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Posted in art freebies Posted 2 years ago
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Posted in art freebies Posted 2 years ago
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Posted in art freebies Posted 2 years ago
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a little rusty and looking for practice!
old gallery

preference for oc's
may take a little artistic liberty for avis
maybe can't do heavy anthro

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Posted in i'll draw your oc's maybe? Posted 2 years ago
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@totalanimefan: oh! i didn't realize that, that's good to know, thanks for the info :-)
ah i'll think about reposting at some point then lol

wow big week for you <3 i'm so sorry to hear about your dog, that must be very difficult for you <3

congratulations on your graduation, too! how are you feeling about everything?

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Posted in i'll draw your oc's maybe? Posted 2 years ago
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@totalanimefan: hi total! nice to see you :-) how have you been?

not sure, i thought it would be more casual lol. like in case i'm not on consistently

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Posted in i'll draw your oc's maybe? Posted 2 years ago
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maybe avi's too? may take artistic liberty

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Posted in i'll draw your oc's maybe? Posted 2 years ago
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i'm very rusty, just looking for practice and can't guarantee anything

old gallery

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Posted in [b] Haunting Sea Maiden and Tricksy Tanuki Posted 3 years ago
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@miss sandman:
sounds good! sent trade :-) thank you

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Posted in Menewsha refugee... Posted 3 years ago
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welcome to voltra!

i was on mene back in like ... 2010
i had some good times, made friends who i actually met or kept in touch with!

i think voltra has a similar vibe to what i liked about menewsha, like the community is small and people are friends

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Posted in [b] Haunting Sea Maiden and Tricksy Tanuki Posted 3 years ago
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buying haunting sea maiden or tricksy tanuki from the new orbs

not actually sure how much items go for as i haven't really been around! please name your price?

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Posted in Do you think she's comfortable? Posted 3 years ago
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cuuute!!! she looks very cozy <3

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Posted in ┤▒├ Collecting Dust bunnies Posted 3 years ago
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@Wildfire: glad you're feeling better! what kind of rest activities do you usually enjoy? do you have any favorite sick comfort foods?

thank you it's been good to see you too! i've been alright -- a lot has happened this past year lol, though mostly in positive ways! i was fortunate enough to be able to do some travel, make music, etc. i also gave notice at work recently :0
most recently am also recovering from some health stuff so have been trying to take it pretty easy :-)

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hope everyone's enjoying their weekend! did anyone get to do anything fun?

@totalanimefan: i'm glad to hear that <3

oh nice! when will you be visiting? do you know neighborhood in manhattan? happy to check my map for recs, especially if you lmk what kinds of things you'd like! (e.g. types of food, stores, activities, etc.) -- the weather has been nice lately so hopefully it'll still be 70s during your visit!

ahh miami seems quite interesting ... it seems kind of chaotic which is funny to me because the weather also feels quite relaxing lol. i only got to see key largo because we didn't have a ton of time, but we went to a little swimming area and got to enjoy the water :-) it was such a nice temperature and it felt so smooth!

wow i would love to have fruit trees!! <3 did you get to eat the fruit often?

@goblinsandtea: that sounds like a lovely day!! what kind of backpack did you get? (i love backpacks ... lol they are a vice of mine and i have to talk myself out of getting them all the time) what kinds of patches do you have? :-)

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@Alorrena: oh wow! that's such a long time to work a night shift ... it must be so ingrained in you after all these years :0 has it been the same type of work this whole time?

are all your friends also night shift workers? how do you all usually hang out?

i've always had a later schedule no matter how hard i've tried throughout my life lol ... my natural sleep schedule can easily turn into sleeping at 4am and sleeping in til 2pm and i have to make an active effort to keep it somewhat reasonable! e.g. setting an alarm to get up by 11am or making an effort to sleep before 2am. in the past i've tried to fight it and more recently i've come to terms that maybe this is just my natural cycle and to accept and plan around it instead lol

@kiwi: ahh mostly around the states, though i did go to mexico city for a month at one point >w>
hmm i want to take a break for at least ... two or maybe three months? i have been saving up
and maybe in 2-3 months i will try to interview and see if i can push the start date a little later, so i can be less stressed about having something lined up but hopefully can still extend the break ... idk i think i felt really burnt out and kept taking small breaks but it didn't seem to help much :-/ in the past i'm usually more risk averse but i think this time around i have to trust in future me to figure it out lol

and lol ty!!

ahh sorry to hear about all the stress <333 do you feel like talking about it?
i hope your wrist feels better soon, that sounds frustrating :< i tend to get kind of depressed when i'm sick or injured, not sure if that's true for others but sending lots of love <3

EEE that's super cute i'm so happy for yall ^0^<3!!!!!!! how long has it been?? have you been able to meet up at all yet? (if you don't mind me asking lol , no worries if too personal)

@Bonnie: ahh gotcha!! it's nice to have some free time :-)
i like having open space for spontaneous things to come up too, or just to see how i naturally feel when i'm left to my own devices -- sometimes i realize i needed rest, or maybe i want to see a friend, but it's having that blank space/time to realize that! how did you end up spending your weekend?

@sunny: aw great! hmm last time we talked you mentioned you had to move, i think? did that end up happening? how are your rats doing?

i've been ok! a lot has happened the past year, mostly good and exciting and fun, but still dealing w health stuff. at the moment i've been resting a lot more due to a very minor concussion from a fall, so i've been baking and sleeping more lately. i was lucky enough to be able to do some traveling this past year which was newer for me and i was able to learn a lot from the experiences!

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