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Posted in You probably dont see me.... Posted 4 years ago
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nighttime walks are fairly pleasant as well :"-)

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Posted in You probably dont see me.... Posted 4 years ago
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@miss sandman: aww so cute <3 congrats :3
and i feel u! it's been hot here too but finally cooling down thankfully
i've been going around sunset/dusk or morning (if i get up that early which honestly is rare lol)

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@lithinel: oh wow thank you so much :"-)

that one is painted! ^^ and no worries, take ur time
happy to take multiple commissions as well ;3

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Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 4 years ago
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oohh i think it's the difference bn like, home cooking style and restaurant style ?

i think restaurant style egg drop soup is like ...oilier? lol and more yellow
i think the home cooked version is like, v light :3
the corn adds a nice like cronch texture to it! it's super easy to make tbh ^^ i make it sometimes when i'm sick cuz of how low effort it can be

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@lithinel: hi!! yes we are Open!! ^^

that sounds good to me :3
rn i'm leaning towards doing bigger / more finished colored and painted pieces if that influences your order at all ! (no pressure ofc)
have been trying to increase my art output more :3

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Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 4 years ago
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i'm vvv lucky to work in an industry that affords me the ability to live here, it frankly is pretty expensive not gonna lie
for me it has a v strong art and tech community which i can sort of justify for career reasons lol, and also it's v important to me to be around other queer/trans people of color which i would pay a premium to have!

and ahh i see , true having ties to where you live is pretty enticing, it would be difficult to live somewhere and not have anyone you're close to
it looks like the current storms will be missing you this time at least :-0
hope it won't be too bad the rest of this year!

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Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 4 years ago
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i wonder how long hurricane season will last this year :-(
hopefully not much longer ... esp once we're past september hopefully it won't be as bad ...

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Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 4 years ago
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haha surgery is such a big deal for any one person but for a surgeon it really is just like... another day at work
i mean i'm sure they have to be careful during their job (i mean i sure hope so) but i guess you do just get used to it after so many years of doing it :0

woah i've never had blended beef soup lol
i figured i would pick up some blended soups though! like pumpkin or squash soup , and maybe like a box of instant mashed potatoes?
i might make some egg drop soup too (essentially just chicken broth and egg lol, and creamed corn but i'll probably leave that out)

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Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 4 years ago
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@aisukohi: haha it's so expensive here!! purely living space wise, not really worth it, the sq. ft to $ ratio is pretty terrible lol
with the pandemic too it's not really worth paying so much on rent when the city's mostly down :-/
it is p nice to be out at weird hours and it does kind of feel like you can do anything you want and no one will really bat an eye much lol
and before all of this happened it was really lovely to take advantage of so much of the city's offerings

oohh i see - woah so you've considered getting out of the us?
that's true, i feel like natural disasters are only gonna get worse with time and climate change too :-(
that's something i've been thinking about as far as long term living - like what cities would be safest in say 10-20 years...
it's sweet of you to be thinking about being able to provide a safety zone for your loved ones!

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Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 4 years ago
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oh no :-( stay safe bonnie <3
i hope you have everything you need and that it passes through ok <3

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Posted in Supernatural Cafe (Humans welcome) Posted 4 years ago
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ahh i have this dream of like. someday owning a home and one of the rooms is just filled with giant stuffed animals lolol
like that's the whole room, it's just Giant Plushies

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Posted in Supernatural Cafe (Humans welcome) Posted 4 years ago
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omg!!! is it this one?

that sounds adorable do you still have it?
how did you attach it, did you just hand sew it? :3

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Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 4 years ago
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in the meantime i've been putting together a list of like super soft foods n recipes i can stock up in advance
like yogurt, soup, stuff for smoothies, applesauce, etc.

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Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 4 years ago
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aww thanks for the words of support! i've been meaning to get them out for a few years now but have been putting it off out of anxiety lol
i have a consultation this week though and hopefully the whole thing will be over and done with soon enough!

i'll have to see what the cost difference is but i would way prefer going to sleep! i do not want to be conscious for any of it lol, i definitely don't want to hear it you know?
my coworker told me that when she got hers out she had two female dentists chatting about their fishing trip over the weekend as they're doing like, oral surgery hahaha and that it felt super surreal

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