Turtle Sensei's posts
Posted in Turtle Sensei's Art Shop (open)
Posted 6 years ago

@Amber Lynne: loom is definitely easier on my hands. Here is some of my knitted stuff:
Knitted for an art trade on another avi site. She's making me turtle jewelry!

Infinity Rainbow Scarf:

2 puff hat:

Slouchy Beanie:

Men's Beanie in Chicago Bulls colors:

Women's Hat (the blue yarn is super sparkly):

Women's Pink double poofball hat w/ matching cowl neck scarf:

Matching cowl scarf:

Fluffy White Hat:

Some random Hats and Scarves:

Knitted Mice w/ catnip inside:


Puppy blob: with Butters the cat as a model

Kitty blob:

Teddy Bear:

F Bombs (throw them when you're angry and don't want to swear!)

Knitted Pouch (it was intended for a smoke pouch or glasses pouch):
Pics with Butters the kitten as a companion model!

Bloody Tampons (saw these as a gag gift on Reddit and decided to try my hand at making them. lol I was able to sell one and a pattern I made explaining how to make them!):

Floral Bracelet:

Posted in Turtle Sensei's Art Shop (open)
Posted 6 years ago

@Amber Lynne: I use a loom to knit because of my arthritis. And I needlepoint a bit too. I need to focus more on traditional art.

Posted in Turtle Sensei's Art Shop (open)
Posted 6 years ago

@Unicorn: Aw thank you! I really appreciate that!
@Amber Lynne: I've taken up knitting and card making, and also focusing on writing. how about you?

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago

@littlewhitedragonlet: I haven not touched Gaia in years.

Posted in [ DEVIL ] LISH // art auction & hangout - auction ended.
Posted 6 years ago

@devil: yeah Butters is a brat still lol. but I love him. And Boney has had some anxiety issues as of late.

Posted in Turtle Sensei's Art Shop (open)
Posted 6 years ago

@GuttedBunny: Well, practice makes perfect! So keep drawing!
@Amber Lynne: lol nor do I! It is good to see you though!

Posted in Turtle Sensei's Pond - A Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

@vengeance: Aw sorry you didn't feel like going to work! I hope you had a great day!
@Unicorn: Oh those are fun games. I didn't like pocket camp much though. It took too long to start. lol

Posted in Turtle Sensei's Pond - A Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

@Unicorn: So what sort of things do you enjoy doing for fun?

Posted in Turtle Sensei's Pond - A Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

@Unicorn: yeah it's like that. He likes Stratego too. he's really into Roman and Welsh history.

Posted in Turtle Sensei's Pond - A Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

@Unicorn: It's a game where you're a general or something for the Roman army and you control the troops. So kind of like Risk the boardgame?

Posted in :valsunglasses: Let's do this!
Posted 6 years ago

@anrifay: That's so cool! Ours has a Craft Room, Gym, Computer Room, and Library. Oh and a kitchen you can use too for parties and such. Lots of tenants use it for birthday parties. I've been meaning to ask if they can get an easel in the craft room for painting, it's pretty much a studio, but it's not as large or nice as yours. But, it is nice getting free paints and canvas to use.

Posted in Turtle Sensei's Pond - A Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

@Unicorn: yeah just a little bit lol. and yeah it is. he plays on his computer too. he likes strategy games like Total War.

Posted in :valsunglasses: Let's do this!
Posted 6 years ago

@anrifay: Whoa, Is that art studio in the complex for others to use? or actually in your apartment itself? either way amazing. My apartment has a craft room for people to use, so I've gotten back into painting and card making.

Posted in Turtle Sensei's Art Shop (open)
Posted 6 years ago

@GuttedBunny: lol I can understand that.