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    @Amber Lynne: says you xD but ima be stubborn anway haha
    and true. i forgot i can aways go on your toyhouse LMAO

    @Amber Lynne: you never mentioned which one of your ocs you wanted (T▽T)

    and haha i wanted to have some info on her at least xD
    okay ima continue drawing tomorrow as it's getting late o uob


    @Bonnie: Thank you! >< And yes! I love the Hula Headdress so dang much! xD I actually had a hard time trying to match the scorpio dress xD Or just trying to match everything on my avi. It's just a mess tbh LMAO.
    Anyway, I hope you're able to find a way to use those two items together!

    @Totalanimefan: ahh thank you! I do feel a bit better distracting myself with drawing xD

    @LordLucre: haha now what else are you gonna do? xD

    whoo okay i'm back from eating dinner xDD

    @sunny: That's good to hear either way lol. c: It's too bad the weekend is ending. It feels like it went by so fast!
    And my day was okay. It's the same like yours. Nothing good or bad xD

    @pachi: he had long pink hair and called to me!
    I'm glad you like it!

    @LordLucre: Go right ahead! xD

    @Bonnie: ooh you're avi is pretty! I love how you used the items and the color combo!

    @pachi: here's your freebie! I hope i did him justice ><

    @sunny: Yes! I am very glad at the very least! xD
    I hope your day has been going well too!

    @LordLucre: Sweep away my friend! Sweep away! xD
    And ooh! I'll keep your avi in mind! I'll be home all day anyway. Already went grocery shopping and got that out of the way lol

    @sunny: it really is! I haven't been able to draw much lately either! Idk if it was art block or what but ugghhh xD

    @LordLucre: it needs to! >|

    @leah: haha the one with the most inventory win, amiright? xDD
    I haven't been able to play it in a long while, but i remember grinding so much just so i can be able to buy more resources and stuff for glamours xD

    @pachi: haha that's better than nothing at all! xD

    @Dipper: Thanks! Just one of those times ; o; But I think drawing will help me relieve that xD

    @leah: omg your WoL is lovely! And so many outfits! <33

    @sunny: you're avi is too cute! and i'm prob gonna doodle everybody who makes a requests tbh xD
    I'm in an art mode atm! >D

    @LordLucre: you're the sweetest! ; 3; thanks for sweeping it away lol

    I'm feeling down atm and just need some distractions. So giving away art freebies usually makes me feel better haha xD

    Free art will range from sketches or something colored. c:

Posted in start - finish Posted 5 years ago

    aww man, i don't keep my sketches to be able to do this most of the time xD



Posted in 一 二 三 ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ {zzz Posted 5 years ago

    Wow, all the others are looking so good! o uo
    Also hope you can get some rest too!
Posted in Closed Posted 5 years ago

    @Starlight: Sure! Trade sent. c:
Posted in Closed Posted 5 years ago

    @eleven: Trade sent!

    @inatlaka: Sorry! I've already sold it to eleven. ><

    @kaichoukai: Thank you so much!