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I am super close to 40k volts XD

@Panda: Yes yes I know

@Shadami: Hello there how are you?

@Panda: Plus if I talk about butts you love me even more.

@Panda: I am your twin so you love me no matter what!

Chain yourself tot this thread XD
Urgg almost bedtime for me.

@Teemo: Yeh be focused on here XD

@Panda: Not going to happen ever!

@Panda: Are you going to throw a party for us?

@Panda: You will get there.

@pixiebuns: But I relly wanted to be there.

I will never get into the top 10 poster thing :(

@pixiebuns: Already saw them but they are so cute

@Panda: You sound like a nutty professor XD

I am always a money hoarder XD