Valefor's posts
Posted in closed
Posted 2 years ago
@GoblinsAndTea another update! I'm almost done. Just need to finish coloring the hair c:
@Mandy Amour: I think I'll offer sketches after i finish this current commission. need to use my ipad for more than just watching youtube hahah xD
If you feel like waiting whenever you get better tech than yea. I think that's a valid decision especially if it will make your life a bit easier!
@Totalanimefan: dang, car free so you don't have to worry about gas all the time!
Yea, hybrid would be great for me too. I'm...just so tired of having to interact with people most of my day as a job LOL. idk, i've been thinking about it lately and realize how much i would love to be able to work either 100% remotely or hybrid. I'm an introverted homebody and having to be social is soo tiring ; n; Not to mention, a lot of the patrons at my job are sooo damn needy and rude sometimes.

Posted in closed
Posted 2 years ago
@Mandy Amour: yeaaai bought an iPad a few months ago and wanna get used to using procreate xD I love it so far but need more practice using the program and learning the shortcuts haha!
So I’m probably gonna use the iPad to offer sketches!

But yea I wanna offer those after I finish this commission. c:
@Totalanimefan: oof Florida ^^; but yea I would t blame ya. If you enjoy living elsewhere, it’s probably better for you.
And I’m good. Just going through the usual work routine. I’ve been thinking about this for the past week or two, and kinda want to find a job that works from home. Or even partially work from home is fine by me. It’s not gonna be any time soon since I just started working full time but thinking about it lol

Posted in FFXIV anybody?
Posted 2 years ago
@Amber Lynne: lmao, I do not miss those 6+ hour queues either xD this was before I went full time for my day job, but I remember asking my sister to log me in and get me in the queue as I was coming home from work LOL. Good times lmao.
And cool! Are you going for the Amaro mount too? I maxed all my jobs a few months ago. Did it for the Amaro mount and then just bc I have no life and also love this game xD
Anyway, todays my off day if you wanna play together if you’re not busy irl. c:

Posted in FFXIV anybody?
Posted 2 years ago
- @Baralai: Yea i started playing back when Heavensward was released then stopped bc life. then started playing again towards the end of Shadowbringers!
@Amber Lynne: hot damn i didn't know you play xD and we're on the same data center!
I'm a red mage main and dark knight for tank xD
if you wanna run content or anything. i'm game!

Posted in closed
Posted 2 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Thank goodness you were able to leave when you could!
@Mandy Amour: I haven't thought about bribe slots. I was thinking about opening another slot for sketches for those who don't wanna pay a lot for my colored bust haha

Posted in The Surge: Dino & Bone Age Crate - Splish Splash Legacy!
Posted 2 years ago
Lovely new monthlies!
The bunny ears on the umbrella and the duckies!

Posted in What are you currently reading?
Posted 2 years ago
I'm currently reading "Transcendent Kingdom" by Yaa Gyasi. It's okay so far. A bit depressing lol.

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 2 years ago
"Been Like This" by Doja Cat.

Posted in closed
Posted 2 years ago
@GoblinsAndTea: Apologies for another ping lol. but finished the lineart and base colors. just another wip for ya. lemme know if i need to change anything! c:

@Totalanimefan: Yea, even when the raise wasn't worth the job. But when you need the money, you have to stick with it. :(
haha, i know that feeling! sometimes you can't help but think about work outside of work.
@Mandy Amour: Thank you! That means a lot to me!

Posted in closed
Posted 2 years ago
sorry yall. i'm so bad at replying back ^^;
@Totalanimefan: Yep. all the shitty customer service jobs working for those big corps. The places i've worked at had semi-terrible management or changed to terrible management. And of course, with shitty pay. The amount of work i did while working at the movie theater was definitely not worth the pay even after i got promoted to supervisor. But then again, i was still working part-time. I even heard from one of the managers that starting pay for manager wasn't great either. Yikes!
Starting a new job is gonna be a struggle at first. But after you get used to it, you get a routine down! But I'm happy to hear you're doing well!

And thank you! Just getting the groove of lineart again.

@Ruby: Thanks! I'm finally using for monitor tablet as it was intended for and not just as a second monitor when gaming hahah
@Lotus: Hey Lotus!

@GoblinsAndTea: That's alright! I'm just updating so it doesn't seem like i ghosted or anything which not what i intend!

Posted in closed
Posted 2 years ago
@GoblinsAndTea: Just wanted to update that i'm still working lineart. Working on his hair and almost done c:

@Ruby: Oh hey! That's alright xD And thank you! One of my fave things to do is make headless avis LOL
@Totalanimefan: Retail is so bad. I did my time and never ever want to go back to anything like it. I've had mostly good experiences working with other staff members in retail, but it's mostly dealing the shitty customers.
But i'm happy to hear you like your job!

Posted in closed
Posted 2 years ago
@GoblinsAndTea: Alrighty! I'll get back to you when I'm done with the lineart and base colors for another wip feedback. c:
@Totalanimefan: Ooh business! I wouldn't say it's boring. Every major has it's opinions. Oof, yea I don't blame you on not wanting anything retail. Retail is terrible tbh xD But congrats on finding a job that you like! I feel like that can be a struggle for most people.
I also studied Japanese for about 3 years in high school. I didn't retain any of it after graduating and never had anybody to practice speaking it with. But I would love to try learning it again when I have the time.

Posted in FFXIV anybody?
Posted 2 years ago
@Stinky: ooh okay gotcha! I have a set work schedule so it’s pretty much the same unless I quit or switch with somebody lol.
Okay, ima send you my discord. c:

Posted in FFXIV anybody?
Posted 2 years ago
@Stinky: you’re fine xD I forgot it was kinda late by the time I got home. My time zone is central (cst) and I get home late at night during the weekdays but my off days are Sunday and Monday.
What about you?
Oh, also do you have a discord? Would you be comfortable if I added you? I can send you mine via pm lol