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Posted in What's with this beetle? Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Oh no, you're not bugging me! I'm glad you are as excited about Voltra as I am! ^^ We have a lot of ideas to implement still and I understand how we can get impatient sometimes. I wish I could just blink and eye and Voltra would have everything already! lol
Posted in What's with this beetle? Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Everything will eventually be released in time... :vanora_sweat:
Posted in Hello Voltra! Posted 7 years ago
@harleyquinn027: Welcome to VoltRa! lol I'm glad to have you as part of the family. Your avi is already looking super cute!
Posted in Do you "shut down" when you're upset? Posted 7 years ago
Whenever I get upset, I completely shut down. I'd prefer to cut myself off from being social to avoid blowing up on someone or saying something I'd regret out of pure rage. BUT people can clearly tell I'm upset cause I'll be super quite or answer them with 3 or less syllables. :vanora_sad:
Posted in Newbie Posted 7 years ago
@Lilith: Welcome to Voltra!
@Raxton: I've been trying to figure out a way to do so. Currently, no. >.<
Posted in Crate ?s not in FAQ (answered) Posted 7 years ago
Raxton is correct! ^^ I'll lock this now.
Posted in R.I.P - a pixel shop! [currently NTO] Posted 7 years ago
name: Fozzy - Boss man!
which base: 1
pose: 40
facial expression: The one on that base is fine. :)
animation?: NONE
ref(s): My current avi ( I won't change. Promise! ^^)
other: You da best! I'll send trade now and we can complete it when order is finished. ^^
Posted in Inventory tabs on mobile. Posted 7 years ago
Kaderin Triste: This is already a known issue and we actually have an updated inventory system in the works. :)
Posted in [OPEN] 5k FB Sketches + MORE Posted 7 years ago
@Pinster: it's wonderful! :)
@vengeance: I know... I thought it was in my bag! :(
@Sass Pegasus: Thank you! I really enjoy yours too! ^^
@vengeance: I can't even chat long cause my laptop is about to die and I left the charger at home... >.<
(Good thing voltra is mobile friendly! :D)
Someone save me from class! :vanora_cry:
Posted in So, 100k posts during this event, yeah? Posted 7 years ago
You guys still have until the 8th for the event. Doesn't have to be in one day... :vanora_xd: (Needs more time to pixel the 100k MI...) lol