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Posted in The Pokemon Center Posted 7 years ago
Unless it's important, yeh.

Probably why I don't have many friends. ayooo.
@kjemi: That's good!!
I think so. Two of them are game threads, but one doesn't post as much. It's thinking, and making up creative things. Hah.
I'm really only going to be able to post on the weekends soon. I can't be bothered to post on my cellphone for the most part. It takes too long to post and I can't see much on the smaller screen. |||OTL
Yeah, good point! I try and keep conversations going, but it's hard.
I'd like to think I was a clean kid, but you never know. If your teeth hurts, then you might try and chew on the toys. x ___ x
OH man. I can hold two year olds fine, even 18 months old, but for the most part Idk. Little ones make me panic. You'd need to hold their head and make sure you're not shaking them all it. It's just too stressful. @ ___ @
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
@vig: You mean with all the new people incoming? There's a bunch of nice shops already too. x __ x
What are you going to request? O:
Posted in Sunrise ✹ [closed] Posted 7 years ago
@queen prisma: Oh okay! So longer posts yield more? That's good to know. I always feel like my giant posts are worthless sometimes. |||OTL.

Ahhh nicenice!! I can't wait until your shop is open! I managed to wipe out more than half of my money, but I should have enough for at least one by the time you open. /shifty eyes.
Damn. That's about how long it takes me for a cheeb commission. If it goes well anyway.
Yeah, you should do it!!!! Pathfinder? What's that?
Oh no! D: ! Well setting up a shop really matters!
Posted in The Pokemon Center Posted 7 years ago
I hate swype omg. The auto correct is always way off. x ___ x
I don't send texts from my computer, but I generally don't like replying to them. If I don't need to, I don't. orz.
@kjemi: Yes! I mean, I haven't heard much from the admins on the site, but that could be because they're trying to be more professional?? Which is good too.
I do that all the time! XD Plus, I'm really only active in about 8 threads or so? And some of the people don't always have something to say when I type so not many opportunities to post, I suppose. u vu //
YEAH! Ugh. Kids are so gross sometimes. x ____ x ;; I've literally seen kids eat rocks off from the playground. Like what the heck.
It was a mattress center before from what I've heard? xD Which is funny, but still. They would have tried to make it more kid friendly.
I don't know how I'll ever be able to deal with babies tbh. They're just so fragile. I feel like I would hurt them just by holding them or laying them down. x ___ x
Posted in Sunrise ✹ [closed] Posted 7 years ago
@queen prisma: Yeah, I have my chiblets at 200. n ___ n!! How much do we get for one post? I never thought to check. q ___ q
I think even 500 would be good for them! I know they take quite a while to work on. Even more so if there's more detail, you know?
Damn. I knew it. So about an hour or two to finish it? o:
Posted in The Pokemon Center Posted 7 years ago
Typing on a computer is just so much faster than texting on a phone. q vq
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
@vig: Yeah. I'm figuring I could sell them off or trade for art later. Q vQ !!

@the youngest granny: Thanks! Someone on Gaia has done a bunch of them for me!
Their name is PandaPastels if you want to look them up. q vq
Look how cute they all are!!! :

There's more, but I don't want to link them all. rip.
Posted in The Pokemon Center Posted 7 years ago
@loki: No friends. ||OTL.
But.. games on my phone are important. It's what I do all day. xD
@kjemi: Haha. I'm just excited because everyone is pretty much on the same page, you know? We're all fresh and new and want to get everything! Everyone here is so friendly already!! There hasn't been a thread where I post where someone doesn't say hello!!
There should be! I'm sure lot of parents are really cautious about using too much of it though. Some can get some neurotic. x __ x They were freaking out about the solar eclipse and it was only a partial.
I hope not either. x ___x The whole building was just made cheap. It's one of the bigger centers, so you'd think they would make sure everything was perfect. Guess not.
Ahhh. Especially when they're so young. I can't imagine what would happen to the babies in the younger rooms. /flops
Posted in Sunrise ✹ [closed] Posted 7 years ago
@queen prisma: Ooh, thanks! * V* !!! That might still help with coloring things digitally.
Awhman. Well, this website is still new. I'm not really sure anyone really know anything set. I know everyone manages things different too. q vq ;;
I think that's fair! 100 volts is reasonable! Anyone can get that pretty easily.
Pixels always go really quickly!
Augh. I just went to eat some leftovers myself. x ___ x
Posted in closed --- Posted 7 years ago
Omg, these are cute as heck.
I will be back later for ordering things. /shifty eyes.
Posted in Sunrise ✹ [closed] Posted 7 years ago
@queen prisma: Ah, yes. that is good advice. I didn't even think about that before tbh.
@ w @ ;;; I'm not used to small things, so I think that's part of the reason why I kept going to big on the pixel bases.
KJsfkjhgt. Shading is going to be my downfall, I know it.x D

Did you get any prices on anything yet??