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I need to post 25 time on Roliana now but it's super dead there at the moment.

@Panda: I am sure she will talk to you XD
@RainbowPanda: Again shoot!

@vengeance: I am sure she will talk to you XD

@Panda: Yes and maybe she will show up.

@Panda: Yeh and decided to not hoard and buy some items for a cosplay avi.

@Panda: Yes I am always here XD I got 37k volts so far.

@Panda: Yes yes it is XD

@Fozzy: Doing great. Love the event so far.

@Panda: Yep no currency. So no getting x amount of sets.

It's a shame there is no event currency on roliana this time. We need to enter contest and such to get the items.

@RainbowPanda: I think it looks fine.

@Panda: I am doing good. Just saw the halloween event on roli started and the event emi's are awsome :D

@Panda: How is panda doing?

@Panda: Hey hello there.