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Does....anyone play magic the gathering in here?
Posted in -stares at everyone- Posted 8 years ago
@Vii: -stares harder-
Posted in Winter Posted 8 years ago
@Espy: Move here. The state, county, city, and individual people have no idea what to do when snow or ice comes. One snow flake=everyone losses the ability to drive. You will lose the love of snow very quickly XD
Posted in Pants won't equip (FIXED! - Fozzy) Posted 8 years ago
@Raxton: I just bought a pair to try to see if they would equip....and they won't T-T
@XoGIZMOoX: You are never here, you are always there.

I am here and always will be. I can never be there.

(Don't ask or question that....I'm tired and one of my friends brings that kind of thing up every time someone asks if we're there yet while we're traveling)
Posted in -stares at everyone- Posted 8 years ago
@Espy: That's the one I was thinking of....which is not Gaia :D XD

@Raxton: Thank you :D
@Panda: Yay thank you :3
@Panda: Obviously I skip posts XD

I can haz number 8?
@Panda: I am not sadly. (I'm just a black outline due to pants not I'm just thing is okay.)

What is this number thing about?
Posted in Pants won't equip (FIXED! - Fozzy) Posted 8 years ago
@Raxton: Aren't those the only pants available in shops currently? Or am I missing something? .-.
Posted in -stares at everyone- Posted 8 years ago
@ghost: Just thought I'd ask on the off chance.

I feel like I should be looking for certain people XD I see usernames I recognize! I just don't know if they're....them? lol
I have no quests, beyond pants being equipable at the moment....which isn't something you can quest.

So...hi :3

(I herd you lieks Trisphee....)
Posted in -stares at everyone- Posted 8 years ago
@ghost: Are you the same ghost as on other websites? (Like Syndrone?)

@Espy: I recognize your name. I am on too many websites to remember which one beyond not Gaia, because I don't remember anyone from Gaia XD
Posted in Dogs or Cats (Or Other) Posted 8 years ago
I love a lot of animals XD

But I want an albino python, the type that's kind of yellow, so I can name the snek Banana and love it forever and have him/her in our banana festival parade