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Posted in Zuzu's Fashion (Avatar Closet) Posted 1 year ago

1000th avatar!!!!!

Aw dang I forgot to send in my entries
I had them done the day the runway was announced but waited cause someone mentioned the recent event was soon and I decided to see what the event items were like, to see if I could use them in the avatars...and just forgot.

Posted in Too much french toast? Got extra by mistake. Posted 2 years ago

@Vozzy: okay, thank you. ^u^
I kinda skimmed the event faq before.
And since it hit the limit & didn't give me more over that, I didn't think much of it till it gave me less. Which is fine, I'll just play the puzzles more. Thanks for letting me keep the french toast.
Posted in Too much french toast? Got extra by mistake. Posted 2 years ago

So yesterday & the day before I played the jigsaw on the hard setting & got 450 French toast both times. First time I was like, huh that"s alot but I shrugged it off cause I thought maybe it was supposed to do that. But then a moment ago I just got 25 French toast from playing the hard puzzle and then I was like oh? Oh! >.<

And so I figured out that the amount before was a glitch. (should've figured it out sooner but I'm currently sick and so my brain is foggy)

So doing the math: 450+450 = 900 -75 (bought one event item yesterday) + 25 = 850 is how many french toast I currently have. And since I only played the puzzle 3 times then I should have had only 75 french toast, thus the 850 I currently have is unearned & should be removed. Sorry about that.

That art is super adorable.

The ripped threads on ' Curvy Ripped Uniform Skirt (Bark) ' is grey instead of a lighter brown.

Cute entries. Kinda makes me nostalgic for the time I went to summer camp as a kid.

Newest item 'layered long skirt' has a bit at the bottom left edge/corner that I think is missing shading? All colour variations has this issue. Little harder to see on lighter colours but it's there:

Just noticed that this issue is only on the male base but not the female base.

Congratz to the winners.

I like the new theme. Sent in my entries earlier. o3o

Event item 'rainy weather' umbrellas & umbrella mods (umbrella with arms), all have this bit at the top right corner:

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 2 years ago

@Count Trashula: I just finished making an avatar using the deity of faith >v<

Changed the wings but i like both versions >v>

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 2 years ago

@Count Trashula: that's true, here's a link to the item museum so that ye can bookmark it. o3o

It's not too up to date but it is a useful reference. ovo
Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 2 years ago

@Count Trashula: thanks >v< i look forward to making avatars with these items.

I don't remember where the item museum is either, tried finding it through the forums then remembered i had it bookmarked. XD
Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 2 years ago

@Count Trashula: thank you, i checked announcements three times & the item museum but missed it lol 😂

I'm still interested in the deity of faith but not the short circuit, i did spot a different item I'm interested in: Venomous Viper.

So can we trade my:
Tootsie, Catcher, Keep warm, & Strawberry delight.

For your:
deity of faith, cat walk, & venomous viper?