Vanora's posts
Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 4: Wrori
Posted 2 years ago
Good work! Participation Goal Met!
[Wrori item has now been added to Joyful Jamboree.
New Story Update on post four has also been unlocked.
Continue to join in and play, the game isn't over until the end of the event]
[Wrori item has now been added to Joyful Jamboree.
New Story Update on post four has also been unlocked.
Continue to join in and play, the game isn't over until the end of the event]

Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 4: Wrori
Posted 2 years ago
With the assistance from some of the fellow Monster Task Force members, the gathering of offerings was finally completed.
Vanora approaches, gently lying the pile down before the angry swarm before sloooowly backing away.
As the assault continues, one of the small creatures appears to notice the pile of objects laying on the ground and pauses. It examines it for a moment, before flying down to the ground. It walks over the pile, picking up a single item. Vanora furrows her brow, slightly nervous about what might happen next.
Seeming pleased with the object, it turns its attention back to the swarm, emitting a series of buzzing noises. The other Wrori slowly begin to halt their attack, and instead going to the pile and also picking up an object of desire to them.
To the relief of everyone, the plan is a winner! The Wrori all eventually grab items from the pile until it has been depleted, and begin flying back to their home.
The VPD are a little bloody, but it could be worse. Vanora rushes to their side, ready to assist them.
"Thank you Vanora, that was some quick thinking." JC gives Vanora a pat on the back, before surveying the scene, "They were aggressive but... None of our injuries match what we saw at the initial scene. I'm not entirely convinced this is what we were looking for."
Vanora sighs, a bit upset. "I'm sorry... I was really hoping it would help the case along..."
JC smiles, ruffling her hair. "It was a good thought, and you did well. We appreciate your help. But for now we should..."
Before he can finish his thought, something heavy hits Vanora on the head. Picking it up it's... a wallet? A sopping wet, completely water-logged wallet! Was this a gift from the Wrori?
JC seems interested, taking it from her hands. He opens the wallet, slightly shocked. Inside is the identity of Voltra's very own Vontell Capella. Vanora gives him a puzzling look.
"Vontell? Why would the Wrori have Vontell's wallet? And what's up with it being so soggy?"
JC clutches the wallet tightly, his expression turning serious. He glances back at the group. "I think we have our next lead... I fear, however, someone is in grave danger. There are two creatures I know of that reside in the waters of Voltra." He adjusts his hat, walking toward his squad car. He gestures for Milly to follow. "I believe it to be in our best interest to split up and cover more ground. Officer Garry, I'm putting you in charge of your own squad - assemble a team and head toward the Ampere River. Milly and I will begin our search along the shores of Breaker Beach."

Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 4: Wrori
Posted 2 years ago
Below is a list of items Vanora needs you to locate and bring to her. You can find the items in the shops. Provide a link or screenshot of the item in the shop. You may also equip the items to your avatar and provide a screenshot.
A piece of jewelry
Something to weather the cold
A pair of fancy shoes should do
Something inspired by nature
A food-inspired item
Something in the color “mint”
*Note: while these are intended to be common items, using set items will work as well.
Only ONE of each item type on the list is eligible for currency reward. Having multiple jewelry items, for example, will not earn you more currency and will only be counted once.
Current participants: 5
Completed offering batch: 1
Below is a list of items Vanora needs you to locate and bring to her. You can find the items in the shops. Provide a link or screenshot of the item in the shop. You may also equip the items to your avatar and provide a screenshot.
*Note: while these are intended to be common items, using set items will work as well.
Only ONE of each item type on the list is eligible for currency reward. Having multiple jewelry items, for example, will not earn you more currency and will only be counted once.
Current participants: 5
Completed offering batch: 1

Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 4: Wrori
Posted 2 years ago
Vanora thinks she might be able to calm these creatures down with some offerings. She’ll need help finding what she needs - thankfully the shops in Voltra should have everything she’s looking for.
Help Vanora by bringing her the items she has requested.
This can be done by:
Linking an item in Voltra’s shops or providing a screenshot of the item in the shops.
Equipping the item on your avatar and providing a screenshot.
The Wrori item as well as the closing story will be unlocked after:
at least 5 participants or a submission containing all requested items is provided
24 hours have passed if either of the above criteria have not been met
All participants will be granted one Wrori.
Users will also receive 10 evidence for each item submitted. If all items are submitted, a bonus of 50 evidence and an additional goodie bag will be rewarded.
Users can participate in the activity at ANY TIME during the event, even if it is not the current active thread.
Submissions must be provided by December 23rd at 11:59PM Voltra Time.
Vanora thinks she might be able to calm these creatures down with some offerings. She’ll need help finding what she needs - thankfully the shops in Voltra should have everything she’s looking for.
Help Vanora by bringing her the items she has requested.
This can be done by:
The Wrori item as well as the closing story will be unlocked after:
at least 5 participants or a submission containing all requested items is provided
24 hours have passed if either of the above criteria have not been met
All participants will be granted one Wrori.
Users will also receive 10 evidence for each item submitted. If all items are submitted, a bonus of 50 evidence and an additional goodie bag will be rewarded.
Users can participate in the activity at ANY TIME during the event, even if it is not the current active thread.
Submissions must be provided by December 23rd at 11:59PM Voltra Time.

Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 4: Wrori
Posted 2 years ago
As I roamed across the Realms of Voltra, I studied many fauna that inhabit the lands. I made it my life goal to study all of them.
I had been studying some of the local wildlife near a small farm in the Sound Realm. A local farmer was kind enough to allow me to reside with her as I researched. I had noticed some of her crops were missing, and decided to see if I could figure out the cause - a way to offer my thanks for her hospitality.
I spent much time examining the fields, not finding much out of the ordinary. Likely just overgrazing of some of the local fauna, I had suspected. I thought nothing of it at the time. I had begun to make my way back to tell the farmer, when I noticed something odd in the field. What appeared to be a small creature, tangled up in one of the crops. I approached the creature, thinking it was probably something akin to a rabbit judging by the size.
To my surprise, it wasn't a rabbit at all! I wasn't sure what it was. It had the appearance of a moth, but surely, no moth could be this large. The creature looked up at me, panicked, trying to escape more. I bent down, helping to release it from the tangles of the vegetation. It managed to wriggle free, limping away from me slightly.
The poor thing must have injured its foot when it got stuck. I cautiously approached it once more, reaching into my pocket and taking out a ribbon I had used to bind my notebooks. I carefully wrapped it around the creature's leg, hopeful that it would provide it with some relief. It glanced at me, then back to the ribbon, before flying off.
I was intrigued by what the creature could have been, and looked at every book pertaining to fauna in the area, but nothing matched the description. The farmer was preparing us a hearty meal and I had asked her if she had seen anything like that before. She was surprised by my description.
"That was a Wrori." A Wrori? Those are just creatures from stories. It must have been something else. Surely, she was mistaken. However, she was insistent. The Wrori had in fact, been the cause for many famines in the land for years, but also, good fortune for the farmers. She said I was very lucky to have a personal encounter with them and should expect a gift soon for the kindness I showed.
When I slept that night, I heard something at the window. I opened it, glancing out into the dark. I saw only a figure buzzing away from the window. My hand brushed against an object left on the windowsill - it was a notebook, similar to the one I had used to record my research. I had been in need of a new one. I smiled to myself. Folklore has to come from something, doesn't it? I decided that night to study what I could of the Wrori, in hopes of learning more about them.

Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 4: Wrori
Posted 2 years ago

Scratching at his beard in frustration, Officer JC sighs as he looks over the evidence board for the fifth time that night, "A missing object... What could it be? Where can we find it?"
"Oh yeah, about that..." Milly shrugs towards the doorway, not taking her eyes off her phone, "This girl on the Task Force says she might have something. Ask her."
Solemnly, Vanora Aria steps into the room, looking up at the evidence board before clearing her throat, "I saw in your last report that there may have been a missing object? This might sound a little out there but... It got me thinking about this creature I heard tales about as a kid. They're said to be scavengers, taking any objects they found desirable. I know you're investigating creatures so I figured like... maybe this could be the one?"
JC leans back against a nearby table, nodding slightly along, "Any leads will help us. What is this creature?"
"Well, they're know as Wrori and-" before she can finish her thought, a loud crash and an excited exclamation catches everyone's attention.
"Oh! I remember hearing about those!" Garry untangles himself from the chair he tripped over, jumping upright as he continues, "They're really feared.... Rumoured to be the cause of some serious widespread destruction. Sounds like it could be related, right JC?"
JC nods, adjusting his uniform, "It's worth looking into. It's Vanora, right? Any idea where we might find these creatures? I'm not familiar with them."
Vanora pauses, thinking to herself before her eyes widen, nodding, "I might, actually! I remember hearing about them living inside crevices in rock faces. There's a place I know just like that!"
- - - - - - - - - -
"JC we've been here for hours, there's no sign of them. Maybe we should call it a day... It's dark, after all," Garry rubs at his neck, frowning as JC pushes on. Milly sighs, watching him examine the rocks.
"Stubborn old goat... If you want to stay out here all night, be my guest. I'm going to escort Vanora home now and- HEY!" She grasps at the air as her phone is suddenly snatched from her hand. Glancing up at the sky, she notices a rather small creature flying next to a streetlamp, "Wait... that's a Wrori? It's... so small. And fluffy. No way that's our culprit. It is a pest though, hold on." She grabs a rock from the ground, suddenly tossing it at the creature. "Drop it!"
The rock flies at the creature, smacking it with enough force to loosen it's grip on the device. Vanora dives in to catch it, narrowly avoiding the phone smashing into the ground, "Woah! That was like, totally mean..."
Before Milly has a chance to argue, the group pauses, a deathly silence falling over them as they all listen in. A low hum in the distance, no... a loud hum. An increasingly loud hum. Before anyone has a chance to react, a swarm of hundreds of these creatures appear from the darkness of their burrow, completely engulfing them. The once cute creatures prove to be merciless, biting and scratching at the group as they try to fend them off.
Vanora lets out a shriek as she manages to wriggle free of the swarm, looking back to the group as she calls out, "Hang on! I might know a way to talk them down! I just need some time..."

art by ghost
"Oh yeah, about that..." Milly shrugs towards the doorway, not taking her eyes off her phone, "This girl on the Task Force says she might have something. Ask her."
Solemnly, Vanora Aria steps into the room, looking up at the evidence board before clearing her throat, "I saw in your last report that there may have been a missing object? This might sound a little out there but... It got me thinking about this creature I heard tales about as a kid. They're said to be scavengers, taking any objects they found desirable. I know you're investigating creatures so I figured like... maybe this could be the one?"
JC leans back against a nearby table, nodding slightly along, "Any leads will help us. What is this creature?"
"Well, they're know as Wrori and-" before she can finish her thought, a loud crash and an excited exclamation catches everyone's attention.
"Oh! I remember hearing about those!" Garry untangles himself from the chair he tripped over, jumping upright as he continues, "They're really feared.... Rumoured to be the cause of some serious widespread destruction. Sounds like it could be related, right JC?"
JC nods, adjusting his uniform, "It's worth looking into. It's Vanora, right? Any idea where we might find these creatures? I'm not familiar with them."
Vanora pauses, thinking to herself before her eyes widen, nodding, "I might, actually! I remember hearing about them living inside crevices in rock faces. There's a place I know just like that!"
- - - - - - - - - -
"JC we've been here for hours, there's no sign of them. Maybe we should call it a day... It's dark, after all," Garry rubs at his neck, frowning as JC pushes on. Milly sighs, watching him examine the rocks.
"Stubborn old goat... If you want to stay out here all night, be my guest. I'm going to escort Vanora home now and- HEY!" She grasps at the air as her phone is suddenly snatched from her hand. Glancing up at the sky, she notices a rather small creature flying next to a streetlamp, "Wait... that's a Wrori? It's... so small. And fluffy. No way that's our culprit. It is a pest though, hold on." She grabs a rock from the ground, suddenly tossing it at the creature. "Drop it!"
The rock flies at the creature, smacking it with enough force to loosen it's grip on the device. Vanora dives in to catch it, narrowly avoiding the phone smashing into the ground, "Woah! That was like, totally mean..."
Before Milly has a chance to argue, the group pauses, a deathly silence falling over them as they all listen in. A low hum in the distance, no... a loud hum. An increasingly loud hum. Before anyone has a chance to react, a swarm of hundreds of these creatures appear from the darkness of their burrow, completely engulfing them. The once cute creatures prove to be merciless, biting and scratching at the group as they try to fend them off.
Vanora lets out a shriek as she manages to wriggle free of the swarm, looking back to the group as she calls out, "Hang on! I might know a way to talk them down! I just need some time..."

art by ghost

Posted in Final Scrapbook Page... (Special Update)
Posted 2 years ago
This finale was made in collaboration with our community!
Thank you to everyone that contributed to the Making Memories thread!
Thank you to everyone that contributed to the Making Memories thread!

Posted in Making Memories || Daily Activity Thread
Posted 2 years ago
@Shadami: There's no wrong way to scrapbook! Your submission is totally fine!
I like what you've seen in the clouds... I'm sure Vivi would go for that dropped ice cream cone if she could.
I like what you've seen in the clouds... I'm sure Vivi would go for that dropped ice cream cone if she could.

Posted in Making Memories || Daily Activity Thread
Posted 2 years ago
Vanora and Vivienne have decided to take their own personal vacation around the Realms, visiting various places in a hot air balloon. The girls decide to create a scrapbook memorializing their adventure together.
(NEW!) Trip Down Memory Lane
Help Vivienne finish this special final page! She wants to include special moments from her life with Vanora.
This can be done in many ways; typing out your favorite memory, sending the couple well wishes, sharing your favorite art from previous events - or even creating your own artwork to be included in the scrapbook!
Please submit any content you wish to be included in the scrapbook by October 21st 11:59 PM Voltra Time. To ensure your submission is not overlooked, please be sure to ping @Vivienne:
Participation Rewards
Participating in this will include your name into a raffle for Anniversary Block Party '22 Bundle. There will be three winners, being drawn on October 22nd.
All participants will also be rewarded with a Anniversary Block Party '22 Goodie Bag on October 22nd.
Daily Activity Mechanics
For the each day of a first week, a new activity was posted in the thread. Complete the activity to help Vanora and Vivinne fill their scrapbook with memories from their trip. See the third post for the current day's activity. You did not miss out, you can still participate in past days activities for prizes! Find them under the spoiler.
You are allowed to work together to solve activities, but remember to always put your answers in a spoiler so other users can have a chance to participate as well.
Participation Rewards
Activities from the previous day(s) will also be kept archived throughout the event - you are more than welcome to participate at any point in the event, even if it is not the activity for that specific day. For every activity participated in, you will be rewarded with a goodie bag at the end of the event.
Please ping @Vivienne: to participate in daily activities so your submission is not overlooked!
Vanora and Vivienne have decided to take their own personal vacation around the Realms, visiting various places in a hot air balloon. The girls decide to create a scrapbook memorializing their adventure together.
(NEW!) Trip Down Memory Lane
Help Vivienne finish this special final page! She wants to include special moments from her life with Vanora.
This can be done in many ways; typing out your favorite memory, sending the couple well wishes, sharing your favorite art from previous events - or even creating your own artwork to be included in the scrapbook!
Please submit any content you wish to be included in the scrapbook by October 21st 11:59 PM Voltra Time. To ensure your submission is not overlooked, please be sure to ping @Vivienne:
Participation Rewards
Participating in this will include your name into a raffle for Anniversary Block Party '22 Bundle. There will be three winners, being drawn on October 22nd.
All participants will also be rewarded with a Anniversary Block Party '22 Goodie Bag on October 22nd.
Daily Activity Mechanics
For the each day of a first week, a new activity was posted in the thread. Complete the activity to help Vanora and Vivinne fill their scrapbook with memories from their trip. See the third post for the current day's activity. You did not miss out, you can still participate in past days activities for prizes! Find them under the spoiler.
You are allowed to work together to solve activities, but remember to always put your answers in a spoiler so other users can have a chance to participate as well.
Participation Rewards
Activities from the previous day(s) will also be kept archived throughout the event - you are more than welcome to participate at any point in the event, even if it is not the activity for that specific day. For every activity participated in, you will be rewarded with a goodie bag at the end of the event.
Please ping @Vivienne: to participate in daily activities so your submission is not overlooked!

Posted in Tech Talk (Wordsearch Game)
Posted 3 years ago
Sorry about the confusion. Yes, “Lenk” should have been spelled “Leenk”. Happy searching! 
Genuinely, you guys have good eyes. You must be S Tier at Spring Cleaning! Awesome job and thank you for pointing out the error!

Genuinely, you guys have good eyes. You must be S Tier at Spring Cleaning! Awesome job and thank you for pointing out the error!

Posted in Tech Talk (Wordsearch Game)
Posted 3 years ago

When searching for “Lenk”, the correct word spelling is “Leenk”.


When searching for “Lenk”, the correct word spelling is “Leenk”.

Qiqi Agatha
Tea Tales
Qiqi Agatha
Tea Tales

Posted in Tech Talk (Wordsearch Game)
Posted 3 years ago

:vanora_smile: “Oh! Hey! Vyc! I didn’t think I’d run into you! Where are you headed?”

:vanora_shock: “Woaaah how weird, same! I was on my way to trade in my old laptop. Hehe. maybe we were meant to meet up! What are you going there for, anyway?”

:vanora_heart: “Ohhh wow, Kingtendo? I haven’t played one of those in ages! I used to spend hours playing Super Peppoid and Kissy Kissy Love School. Aw, I miss those days…”

:vanora_icon: “Really? That’d be perf, honestly! And it’d save us both a trip, so bonus. Real talk, the big downside to the laptop was I couldn’t play games with Vivi easily, so it’d be way fun if we could play some together on the Kingtendo!”

:vanora_smirk: “Yeah! AND I can’t wait to totally obliterate her at Squash Bros!”

Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago
Thanks for all the help again, you guys! Me and Vivi totally wouldn't have made it out without you!

Posted in Restless Slumber: The Lost Door (VOTING CLOSED)
Posted 3 years ago
Thanks for the help everyone! The Lost in The Crowd item has been unlocked in Joyful Jamboree
Check the fourth post on the front page for an update.
Voting has begun.
Check the fourth post on the front page for an update.
Voting has begun.