Vengeance's posts
Posted in 28.
Posted 5 years ago
Happy birthday!
Posted in I don't know if I want to laugh or cry
Posted 5 years ago
@Eruca: Seriously. It's like what the goverment doesn't tell you!
Posted in I don't know if I want to laugh or cry
Posted 5 years ago
@ChiffonOrange: It's the electrification of the world that kills us. So Covid-19 or any virus has never existed they say.
Posted in trying to cancel travel accommodations and its hard
Posted 5 years ago
I am sorry to hear that. Trying to get your money back on that sort of things always seems hard.
Posted in I don't know if I want to laugh or cry
Posted 5 years ago
@Eruca: Unfortunaly most of those people also believe other stupid stuff.
Posted in I don't know if I want to laugh or cry
Posted 5 years ago
Yes that's why people are now trying to burn down cell towers.
Someone also just said a normal light bulb gives more radiation then a microwave and 4G/5G.
Posted in I don't know if I want to laugh or cry
Posted 5 years ago
Yeh I know some people believe stupid stuff, but sometimes I see so much nonsense coming together that I'm am wondering how they even come up with that stuff. So we now have that whole Corona doesn't exist but it's 5G. When most countries don't have 5G yet. But anyway I know people believe 5G is bad. However I just found out that one of the reasons is is because 5G is on the same wavelength as a microwave and those a really bad too! Someone replied with "But did you know wifi is also on the same wavelength?". (Obviously to get back at them).
But at moments like that I don't know if I want to laugh or cry.
Posted in Officially Quitting (Giving Away Entire Inventory)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairu: Well that is good to hear.
Posted in Officially Quitting (Giving Away Entire Inventory)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairu: You can also try postimg.
Posted in Officially Quitting (Giving Away Entire Inventory)
Posted 5 years ago
I already wondered why you sended a trade and then canceled it. I was asleep when you sended me a trade.
Posted in ๏̯͡๏)/mdom's awesomdom's quest ๏̯͡๏)/
Posted 5 years ago
@mdom: You still haven't strapped your parents to a chair? XD
Posted in What is on your happy playlist?
Posted 5 years ago
I knew total was going to suggest that XD
If you are up for some Japanese music check out the following:
Uverworld (Just Melody, Chance, Core Pride)
Rookiez is PUNK'D
I Don't Like Mondays
Posted in What is on your happy playlist?
Posted 5 years ago
The only happy music (or atleast happy sounding music) I listen to are some Japanese bands.
Posted in Break Time!
Posted 5 years ago
@DevilkinBoi: No health comes first.