Turtle Sensei's posts
Posted in Fozzy & Friends [UNDER CONSTRUCTION!]
Posted 7 years ago
oooh another thread to poke my head into. Hello there everyone! Lovely site here. I think I've seen this art style before? So, Fozzy, have you worked fpr any other avatar sites? If not, have you been on other sites? Cuz I swear I've seen this style before. Maybe I'm mistaken though?

Posted in ✿ prize winning Flower Shop ~ ! ✿
Posted 7 years ago
Hello Hello!@Nyuu: I've seen you on another avi site haven't I? which one are you from? I know the username is familiar!!

Posted in ✿ prize winning Flower Shop ~ ! ✿
Posted 7 years ago
Hey a place to post! seems pretty active! Hi there. I'm new. Just signed up this morning.

Posted in Newbie Reporting In!!
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: yeah I finally found a doctor who was willing to fight for me too.But when I was approved, my state covered insurance got turned off because i was now eligible for Medicare, so I've been off of my medications for about 2 months waiting for hte Medicare to kick in. Haven't been doing so well. Im trying to get everything re-prescribed now. Takes a lot of work. And I got full approval, but Im allowed to work as long as I make under $1,700 a month and I only work 30 or less hours. I am set up at work for 20, but sometimes I'll barely make that in a week, and other weeks, when I feel better, I can make about 25-28 hours.

Posted in Newbie Reporting In!!
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Hey! Always nice to meet someone my age! May I ask what you're on Disability for? If you'd rather not share, I understand! I just got a[[roved after fighting for 6+ years. They approved back about 5 years. I actually just woke up yesterday to my husband excited about me getting my backpay lol. We put it in savings and I got a new laptop and we got an Xbox 1. We can also now afford our glasses. We'veboth had the same prescription for 4 years and desperately need a new pair.
I'm currently still working, but not sure how long I can continue that, I work about 20 hours a week.
I'm currently still working, but not sure how long I can continue that, I work about 20 hours a week.

Posted in I don't understand..
Posted 7 years ago
I feel you on this. my upstairs neighbor is a loud single father and a bit of an alcoholic. It's either him or his kids always up, banging around, yelling, playing video games and arguing with people over the voice chat, or just sounding like there are elephants wrestling. Considering his sons are under 8 years old, I can bet most of the loud music and swearing aren't them.
I've complained about it, but all it does is make him yell at his kiddos more, and I hate getting them in trouble. So we deal with it as best we can.
I've complained about it, but all it does is make him yell at his kiddos more, and I hate getting them in trouble. So we deal with it as best we can.

Posted in Newbie Reporting In!!
Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Thanks for the warm welcome! Is there an art forum area for pricing help?
@Cookie: haha probably. I have been on most of them. Nice to see one I didn't know about!
@Q t e a p o n: ooh hey! i do know you! how have you been? i found this site actually from a thread comment that Dawn Painters over on Caedon made!
@Cookie: haha probably. I have been on most of them. Nice to see one I didn't know about!
@Q t e a p o n: ooh hey! i do know you! how have you been? i found this site actually from a thread comment that Dawn Painters over on Caedon made!

Posted in Newbie Reporting In!!
Posted 7 years ago
Hi there! I'm Turtle Sensei, you may know me from various other avatar based forum sites. If you know me on another site, please say HI!
A bit about me...
I'm 32, married, no kids, female.
I have 2 cats. A 4 year old Orange Tabby named Bonito aka Boney Toes, and a 12+ Lynx Point Siamese named Tiamaat aka Tia.
I adore turtles. I happen to have 3 turtle plushies hanging out in my living room with me right now. I'm even using one as a laptop tray lol.
I work part time, I just recently got approved for disability benefits. I have Crohn's Disease and Asperger's. I've had 5 surgeries in the last 4 years for my Crohn's.
I love to draw, knit, write, color, and do just about anything crafty. You can find me on Instagram as @TheRealTurtleSensei
Want to know more stuff about me? Please ask!!
Also, would anyone here be interested in me opening up an art shop?
this is a sample of my art:

A bit about me...
I'm 32, married, no kids, female.
I have 2 cats. A 4 year old Orange Tabby named Bonito aka Boney Toes, and a 12+ Lynx Point Siamese named Tiamaat aka Tia.
I adore turtles. I happen to have 3 turtle plushies hanging out in my living room with me right now. I'm even using one as a laptop tray lol.
I work part time, I just recently got approved for disability benefits. I have Crohn's Disease and Asperger's. I've had 5 surgeries in the last 4 years for my Crohn's.
I love to draw, knit, write, color, and do just about anything crafty. You can find me on Instagram as @TheRealTurtleSensei
Want to know more stuff about me? Please ask!!
Also, would anyone here be interested in me opening up an art shop?
this is a sample of my art: