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Forums Vibrance Day 2022: Spring Cleaning! Spring Cleaning: The Dust Wars Event FAQ (+ Raffle Hangout!)

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 22:11:46 )
@Wildfire: Oh right, I forgot about the bundles and bags. I'll need to save for that as well. I like to try and get one of each for collecting.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 22:13:28 )
@Rei Ann: yeah. Me too.
I have a lot more posting to do for this event... I'm so behind! Lol


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 22:20:14 )
@Wildfire: We can do it! We gotta find a good topic for tons of chatting.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 23:34:42 )
@Rei Ann: topics and time to post!

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 23:49:49 )
@Wildfire: Topics..umm play any video games? Or read anything great/good lately?
Rei's Quest
Please ping me.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 01:53:22 )

◦✹ @Totalanimefan: No problem ^^ ✹◦


Art DumpAvatar GalleryQuest Items

Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 01:56:55 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

Hello ppl! Hows everybody doing?
I went to my friend yesterday and played with her 2 kittens (verry cute, almost died)

Today i also recieved my new backpack and i got very exited ab all the pockets (so many!! in places you wouldnt even expect!) Tomorow im free so ill be sewing my patches on there + look to buy some new ones too! (aperently i only own 2? i rly thought i had more lol)

Also today i kinda made an impulse buy, a lil doll... in my defense ive been fan of this artist for years now and i already bought well over 10... so its not super unexpected...
But this one is an ooak! they dubbed him sky cow (he has fluffy ears, horns and hooves) has a patch up body and a looong tail with a flower at the end! but his colors reminded me of the asexual flag and i just couldnt pass up on him.

I tried to go for another one aswel as i knew the sky cow would be populair to get and i thought id miss out... but the other one got sold in like a second it was insane... so the fact i was able to get sky cow was... waw... im not joking but i had to lay down bc i almost fainted lol

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 02:01:00 )

    @kiwi: thank you~ funnily enough I’m not much of a beach person. I like the thought of the beach but to actually be there….I get bored easily LOL
    @sunny: I like bright colors too~ even if I don’t usually wear them IRL I’m a bright colors fan all the way


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 02:01:32 )

    @DreamerZ: FELT. I feel like that’s all I’m doing at this point but it’s fun LOL



Voltie — Z/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 04:18:21 )
@Alorrena: i need that friend

Voltie — Z/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 04:20:28 )
@Rei Ann: trhats quite smart. FL has 2 temps. Normal and WHY

Voltie — Z/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 04:24:58 )
@Totalanimefan: How ya feeling

Voltie — Z/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 04:30:51 )
@Bonnie: So sorry. My mind blanked

Ping me and bring me food..=0.0=

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 04:42:16 )

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | His Elegance | Her Graceful Snow | Snow Owl | Bird Handler | Winter Stroll | Wild Magic | WZRD | Under New Managment | Witchery | Raven Mage | Headless Rider |


@Rei Ann: Thanks! And busy prepping for company that is coming tonight. They are on their way now (from England)

@Alorrena: Yes I'm super glad about that. I'm ready to move into the next chapter of my life. How is your new place?

@star2000shadow: I finally managed to get all the items for the event. Have you bought any yet?

@sunny: Thank you. Yesterday I did about 12k in steps, and today it was about the same. My feet hurt lol

@Purpsy: You think so? I don't feel confident about it, but every time someone says they like it, I feel better about it. So thank you <33

I has one item, the Yard sale haha. otherwise nope, ain't got anymore of them. <:3( )~~


Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 05:41:43 )
════════════════⠀ ∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

@Alorrena: oh wow! that's such a long time to work a night shift ... it must be so ingrained in you after all these years :0 has it been the same type of work this whole time?

are all your friends also night shift workers? how do you all usually hang out?

i've always had a later schedule no matter how hard i've tried throughout my life lol ... my natural sleep schedule can easily turn into sleeping at 4am and sleeping in til 2pm and i have to make an active effort to keep it somewhat reasonable! e.g. setting an alarm to get up by 11am or making an effort to sleep before 2am. in the past i've tried to fight it and more recently i've come to terms that maybe this is just my natural cycle and to accept and plan around it instead lol

@kiwi: ahh mostly around the states, though i did go to mexico city for a month at one point >w>
hmm i want to take a break for at least ... two or maybe three months? i have been saving up
and maybe in 2-3 months i will try to interview and see if i can push the start date a little later, so i can be less stressed about having something lined up but hopefully can still extend the break ... idk i think i felt really burnt out and kept taking small breaks but it didn't seem to help much :-/ in the past i'm usually more risk averse but i think this time around i have to trust in future me to figure it out lol

and lol ty!!

ahh sorry to hear about all the stress <333 do you feel like talking about it?
i hope your wrist feels better soon, that sounds frustrating :< i tend to get kind of depressed when i'm sick or injured, not sure if that's true for others but sending lots of love <3

EEE that's super cute i'm so happy for yall ^0^<3!!!!!!! how long has it been?? have you been able to meet up at all yet? (if you don't mind me asking lol , no worries if too personal)

@Bonnie: ahh gotcha!! it's nice to have some free time :-)
i like having open space for spontaneous things to come up too, or just to see how i naturally feel when i'm left to my own devices -- sometimes i realize i needed rest, or maybe i want to see a friend, but it's having that blank space/time to realize that! how did you end up spending your weekend?

@sunny: aw great! hmm last time we talked you mentioned you had to move, i think? did that end up happening? how are your rats doing?

i've been ok! a lot has happened the past year, mostly good and exciting and fun, but still dealing w health stuff. at the moment i've been resting a lot more due to a very minor concussion from a fall, so i've been baking and sleeping more lately. i was lucky enough to be able to do some traveling this past year which was newer for me and i was able to learn a lot from the experiences!

∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘ ⠀════════════

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 05:47:10 )
════════════════⠀ ∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

hope everyone's enjoying their weekend! did anyone get to do anything fun?

@totalanimefan: i'm glad to hear that <3

oh nice! when will you be visiting? do you know neighborhood in manhattan? happy to check my map for recs, especially if you lmk what kinds of things you'd like! (e.g. types of food, stores, activities, etc.) -- the weather has been nice lately so hopefully it'll still be 70s during your visit!

ahh miami seems quite interesting ... it seems kind of chaotic which is funny to me because the weather also feels quite relaxing lol. i only got to see key largo because we didn't have a ton of time, but we went to a little swimming area and got to enjoy the water :-) it was such a nice temperature and it felt so smooth!

wow i would love to have fruit trees!! <3 did you get to eat the fruit often?

@goblinsandtea: that sounds like a lovely day!! what kind of backpack did you get? (i love backpacks ... lol they are a vice of mine and i have to talk myself out of getting them all the time) what kinds of patches do you have? :-)

∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘ ⠀════════════

⠀∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀art shop⠀·⠀gallery⠀·⠀closet⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀buying / questing: capricorn ⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

art by kiwi and koneko <3

Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 06:05:56 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

@xvz: Honestly just a simple black looking one, ive had my previous one since 2013 and its barely hanging on so i wanted to finally get a new one! I thought a plain one would be great to decorate
So for only 2, one is a character of mine i got custom made years ago (i actually have 2 of it, finally can use it!). The other i bought at a con i went to, its a girl with bright red hair with like a nurse "hat" on, an eyepatch, some pills floating around and 2 bandaids that form an X behind her.

Im hoping to get more patches made by artists, they always look so fun :^D

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

♦ Gob | 23 | Taurus | Belgium ♦
Insta | Toyhouse | Gallery | Carrd

♦ My Art Shop ♦

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 10:38:31 )

@Alorrena: Thank you! :D

I mostly lurk, but will post from time to time.

Donator — Am Potato Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 11:38:15 )
@dreamerz: Honestly, i think everyone needs a friend like that.

@xvz: yeah it is a long time, and i do think it kind of is ingrained now. I mean, yesterday i went to bed at 9 pm because i had a bad headache and those knock me on my ass, and then i woke up at 4:30 am, but then i took a nap from 2pm to 5:30, and then went out for dinner. When we got back i had planned on going to bed after an hour or two, but instead i ended up playing Terraria with my husband.

No it's not been the same the whole time. When i first started i was care giving, and then when i moved to florida it was call center work mostly. There was one custodian job i had and hated, but that was also evening shift.

Yeah, most of our friends are night owls, but i have a couple friends that my husband doesn't hang out with (for various reasons, mostly disinterest) that have day schedules. I don't see them often, but that's the nice thing about texting or fb messenger- it doesn't matter when i reply or when they reply, we know that it will be there when they wake up. And if we make plans, then it's usually in the late afternoon to early evening, and i'll be hanging out with them until at least 11 pm, sometimes longer, depending on what they have going on the next day.

Some people are naturally night people, and function better at night. I know my husband and i are those kind of people because even when we were teenagers, we'd stay up late talking and doing homework and stuff instead of sleeping (drove my mom crazy too). Back then i'd actually lay awake at night trying and failing to sleep, and my mom would get upset. But she knew it wasn't insomnia or anything like that because i had no problem falling asleep when she let me be up at night and sleep during the day (like on weekends or during the summer breaks). It actually go to the point that when i went to college and picked my classes she told me not to take early morning classes if i could avoid it. So i think one semester had an early morning class, and the rest of the time it was afternoon or evening classes. So it's very possible that you might be one of the people who functions better at night and is naturally more active at night.

@kittybeary: you're welcome!
Call me Rena (Reh-nuh)! <3 married 02/02/2020
Rena's Quest

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 14:23:50 )
    @xvz: yes, I moved into temporary accommodation. I am hoping to move again soon to a place of my own, hopefully very soon. I basically live in a hostel now which is… not great XD but it’s fine! I’m looking forward to getting my own place :)
    I decided not to keep rats any more after my current lot passed away, for a whole bunch of reasons but mostly because my housing situation was so uncertain. My current lot passed away a little while ago now. It’s sad without them, but I know I made the right choice. I couldn’t keep them in the hostel anyways!
    I’m sorry to hear about your concussion! Rest up!
    Travelling is cool, where did you go? Domestic or abroad?


currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

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