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Posted in Had a crabcake sandwich for breakfast today Posted 8 years ago
I couldn't go to sleep and just woke up like an hour ago. Someone has gone to get wendys....does that count as breakfast?
Posted in Too Early for Chocolate Milk? Posted 8 years ago
I read your title and I was like....wat? Too early for chocolate milk? It is never too early for chocolate milk.
Posted in If you... Posted 8 years ago
I would ask my s.o. to tell you the truth and be like REMIND ME WHAT YOU LIKE AGAIN?! WHAT DO YOU FIND ROMANTIC?! Because if you don't tell me, I will screw it up. XD

Because some people say flowers are romantic, others say leave them in the ground so they can be beautiful for much longer and come back next year. SO I'd ask, but that's probably the most unromantic of all? .-.

-very helpful-
Posted in Blaming the baby Posted 8 years ago
Like anyone would know the difference? Babies have the worst smells period. I would've blamed the baby too.
Posted in there's something in my room Posted 8 years ago
@Shamrock Shamus: I NEED TO KNOW YOUR STORY D: I love the paranormal :D Except right before I go to bed because this place is haunted >> <<

@toxxic: Hopefully it's nothing....because I have heard of furbys with no batteries in turning yeah. And I've heard noises in my house that make no sense....and by the time I got someone else to check it out, it stopped.
Posted in Found out my grandmother died... Posted 8 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: I wouldn't have the money for that .-. But hopefully I can get a photo from my aunt.
Posted in Found out my grandmother died... Posted 8 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: I found like three, but in none of them is she really the focus? .-.
Posted in Found out my grandmother died... Posted 8 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: Idk, but I'm gonna ask....after going through what photos I've posted on facebook from family things to see if I've got one.
Posted in Found out my grandmother died... Posted 8 years ago
@Elithiya: Yep tomorrow.
I can say goodbye from anywhere....since she isn't there anymore, you know? That's the positive. Funerals are not for the dead. They are for the living.
Posted in Found out my grandmother died... Posted 8 years ago
@Elithiya: They like to forget about us a lot. Except, one aunt tries to, though sometimes she forgets too and all....or maybe she assumes we know? Idk. But it bothers me because I now know the visitation and funeral both are tomorrow. Wait any longer and we'd miss it all, you know? Which I don't think, if I went, I'd be able to keep quiet about WHY COULD NO ONE INFORM US?! -twitch-
Posted in -stares at everyone- Posted 8 years ago
@Tuijp: -staring intensifies-

@dragoness129: I will try to be :D (Avatar's head with the hair I've got on looks so weird...must get new hair soon XD)
Posted in Found out my grandmother died... Posted 8 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: Thank you
I guess step family isn't really family. That just adds to the hurt.
And I found out that the visitation and burial are both tomorrow, nowhere near where a lot of the family is (not that it's too far to go), but I don't think I'm going to go. They won't want me there anyway....they do judge based on clothes (my brother dressed up for my dad's funeral and they seemed surprised and all that)...and all I've got to wear is blue jeans and t-shirts....I don't want to deal with that negativity on top of her death....and on top of the fact that no one even thought to tell us....and I have like no photos of her .-.

@Temujin: Thank you.
Well, at least I can no longer argue about where we stand. So....I guess no Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner unless I want to deal with them after this....

@Elithiya: Thank you.
Well, a lot of them are older, so very few are on facebook, but I guess none of them think about us or anything when it comes to things like this. It hurts to know this, but I guess it's better now than latter.

Posted in Found out my grandmother died... Posted 8 years ago
One of my family members apparently died yesterday and we only know because someone on my mother's friend list on Facebook posted about it. I used to be really close to her, and she used to babysit me all the time. But no one could tell us.

I hate finding out about deaths of my family from the new feed on Facebook. It's sad that she's gone, sad that the only reason I know is because mom noticed a post on her news feed. So be it. It's still sad all around.

This part of the family is step family, but I always just thought of them as family. I guess the step part matters to them considering no one tells us anything except one aunt who isn't in the best of health and is probably scrambling to try to take care of things right now, so I definitely do not blame one? No one could think of telling us? Even in a text? Or even a facebook message? I wouldn't know if mom hadn't seen the post....she'll probably be buried tomorrow or monday....and we have no information even if I wanted to go to visitation or the funeral....I can't. Because we, as step family, always get left out.
I only know like 3 people total that play in my city....and one of them is related to me lol