4 points
Number 8: 3 points
Number 9: 2 points
Number 10: 1 point
Number 2: 9 points
Number 3: 8 points
Number 4: 7 points
Number 5: 6 points
Number 6: 5 points
Number 7: 4 points
Number 8: 3 points
Number 9: 2 points
Number 10: 1 point
Next to that, the first post on every page that ends on a 5 (such as 5, 15, 25, 35 etc), get 3 points and the first poster on a page ending on a 0 (10, 20, 30 etc) gets 5 points!
Oh no! Death eaters!
During the event, Death Eaters will show up to ruin the fun! It’s up to you to fight them off!
When a Death Eater shows up, you and everyone who is there, has to roll one die with 10 sides. The Death Eater has health of 250 and, the number you get of the die, is how much damage you inflict.
No need to quote the post, you can just post and roll.
You can roll as many times as you want, just don't post more than twice in a row
The person who starts the fight, will get 5 points and everyone else who joins in the fight will get 3 points. The person who ends the fight, will get 5 extra points!

Punch Buggy Game
idea by Another Movie Addict:
“I was thinking about making a game around the punch buggy car game. Where when you spot a Volkswagon Beetle, you 'punch' someone. But instead of posting a random beetle for people to 'punch' aka quote for a point.”
Every now and then, I will post the picture of a beetle and you have to quote that post to ‘punch’ the bug.
First to quote it, will get 5 points. Everyone after that, will get 3 points. You have until the next beetle is posted to quote the post.
Your avatar’s summer holiday!
It’s summer and your avatar finally got a few weeks off from work/school!
They go on a holiday and that is what I want to see. Show me how your avatar is spending their summer break. It can be that they’re staying at home, doing absolutely nothing, go on a holiday, volunteer at the dog pound, anything goes.
You can enter 3 avatars total and you get 3 points per entry.
At the end of the event, I will pick the top 3.
Number 1 gets 5 extra points
Number 2 gets 3 extra points
Number 3 gets 1 extra point





The Drawing Game
For those who don’t like posting and who has an avatar who isn’t going to get a break from work or school, this game is invented!
You can draw in any sort of way (digital, traditional or any other way you can think of) and the drawing has to be of anyone else in this thread!
You can draw as many avatars as you want, as many times as you want, but you will only get points for the first 5 times:
1st drawing: 2 points
2nd drawing: 4 points
3rd drawing: 6 points
4th drawing: 8 points
5th drawing: 10 points
For Another Movie Addict:

For Bum:

For Raxton:

For Another Movie Addict:

For me:

For me:


Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago

Follow the site rules
Be nice to everyone
Don’t beg for items (seriously, there is enough for everyone)
Don't whine and complain
Every game has rules, a description and point count
I may give out random points to people, based on activity
When you break any of these rules, I will reset your point count
More rules may be added later on

Sweet Cakes (2)
Wonderous Wisteria
Virus (2)
Ballad of the Bard
En Garde
Fortune Teller
Magnificent Inspector
Midsummer Night's King
Splish Splash
Spring Showers
Strange Land
The Ruffian (2)
D.J. FURocious
Diamond Waistcoat (4)
Dual-Tones Styled Hair (3)
Extraordinary Puppet (2)
Festively Fab
Flame Dancer
High Tide
Ombre Cherub Curls
Ombre Nomad (2)
Ombre Secretary
Polka Dot Tailored Shirt
Snowman (4)
Snuggle Bunny (2)
Toy Soldier (2)
Tri-Color Dreads

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago

Coming closer, you hear all sorts of music and you hear people talking and laughing. Through the garden, you see a few chickens running around, closely followed by a cat. Next to the house, you see a dog is laying in the sun, taking a nap.
Getting curious what all of this is, you go into the garden. You walk around the house, to see a long table with 2 long benches next to it. On the table are all sorts of pots and pans, a mismatch of plates and cutlery. The smell of all the delicious food makes you go closer and closer to the table, while you didn’t even notice your feet moving.
“Do sit down and grab a plate! I will be right there!” you hear someone shout at you. You look around, but you don’t see anyone right away. You sit down anyway and pull a plate closer to yourself. You carefully open a pan, not really sure if you should, and see your favourite dish in it.
You hear a bonk and feel the table shake slightly. You look up and you first see a big pan, but then spot Tuijp right behind it.
“Welcome to The Summerhouse of The Sanctuary!” he says, “Feel free to put whatever you want on your plate and dig in. You will need your strength.”

Posted in buying my first binder!!
Posted 6 years ago

@KairoSama: time to find a rich father in law

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

@Unicorn: that’s good to hear