Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/27 17:19:40 )
@vengeance: yeah I’m gonna text her and see if she can do it. If at all possible if not I’ll do without. I just do not like going out of my way for something so simple
— she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/27 19:22:42 )
@vengeance: Eh it's definitely interesting at times... but my professor is super intense which is stressful, and on top of that I went blind in one eye last october and I'm still getting used to the depth perception change... so handling chemicals which can eat through concrete and such makes my stress go through the roof lol
— she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/27 19:28:07 )
@vengeance: I have a rare blood clotting disorder apparently, so a blood clot got stuck in my retina. Basically I had a stroke in my eye instead of my brain. Everything just like... suddenly went black in that eye. I was in the ICU overnight for it because they had to give me powerful clot busting medicine which had a chance of making me bleed in my brain so like... constant monitoring.
So anyway I'm still blind and on blood thinners to keep my blood from attacking itself now. 🙃