Tuijp's posts
Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

mdom uses nap!

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

Oh we get to pick and choose mdom! Almost like a Pokémon!

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

Simple, Dommy: revenge while your mind is in the gutter

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

Just dirty minded? I have to up my game!

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

Yeah my mind has gone *there* too
Shit, this means my ex-mother in law was right: I am a bad influence! Oh well

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

A mac is way too expensive for me xD
One of the better shows is tv show britain's darkest taboos. They have a lot.
She knew him because he used to be a friend of her brother. Lots of people she knew went to prison and the girls would write the guys.
The sentence first was 3 years and 53 days minimum and then they would look at how he was doing every time. He could get released if was doing well. And yeah, I totally agree, 10 years is nothing. It's a life he took, a life of a young girl with her whole life ahead of her.
Let's not say what I hope for him, because that definitely isn't nice.
Okay, sleep well!

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

When my last laptop died, I had to slowly get enough money for this computer
I love shows like that, because they actually teach you things
I knew it wouldn't end well for her, because I somewhat remembered the case. She was a bit younger than me and it was on the news in those days.
The guy ended up in prison for 10 years and got released last year. He has a lot of rules to keep to, one of them being that, when he gets in a relationship again, he has to report it.

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

The 3 I have, I got 2 of them off of my brother xD
Yeah and the man explained it all and showed exactly which part of the brain would be active and what happened there.
I watch at least 1 true crime show per week and always end up with "yes, give me more!"
Yesterday I watched a docu about Carly Fairhurst, a girl who got in a relationship with a guy while he was in prison for manslaughter. It started as them being pen pals (when she was 15) and, when he got out, they got in a relationship. The moment they moved in together, her being 17, the domestic violence started and it ended up with him killing her.

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

Same. Good thing I have 2 back-up screens, just in case.
No, it's more going into flight or fight modes when you're stressed and basically back to basic instincts.
It was very interesting. They have programs like that every now and then on the public channels here. They even had a few where they explained everything that happened with major criminal cases and how they exactly did everything.

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

I checked them all and they were in as good as possible
Last one I watched was a neurologist explaining what stress can do to a brain

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

/moves screen
And back to normal... o.o
Who cares about the target audience?
There is a channel here who's target is old people, but they sometimes have programs that are very interesting

Posted in What kind of
Posted 6 years ago

@Peachy: here, go fight him off

Good luck

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

My computer screen is doing weird. It looks like someone blurred everything to the right.
How are you?

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago

I found 3 Pokemon cards. Their average value is $26,45.